9 years ago

Centurion United Kingdom Autumn 2014

Centurion UK 2014 Autumn Edition


ART & DESIGN A CLOSE-UP ON THE ARTISTS, ARTISANS AND ARCHITECTS ENLIVENING OUR WORLD ALL SHOOK UP PHOTO MARTIN KREUZER CLASSICS REINVENTED The art of the cocktail and its rich heritage provide fresh impetus for two firms at the forefront of mixology. By Franziska Seng There are purists who won’t allow a single drop of water anywhere near their XO or single malt. Then there are others who will drop everything for the perfect alchemy of a superbly mixed drink. They take pilgrimages to hallowed cocktail haunts like the Golden Bar in Munich, where an encyclopedic array of mixtures and possibilities await. No surprise, then, to discover that owner Klaus St Rainer is a purist when it comes to spirited concoctions. And yet, to ensure he possessed the very best possible implements to create the finest elixirs, he went a step further and CENTURION-MAGAZINE.COM 63