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English Church Music vol2: Canticles & Responses

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  • Responses
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  • Magnificat
Oxford Choral Classics: English Church Music assembles in two volumes around 100 of the finest examples of English sacred choral music. The second volume presents a wealth of service material suitable for use throughout the year. The evening canticles are given due space, with seventeen settings, including those by Byrd, Gibbons, Purcell, Walmisley, Stanford, Noble, Howells, Walton, and Tippett. Also included are settings of the Te Deum and Jubilate Deo, alongside seven settings of the Preces and Responses and two additional early Lord's Prayers. The selection is completed with three supplementary items: a set of previously unpublished Psalm chants by Howells, John Sanders's Good Friday Reproaches, and a written-out Order for Compline. Robert King has prepared completely new editions of all the pre-twentieth-century works, going back to the earliest and most reliable manuscripts or printed sources. Playable keyboard reductions have been added for the majority of unaccompanied items

50 Gibbons: Magnificat

50 Gibbons: Magnificat (Second Service) 75 - gry with good things, and the rich he hath sent emp - ty a-way, and the - gry with good things, and the rich he hath sent with good things, and the rich he hath sent emp - ty a - way, with good things, and the rich he hath sent emp - ty, and the rich he with good things, and the rich he hath sent emp - ty, for online perusal only 79 rich he hath sent emp - ty, and the rich he hath sent emp - ty a - way. emp-ty a - way, and the rich he hath sent emp-ty a-way, sent emp - ty a - way. hath and the rich he hath sent emp-ty a - way, sent emp-ty a - way. sent emp-ty a - way, sent emp-ty a - way, and the rich he hath sent emp-ty a - way. and the rich he hath sent, and the rich he hath sent emp - ty a - way.

S. 85 90 95 mp He He Gibbons: Magnificat (Second Service) VERSE SOLO A.2 re - mem-b’ring his mer - re - mem-b’ring his mer - cy, re - mem-b’ring his He re - mem-b’ring his mer - cy, re - mem - b’ring his - cy hath holp - en his ser - vant Is - ra - el, hath holp - en his ser-vant Is - mer mer - cy hath holp - en his ser-vant Is - ra - el, his ser - vant - cy hath holp - en his ser - vant Is - ra - el, his ser-vant Is - ra - el, his ser - vant - ra - el, as he pro-mis - ed to our fore -fa - Is - ra - el, as he pro-mis -ed, as he pro-mis - ed to our fore - Is - ra - el, as he pro-mis - ed to our fore - fa - thers, mf SOLO SOLO for online perusal only 51

  • Page 1 and 2:

    2 CHORAL CLASSICS English Church Mu

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    1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX

  • Page 5 and 6: PREFACE The aim of the Oxford Chora
  • Page 7 and 8: Preface School of Church Music; Mar
  • Page 9 and 10: 15 22
  • Page 11 and 12: Blair: Magnificat in B minor 5 41
  • Page 13 and 14: Blair: Magnificat in B minor 7 74
  • Page 15 and 16: Blair: Magnificat in B minor 9 103
  • Page 17 and 18: 11 SOPRANO ALTO TENOR BASS An
  • Page 19 and 20: Blair: Nunc dimittis in B minor 13
  • Page 21 and 22: 15 2. Magnificat from the Second Se
  • Page 23 and 24: Byrd: Magnificat (Second Service) 1
  • Page 25 and 26: Byrd: Magnificat (Second Service) 1
  • Page 27 and 28: S. A. T. B. 69 73
  • Page 29 and 30: 23 2a. Nunc dimittis from the Secon
  • Page 31 and 32: S. A. T. Byrd: Nunc dimittis (Secon
  • Page 33 and 34: Byrd: Nunc dimittis (Second Service
  • Page 35 and 36: Dyson: Magnificat in D minor 29 29
  • Page 37 and 38: 31 3a. Nunc dimittis in D (transpos
  • Page 39 and 40: 33 SOPRANO Medius
  • Page 41 and 42: Gibbons: Magnificat (Short Service)
  • Page 43 and 44: Gibbons: Magnificat (Short Service)
  • Page 45 and 46: Gibbons: Magnificat (Short Service)
  • Page 47 and 48: 11 16 Gibbons: Nun
  • Page 49 and 50: Gibbons: Nunc dimittis (Short Servi
  • Page 51 and 52: Gibbons: Magnificat (Second Service
  • Page 53 and 54: Gibbons: Magnificat (Second Service
  • Page 55: Gibbons: Magnificat (Second Service
  • Page 59 and 60: Gibbons: Magnificat (Second Service
  • Page 61 and 62: 55 5a. Nunc dimittis from the Secon
  • Page 63 and 64: Gibbons: Nunc dimittis (Second Serv
  • Page 65 and 66: Gibbons: Nunc dimittis (Second Serv
  • Page 67 and 68: 61 6. Magnificat from the Short Ser
  • Page 69 and 70: Hooper: Magnificat (Short Service)
  • Page 71 and 72: Hooper: Magnificat (Short Service)
  • Page 73 and 74: Hooper: Magnificat (Short Service)
  • Page 75 and 76: mf dim.
  • Page 77 and 78: Hooper: Nunc dimittis (Short Servic
  • Page 79 and 80: 73 7. Magnificat in B minor HERBERT
  • Page 81 and 82: Howells: Magnificat in B minor 75 2
  • Page 83 and 84: Howells: Magnificat in B minor 77 4
  • Page 85 and 86: Howells: Magnificat in B minor 79 6
  • Page 87 and 88: Howells: Magnificat in B minor 81 8
  • Page 89 and 90: Howells: Magnificat in B minor 83 1
  • Page 91 and 92: Howells: Nunc dimittis in B minor 8
  • Page 93 and 94: Howells: Nunc dimittis in B minor 8
  • Page 95 and 96: Howells: Nunc dimittis in B minor 8
  • Page 97 and 98: Noble: Magnificat in B minor 91 14
  • Page 99 and 100: Noble: Magnificat in B minor 93 41
  • Page 101 and 102: Noble: Magnificat in B minor 95 66
  • Page 103 and 104: Noble: Magnificat in B minor 97 93
  • Page 105 and 106: 99 SOPRANO ALTO [Andante] h = 72 p
  • Page 107 and 108:

    Noble: Nunc dimittis in B minor 101

  • Page 109 and 110:

    Noble: Nunc dimittis in B minor 103

  • Page 111 and 112:

    Purcell: Magnificat in G minor 105

  • Page 113 and 114:

    Purcell: Magnificat in G minor 107

  • Page 115 and 116:

    Purcell: Magnificat in G minor 109

  • Page 117 and 118:

    Purcell: Magnificat in G minor 111

  • Page 119 and 120:

    Purcell: Nunc dimittis in G minor 1

  • Page 121 and 122:

    Purcell: Nunc dimittis in G minor 1

  • Page 123 and 124:

    Stanford: Magnificat in A 117 20

  • Page 125 and 126:

    Stanford: Magnificat in A 119 S. A.

  • Page 127 and 128:

    Stanford: Magnificat in A 121 96

  • Page 129 and 130:

    Stanford: Magnificat in A 123 131

  • Page 131 and 132:

    Stanford: Magnificat in A 125 S. A.

  • Page 133 and 134:

    Stanford: Magnificat in A 127 208

  • Page 135 and 136:

    129 10a. Nunc dimittis in A CHARLES

  • Page 137 and 138:

    Stanford: Nunc dimittis in A 131 31

  • Page 139 and 140:

    Stanford: Nunc dimittis in A 133 S.

  • Page 141 and 142:

    81 86

  • Page 143 and 144:

    Stanford: Magnificat in B flat 137

  • Page 145 and 146:

    Stanford: Magnificat in B flat 139

  • Page 147 and 148:

    Stanford: Magnificat in B flat 141

  • Page 149 and 150:

    Stanford: Magnificat in B flat 143

  • Page 151 and 152:

    Stanford: Nunc dimittis in B flat 1

  • Page 153 and 154:

    Stanford: Nunc dimittis in B flat 1

  • Page 155 and 156:

    14 a tempo A f

  • Page 157 and 158:

    Stanford: Magnificat in C 151 44

  • Page 159 and 160:

    Stanford: Magnificat in C 153 77

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  • Page 163 and 164:

    Stanford: Nunc dimittis in C 157 34

  • Page 165 and 166:

    159 13. Magnificat in G CHARLES VIL

  • Page 167 and 168:

    Stanford: Magnificat in G 161 S. So

  • Page 169 and 170:

    Stanford: Magnificat in G 163 42

  • Page 171 and 172:

    Stanford: Magnificat in G 165 63

  • Page 173 and 174:

    Stanford: Magnificat in G 167 83 F

  • Page 175 and 176:

    Stanford: Magnificat in G 169 108

  • Page 177 and 178:

    171 13a. Nunc dimittis in G CHARLES

  • Page 179 and 180:

    Stanford: Nunc dimittis in G 173 31

  • Page 181 and 182:

    Stanford: Nunc dimittis in G 175 60

  • Page 183 and 184:

    Tippett: Magnificat 177 19 f

  • Page 185 and 186:

    Tippett: Magnificat 179 52 f

  • Page 187 and 188:

    Tippett: Magnificat 181 91 f

  • Page 189 and 190:

    Tippett: Magnificat 183 128 p

  • Page 191 and 192:

    Tippett: Magnificat 185 154

  • Page 193 and 194:

    Tippett: Magnificat 187 170 - me

  • Page 195 and 196:

    Tippett: Nunc dimittis 189 18

  • Page 197 and 198:

    Tippett: Nunc dimittis 191 42

  • Page 199 and 200:

    Walmisley: Magnificat in D minor 19

  • Page 201 and 202:

    Walmisley: Magnificat in D minor 19

  • Page 203 and 204:

    197 Walmisley: Magnificat in D

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    Walmisley: Magnificat in D minor 19

  • Page 207 and 208:

    Walmisley: Magnificat in D minor 20

  • Page 209 and 210:

    Walmisley: Nunc dimittis in D minor

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    Walmisley: Nunc dimittis in D minor

  • Page 213 and 214:

    Walton: Magnificat 207 15 e

  • Page 215 and 216:

    Walton: Magnificat 209 40 f marcato

  • Page 217 and 218:

    Walton: Magnificat 211 67

  • Page 219 and 220:

    101 1

  • Page 221 and 222:

    Walton: Magnificat 215 131

  • Page 223 and 224:

    Walton: Nunc dimittis 217 S. A. T.

  • Page 225 and 226:

    Walton: Nunc dimittis 219 38 al

  • Page 227 and 228:

    Wood: Magnificat in E flat 221 16

  • Page 229 and 230:

    Wood: Magnificat in E flat 223 44

  • Page 231 and 232:

    Wood: Magnificat in E flat 225 69

  • Page 233 and 234:

    Wood: Magnificat in E flat 227 101

  • Page 235 and 236:

    Wood: Nunc dimittis in E flat 229 1

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    Wood: Nunc dimittis in E flat 231 4

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    Stanford: Te Deum in C 233 14 f

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    Stanford: Te Deum in C 235 50 [ f

  • Page 243 and 244:

    Stanford: Te Deum in C 237 91

  • Page 245 and 246:

    Stanford: Te Deum in C 239 142 - er

  • Page 247 and 248:

    Stanford: Te Deum in C 241 194 p

  • Page 249 and 250:

    Stanford: Te Deum in C 243 231 p S

  • Page 251 and 252:

    245 18a. Jubilate Deo in C f

  • Page 253 and 254:

    Stanford: Jubilate Deo in C 247 58

  • Page 255 and 256:

    Stanford: Jubilate Deo in C 249 106

  • Page 257 and 258:

    Vaughan Williams: Te Deum in G 251

  • Page 259 and 260:

    Vaughan Williams: Te Deum in G 253

  • Page 261 and 262:

    Vaughan Williams: Te Deum in G 255

  • Page 263 and 264:

    Vaughan Williams: Te Deum in G 257

  • Page 265 and 266:

    Vaughan Williams: Te Deum in G 259

  • Page 267 and 268:

    Vaughan Williams: Te Deum in G 261

  • Page 269 and 270:

    Walton: Jubilate Deo 263 12

  • Page 271 and 272:

    Walton: Jubilate Deo 265 38

  • Page 273 and 274:

    Walton: Jubilate Deo 267 S. 83 S

  • Page 275 and 276:

    Walton: Jubilate Deo 269 112

  • Page 277 and 278:


  • Page 279 and 280:

    Ayleward: Preces and Responses 273

  • Page 281 and 282:

    Ayleward: Preces and Responses 275

  • Page 283 and 284:

    Byrd: Preces and Responses 277 19

  • Page 285 and 286:

    Byrd: Preces and Responses 279 54

  • Page 287 and 288:

    Ebdon: Preces and Responses 281 15

  • Page 289 and 290:

    283 MINISTER O Lord, open thou ou

  • Page 291 and 292:

    Jackson: Preces and Responses 285 m

  • Page 293 and 294:

    Jackson: Preces and Responses 287

  • Page 295 and 296:

    Radcliffe: Preces and Responses 289

  • Page 297 and 298:

    Radcliffe: Preces and Responses 291

  • Page 299 and 300:

    MINISTER O Lord, open thou our lips

  • Page 301 and 302:

    Smith: Preces and Responses 295 29

  • Page 303 and 304:

    297 27. Preces and Responses The Pr

  • Page 305 and 306:

    Tomkins: Preces and Responses 299 2

  • Page 307 and 308:

    Tomkins: Preces and Responses 301 5

  • Page 309 and 310:

    Farmer: The Lord’s Prayer 303 13

  • Page 311 and 312:

    305 30. Three Psalm Chants (1972) H

  • Page 313 and 314:

    307 Words from Holy Week Services b

  • Page 315 and 316:

    Sanders: The Reproaches 309 S. 30 L

  • Page 317 and 318:

    Sanders: The Reproaches 311 S. A. T

  • Page 319 and 320:

    Sanders: The Reproaches 313 99 VERS

  • Page 321 and 322:

    An Order for Compline 315 DECANI

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    An Order for Compline 317 CHOIR A

  • Page 325 and 326:

    An Order for Compline 319 PRECENT

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    and with the doubled octaves that d

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    only 35. He pressed the college and

  • Page 331 and 332:

    much to the past. He used minim not

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    327 Cantoris partbook (alto 2) is m

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    329 directorship of the Three Choir

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    2 CHORAL CLASSICS Under the general

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