English Lingua Franca Nova Dictionary

English Lingua Franca Nova Dictionary

English Lingua Franca Nova Dictionary


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hydrolyse idrolise (vt)<br />

hydrolysis idrolise (n)<br />

hydrolyze idrolise (vt)<br />

hydrophile idrofil (n)<br />

hydrophilia idrofilia (n)<br />

hydrophilic idrofil (a)<br />

hydrophobe idrofobica (n)<br />

hydrophobia idrofobia (n)<br />

hydrophobic idrofobica (a)<br />

hydroplane avion de mar (n)<br />

hydrosphere idrosfera (n)<br />

hydrostatic idrostatica (a)<br />

hydrostatic balance ecuilibra<br />

idrostatica (n)<br />

hydrostatic equilibrium ecuilibra<br />

idrostatica (n)<br />

Hydrus (constellation) la Idra Mas (n)<br />

hyena (mammal: fam<br />

Hyaenidae) iena (n)<br />

hygiene ijenia (n)<br />

hygienic ijenial (a)<br />

hymen imen (n)<br />

hymn imno (n)<br />

hyperacidity iperasidia (n)<br />

hyperactive iperativa (a)<br />

hyperactivity iperativia (n)<br />

hyperbaric iperbara (a)<br />

hypercube ipercubo (n)<br />

hyperglycaemia iperglisemia (n)<br />

hyperglycemia iperglisemia (n)<br />

hyperhidrosis iperidrose (n)<br />

hyperkinesia ipercinesia (n)<br />

hyperlink iperlia (n)<br />

hyperlipidaemia iperlipidemia (n)<br />

hyperlipidemia iperlipidemia (n)<br />

hyperostosis iperostose (n)<br />

hyperphagia iperfajia (n)<br />

hyperplasia iperplasia (n)<br />

hyperpyrexia iperpirexia (n)<br />

hyperreflexia ipereflexia (n)<br />

hypersecrete ipersecrete (vt)<br />

hypersecretion ipersecrete (n)<br />

hypersensitive ipersensosa (a)<br />

hyperstimulate iperstimula (vt)<br />

hyperstimulation iperstimula (n)<br />

hypertension ipertensa (n)<br />

hypertensive ipertensal (a, n)<br />

hypertext ipertesto (n)<br />

HyperText Markup Language<br />

(HTML) <strong>Lingua</strong> de Eticetas per<br />

Ipertesto (n)<br />

hyperthermia ipertermia (n)<br />

hyperthyroidism ipertiroidia (n)<br />

hypertonia ipertonia (n)<br />

hypertrichosis ipertricose (n)<br />

hypertrophy ipertrofia (n)<br />

hyperuricaemia iperurisemia (n)<br />

hyperuricemia iperurisemia (n)<br />

hyperventilate supraspira (vi)<br />

hyperventilation supraspira (n)<br />

hyphen sinia de junta (n)<br />

hypnosis ipnose (n)<br />

hypnotic ipnosal (a)<br />

hypnotism ipnose (n)<br />

hypnotist ipnosiste (n)<br />

hypnotize ipnose (vt)<br />

hypnotizer ipnosiste (n)<br />

hypochondriac ipocondrica (a),<br />

ipocondrica (n)<br />

hypochondriasis ipocondria (n)<br />

hypocolius (bird: spe Hypocolius<br />

ampelinus) ipocolio (n)<br />

hypocrisy ipocritia (a)<br />

hypocrite ipocrita (n)<br />

hypocritical ipocrita (a)<br />

hypodermic ipodermal (a)<br />

hypodermis ipoderma (n)<br />

hypoglycaemia ipoglisemia (n)<br />

hypoglycemia ipoglisemia (n)<br />

hypogonadism ipogonadia (n)<br />

hypokalaemia ipocalemia (n)<br />

hypokalemia ipocalemia (n)<br />

hypomania ipomania (n)<br />

hypophysial ipofisal (a)<br />

hypotension ipotensa (n)<br />

hypotensive ipotensal (a, n)<br />

hypothalamus ipotalamo (n)<br />

hypothermia ipotermia (n)<br />

hypothesis ipotese (n)<br />

hypothesise ipotese (vt)<br />

hypothesize ipotese (vt)<br />

hypothetical ipotesal (a)<br />

hypothetically ipotesal (adv)<br />

hypoxaemia iposemia (n)<br />

hypoxemia iposemia (n)<br />

hypoxia iposia (n)<br />

hyrax (mammal: fam<br />

Procaviidae) iraco (n)<br />

hysterectomy isterectomia (n)<br />

hysteria isteria (n)<br />

hysterical isterica (a)<br />

-i -an (n), -es (n), I (n), -ica (n), me<br />

(pron), -sce (n)<br />

iamb iambo (n)<br />

I<br />

iambic iambal (a)<br />

I am in pain me dole<br />

I-beam faxon I (n)<br />

Iberia Iberia (n)<br />

Iberian iberian (a, n)<br />

ibex (mammal: various members of<br />

gen Capra) ibex (n)<br />

ibis (bird: subfam<br />

Threskiornithinae) ibis (n)<br />

ibisbill (wading bird: spe<br />

Ibidorhyncha struthersii) becoibisin<br />

(comp) (n)<br />

-ible [added to a verb: capable or<br />

worthy of being -ed (lejable)] -<br />

able (suf, a)<br />

-ica -an (n), -es (n), -i (n), -sce (n)<br />

ice jelo (n)<br />

ice age eda glasial (n)<br />

iceberg isberg (n)<br />

icecap glasia (n)<br />

ice-cold jelin fria (a)<br />

ice cream crema jelada (n)<br />

Iceland Island (n)<br />

Icelander islansce (a, n)<br />

Icelandic (person, language) islansce<br />

(a, n)<br />

ice rink patineria (n)<br />

icicle spina de jelo (n)<br />

icon icon (n)<br />

iconic iconal (a)<br />

icosahedral icosaedro (a)<br />

icosahedron icosaedro (n)<br />

ICT infotecnolojia (n)<br />

icy jelin (a)<br />

id (psychology) id (n)<br />

ID card carta de identia (n)<br />

idea idea (n)<br />

ideal ideal (a)<br />

idealism idealisme (n)<br />

idealist idealiste (n)<br />

idealistic idealiste (a)<br />

ideality idealia (n)<br />

idealization ideali (n)<br />

idealize ideali (vi)<br />

ideally ideal (adv)<br />

identical identica (a)<br />

identical twin jemelo identica (n)<br />

identical [usually in the form “la<br />

mesma”] mesma (det)<br />

identifiable identifiable (a)<br />

identification identifia (n)<br />

identified identifiada (a)<br />

identify identifia (vt)<br />

identity identia (n)<br />

identity card carta de identia (n)<br />


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