3 months ago

Bob Chilcott This Day

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This Day unites five very different texts, both sacred and secular, in an exploration of man's relationship with the world and with God. Opening with an optimistic F sharp major setting of Emily Dickinson's 'Bring me the sunset in a cup', the work progresses through the stages of a day (or, indeed, a life): 'Awake, my soul!' (Thomas Ken), 'This Day' (Jewish text, adapted Chilcott), 'The Bright Field' (R.S. Thomas), and 'O Lord, support us' (John Henry Newman). This is powerfully evocative music embracing a range of moods and styles, with moments of joyful optimism, spiritual enlightenment, and poignancy.

7 72

7 72 unis. - self, my heart, And with the Ang - els bear thy part, Who all night long un - wear -ied sing High 78 ff praise to the e - ter - nal King. A - 83 unis. - wake, a-wake, ye heav’n - ly choir, May your de-vo - tion me in - spire, That ff 88 I like you my age may spend, Like you may on my God at - tend. A - fff 93 ( ) - wake! A - wake! A - wake! fff for online perusal only

8 Jewish text adap. Bob Chilcott 3. This Day 98 With warmth q = c.72 S./A. unis. mp dolce This day will you strength us. mp dolce 101 This day will you bless us. This day will you lift us, vi - sit us for good. for online perusal only 104 mf This day in - scribe us for a hap - py, hap - py life. mf

Copyright © Oxford University Press 2018

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