10 months ago

Richard Causton Choral Sampler

  • Text
  • Richard causton
  • Choral
  • Choir
  • Causton

4 Composer’s note This

4 Composer’s note This is a setting of the famous cradle song, Balulalow, attributed to the Scottish brothers James, John, and Robert Wedderburn, who were born in Dundee in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The piece should be sung with a smooth legato, and the refrain with a rather dark quality. It can be performed either by mixed choir or by solo voices. for online perusal only

5 for David Wordsworth and the Addison Singers Cradle Song attrib. James, John, and Robert Wedderburn (c.1567) SOPRANO ALTO TENOR BASS KEYBOARD (optional) Smooth and flowing h = 30 poco rit. p dark poco a tempo p RICHARD CAUSTON Ba - lu - la - low! O my dear heart, young p dark poco pp p Ba - lu - la - low! O my dear, young p dark poco Ba - lu - la - low! p dark p Ba- -la - low! my dear Smooth and flowing h = 30 poco rit. a tempo p poco p for online perusal only 4 f sonoro Je - sus sweet, Pre-pare thy cra - dle in my spreet, And poco cresc. f sonoro Je - sus, Pre - pare thy cra - dle, p poco cresc. f sonoro Je - sus sweet, Pre - pare thy cra - dle, poco cresc. Je - sus sweet, cra - dle, And f sonoro © Oxford University Press 2008. Originally published in The Ivy and the Holly: 14 contemporary carols (ISBN: 978-0-19-336180-5). This edition offprinted 2013. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, MUSIC DEPARTMENT, GREAT CLARENDON STREET, OXFORD OX2 6DP The Moral Rights of the Composer have been asserted. Photocopying this copyright material is ILLEGAL.

Copyright © Oxford University Press 2018

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