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ITB China News 2019 - Day 2 Edition

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10 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WE ARE HONOURED TO BE ITB CHINA’S OFFICIAL HOTEL PARTNER THIS YEAR AND WORK CLOSELY TOGETHER AGAIN Leo Liu President, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Greater China A key partner Leo Liu, president of Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Greater China talks about why his group is back at ITB China as a main player. Wyndham has again partnered with ITB China this year. Last year they already took the big step of becoming official hotel partner of the event. We asked Leo Liu, President of Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Greater China to tell us about the partnership. Wyndham Hotels & Resorts debuted at the ITB Show in 2017, and this will be our third consecutive year participating. All of them have been very rewarding. Last year we were one of ITB China’s strategic partners. During the three-day exhibition, over 240 meetings were scheduled with potential buyers at our Wyndham Hotels & Resorts booth. These included inbound and outbound independent and group travel agencies, convention organisers, and corporate clients. Approximately 15,000 top qualified local and international trade visitors attended and learnt about our brands, our latest developments, and our plans for Wyndham Hotels & Resorts in Greater China in particular. We also engaged them through speaking with our on-site representatives, our news piece on Travel Daily, and via many themed panels and presentations. The ITB China Show last year not only helped our brand’s visibility, our hotels also have established direct contact and created business opportunities with many diverse customers including OTA, business travel management companies, customized travel tour companies, hotel wholesalers and many others. It’s fair to say that the exposure through ITB China greatly benefited the overall development of Wyndham Hotels and Resorts in Greater China. What does the partnership entail? What are its goals? We are honoured to be ITB China’s official hotel partner this year and work closely together again. ITB China has a long-standing reputation in the industry. ITB not only shares its international vision to the many travel marketing professionals who attend, it also provides an excellent platform for those professionals to connect, all with the ultimate goal of bringing our Chinese consumers the best travel experience possible. This year, ITB China is also partnering with the Italian Tourism Bureau and Air China, and we look forward to forming meaningful strategic collaborations with them too. I trust that through our various partnership and marketing initiatives in bringing the group greater exposure, more and more Chinese and foreign tourists will be discovering and staying with us and have Wyndham’s hotels as their top choice as they plan their travels. The Chinese market is one of Wyndham Hotels & Resorts’ key strategic focal points outside of our America market. With the group’s already proven success in China’s first- and second-tier cities, we are spending more energy in penetrating into the third- and fourth-tier cities as well as the Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan regions, by introducing more new hotel brands into these markets. Collaboration with ITB opens the door to many opportunities in my opinion, and it would undoubtedly help the execution of our group’s strategy - “all-stars, multiple brands, new model” in Greater China. What new products and services are being promoted this year by Wyndham at ITB China, and what does your roadmap look like for the coming years? In addition to our China office’s Global Sales team, we also welcomed representatives from around 18 domestic and international hotel brands within our group to participate in the event. For instance: Wyndham Grand Crete Mirabello Bay, Ramada Plaza Milano, as well as several soon to be opened properties including Wingate by Wyndham Haikou Chengmai, Wyndham Grand KN Paradise Cam Ranh in Vietnam, and many others. As we all know, the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in Zhangjiakou, China. Wyndham Hotels & Resorts is thrilled to have an exciting new project in close proximity to the main skiing venue for the Games. We are looking forward to providing a warm and comfortable experience for our sport-loving guests, in keeping with our renowned hospitality standard. Wyndham Hotels & Resorts has always been optimistic about the development of China’s new tourist market, and will continue to support and enable China’s tourism industry ITB CHINA NEWS • Thursday 16 th May 2019

SPECIAL FEATURE: WELLNESS / 特 色 报 道 : 健 康 养 生 11 ADVERTORIAL Wellness growing in popularity Wellness is increasingly important – if not as a singular reason to travel – at least as a “key” part of one’s package. A recent report by the Global Wellness Institute indicates that while the global market for wellness tourism was valued at US9bn in 2018, it is forecast to reach US9bn in 2022, meaning it is growing twice as fast as the tourism market overall. North America drives the most wellness tourism revenues (2 billion annually) Boracay Resorts promote healthy living at ITB China BORACAY MANDARIN ISLAND HOTEL Famous for its Traditional Filipino Hilot Massage, the Mandarin Spa at the Philippines Boracay Mandarin Spa is considered one of the top wellness and relaxation providers in the Philippines. Therapists receive full training in the art of Hilot and other spa treatments such as Hot Stone Aromatherapy, Natural Body Scrubs, Holistic Treatments and Facial Services. and Europe the most wellness trips (292 million), but Asia-Pacific is the eye-opening growth leader, with wellness trips growing a whopping 33% in the past two years. China and India ranked #1 and #2 for growth in the survey: adding roughly 22 million and 17 million wellness trips respectively from 2015-2017 CRIMSON RESORT AND SPA, BORACAY The property is cloistered in the exclusive location that is Station Zero – one of the newest destinations in Boracay. The resort prides itself with a warm and bold ambiance of elegant contemporary landscape and architecture enveloped in Filipino island living’s exquisite charm STAND C047 沉 浸 于 意 大 利 自 然 美 景 中 愉 悦 身 心 提 起 意 大 利 , 人 们 脑 海 中 立 刻 浮 现 出 浪 漫 水 城 威 尼 斯 、 文 艺 复 兴 时 期 的 古 典 名 画 、 宏 伟 的 古 罗 马 斗 兽 场 , 甚 至 是 引 人 食 指 大 动 的 意 大 利 美 食 …… 同 时 , 意 大 利 还 是 一 个 “ 养 生 大 国 ”, 它 以 女 性 84 岁 、 男 性 78.3 岁 的 平 均 寿 命 荣 列 欧 洲 第 一 长 寿 治 国 , 它 也 是 欧 洲 卫 生 保 健 系 统 最 完 善 的 国 家 之 一 。 位 于 意 大 利 东 北 部 的 威 尼 托 大 区 (Veneto) 以 其 非 凡 的 风 景 而 闻 名 , 同 时 它 更 是 充 满 活 力 、 健 康 和 放 松 的 理 想 度 假 胜 地 , 在 这 里 人 们 可 以 享 受 一 个 身 心 代 温 泉 中 心 将 罗 马 浴 场 、 温 泉 蒸 汽 浴 、 芬 兰 桑 拿 、 精 油 按 摩 、 芳 香 疗 法 与 传 统 疗 法 有 机 结 合 , 奉 上 呵 护 身 心 的 悦 人 体 验 。 聚 焦 阿 斯 蒂 省 , 尼 扎 与 蒂 廖 莱 谷 之 间 , 绝 美 高 地 之 上 , 坐 落 着 阿 利 亚 诺 泰 尔 梅 。 这 里 有 意 大 利 疗 愈 效 果 最 好 、 最 丰 富 的 山 泉 , 自 1700 年 被 发 现 之 时 , 就 被 当 地 人 看 作 世 间 “ 奇 迹 ”。 当 地 的 康 体 中 心 现 代 设 施 齐 全 , 若 钟 情 户 外 , 带 有 泳 池 的 露 营 地 也 是 下 榻 理 想 选 择 。 如 果 你 更 钟 爱 一 个 充 满 活 力 的 假 期 , 普 利 亚 大 区 是 一 个 不 错 的 选 择 , 你 可 以 自 由 选 择 最 喜 欢 © AlenaPaulus - iStock by Getty Images Lago del Predil, Julian Alps, Italy Boracay island resorts feature at Philippines stand @ ITB China LN Dongfang Hot Spring Resort opens in Shaoguan With 258 guest rooms, the new 5-star hotel is managed by LN Hotels. With a construction area of 45,480 sq m, it is located in Wentang Hot Spring Resort, Ruyuan Yao Autonomous County, Shaoguan City. Facilities include a convention center, Chinese and Western restaurants, Spa and hot springs STAND E077 愉 悦 的 假 期 。 威 尼 托 地 处 尤 佳 宁 山 区 (Euganean hills), 阿 巴 诺 (Abano) 和 蒙 特 格 罗 托 ( Montegrotto) 等 具 有 治 疗 功 能 的 天 然 温 泉 使 其 成 为 欧 洲 最 大 的 水 疗 中 心 之 一 。 除 了 被 官 方 定 义 为 超 高 温 钠 溴 碘 温 泉 的 绝 佳 泉 质 , 坐 落 于 死 火 山 地 区 的 优 越 地 理 位 置 更 让 这 里 的 温 泉 浴 泥 声 名 远 播 。 在 皮 埃 蒙 特 大 区 , 早 自 古 代 , 亚 历 山 德 里 亚 省 阿 奎 泰 尔 梅 就 因 35 条 泉 水 闻 名 于 世 , 从 位 于 市 中 心 的 Bollente 泉 , 到 越 过 博 尔 米 达 河 的 众 多 温 泉 , 众 多 现 的 运 动 。 无 论 是 新 手 还 是 专 业 玩 家 , 远 足 、 骑 马 、 冲 浪 或 浮 潜 适 合 所 有 游 客 。 从 圣 切 萨 雷 亚 (Santa Cesarea) 到 马 尔 盖 里 塔 · 迪 · 萨 沃 亚 (Margherita di Savoia) 的 温 泉 健 康 中 心 , 提 供 专 业 与 悉 心 的 服 务 , 令 游 客 在 水 疗 中 重 振 精 神 。 优 质 的 温 泉 , 迷 人 的 自 然 环 境 和 悠 闲 的 小 镇 生 活 , 令 人 沉 浸 于 意 大 利 自 然 美 景 的 同 时 愉 悦 身 心 。 展 台 号 A051 / D071 ITB CHINA NEWS • Thursday 16 th May 2019