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“I’m sorry, I not supposed to even let you talk to me. See that sign? But I’ll tell you

what I will do.” Air brakes sounded and Greg was hurled into the small foxhole by the bus’s

front accordion door.

Somewhere on a New Mexico highway, Staff Sergeant Gregory “Greg” Wofford

Henderson, Jr., Serial Number 607-90-1112, began his 100-degree force-marched recon for

pants as his bus roared off.

Putting one dust-covered, spit-shined shoe in front of the other at noon in the land of

the Apache, was different from the screen glamour of Clint Eastwood’s desert walk in The

Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The dry New Mexico air was also very different from the humid,

breezeless, hot vapor of the Delta on the day they were hit.


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