incense dreams JOURNAL - issue 1.3 - OMBRA e LUCE

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Footprints<br />

The sky is pregnant with snow behind the grey church tower. My journey<br />

from Dedham to Flatford is fraught this afternoon; I’m racing the coming<br />

snowstorm. Slogging through pastures yellow with cowslips in spring, snow<br />

begins to fall, making it hard to see far ahead.<br />

shortest day<br />

willow shadows<br />

lengthen<br />

Following the frozen Stour’s course, I see a light in the distance, enticing me<br />

onwards through the relentless snowfall; it must be Flatford Mill. I count the<br />

giant pollards as usual; only six more remain before the bridge is reached.<br />

collapsing<br />

within sight of home<br />

the fire roars<br />

Inspired by a Study of a Barge on the Stour at Dedham in Snow by Alfred<br />

Munnings.<br />

Orme<br />

Il cielo è gravido di neve dietro la grigia torre della chiesa. Il mio viaggio da<br />

Dedham a Flatford è teso questo pomeriggio; sto correndo verso la prossima<br />

tempesta di neve. Scivolando tra i pascoli gialli di primule in primavera, la<br />

neve comincia a cadere, rendendo difficile guardare lontano.<br />

il giorno più corto<br />

ombre di salici<br />

si allungano

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