2 years ago


  • Text
  • Volume
  • Pines
  • Features
  • Aviation
  • Artists
  • Southern
  • Boulud
  • Shoffner
  • Calvados
  • Hudson
  • Netjets


TAKING OFF AS WE HEAD INTO FALL—a time that can be very busy at home and at work—all of us at NetJets are rededicating ourselves to the idea of renewal. We look forward to sharing with you some of the amazing features that our editorial team put together. As hectic as this year has been for those of you reading this, we all know how important it is to take a moment and reflect. Perhaps that means you are taking a well-deserved trip to a favorite destination with your family or finding time to begin that hobby you always said you never had time for. Or maybe you are looking for ways to incorporate wellness into your everyday routine, as so many of us are these days. Our editors took an expansive look at all things running in the summer issue, and this fall they investigate how e-bikes are allowing cyclists of different abilities the opportunity to ride together for more meaningful experiences and exercise. They find inspiration by visiting the French apple brandy region of Calvados where two elements—craft spirits and cider—collide to produce a seasonal liquor for the senses. Then they report from the Hudson Valley, where there are freshly unveiled hostelries, restaurants, and attractions popping up in every conceivable corner. Some of my favorites in this issue are the lifestyle features, where you’ll read about Alaska native John Shoffner, who is training to fly Axiom’s Ax-2 mission for an eight-day stay on the International Space Station; and the team connects with William Chase to hear what’s next for the Herefordshire, UK-based entrepreneur. Finally, we bring you all the latest in NetJets news, travel tips, and information about our partners. We hope you enjoy this edition of the magazine and wish you safe travels wherever they may take you. Only NetJets! Adam Johnson Chairman and CEO C O N T R I B U T O R S BILL KNOTT The London-based restaurateur and food writer gets a glimpse into the world of Daniel Boulud, the towering creative mind behind the reinvention of a Manhattan icon, Le Pavillon, in Updating the Classics (page 64). ELISA VALLATA For Fit For a Queen (page 60), the Italian stylist and fashion expert has selected and arranged some of this season’s most spectacular jewels against the backdrop of a beautifully crafted chessboard from Purling London. LARRY OLMSTED An award-winning golf author, the American looks at the legacy of legendary course designer Donald Ross and gets an insight into The Glorious Restoration (page 32) that’s taken place at North Carolina’s Southern Pines. JIM CLARKE The well-traveled wine and spirits specialist ventures from his New York home to a fascinating part of France to catch up on the developments in Calvados and discovers the Spirit of Normandy (page 68) is enjoying its time in the spotlight. JOHN McNAMARA Always eager for assistance, the managing editor of NetJets, The Magazine evaluates the latest e-bikes on the market and how they ease travel around town and country—and do so with style—in Power to the Pedal (page 48). This symbol throughout the magazine denotes the nearest airport served by NetJets to the story’s subject, with approximate distances in miles where applicable. 4 NetJets

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