4 years ago

Departures IDC Spring 2020

  • Text
  • Suites
  • Tokyo
  • Features
  • Okinawan
  • Wellness
  • Islands
  • Resort
  • Cruises
  • Okinawa
  • Departures


4 DEPARTURES SPRING 2020 Features 50 Suit Yourself Reimagining the power suit for the 2020s, a provocative fashion statement for her. Styled by Elisa Vallata Photographs by Diego Merino 56 A Moveable Feast The classic Paris bistro has been updated with creative cuisine – and service with a smile. By Elaine Sciolino Photographs by Alex Cretey Systermans 64 Pure and Simple Renowned for the longevity of its inhabitants, Okinawa is a wellness seeker’s paradise. By Amelia Lester Photographs by Yoshihiro Makino p 50 A Jil Sander suit with defiant style DIEGO MERINO