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<strong>ideb</strong>_<strong>2009</strong>_<strong>escolas</strong>_<strong>1a4</strong>_<strong>CE</strong> pág. 13 de 71<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> JAGUARUANA MONS.ALUISIO DE CASTRO FILGUEIRAS ­ EEF MUN 2,8 3,4 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> JUAZEIRO DO NORTE ESC DE ENSINO FUND IRMA IVA MUN 3,5 5,1 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> MADALENA PAULA QUEIROZ MUN ­ ­ 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> MARACANAU INTEGRANDO O SABER E.M.E.I.E.F. MUN 4,4 3,8 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> MARANGUAPE FRANCISCA MARQUES DE SOUSA ESC MUN MUN ­ 3,6 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> MARANGUAPE RIO PIRAPORA EMEIEF MUN 4,7 4,2 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> MARANGUAPE JOSE FERNANDES VIEIRA ESC MUN MUN 3,5 3,5 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> MASSAPE EEF JOSE ESTEVAO VASCON<strong>CE</strong>LOS MUN ­ 4,0 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> MUCAMBO ELZE MENDES DE AGUIAR EEIF MUN 3,2 4,1 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> NOVO ORIENTE <strong>CE</strong>NTRO EDUC RURAL E E F MUN ­ ­ 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> PACAJUS ANTONIO AIRTON TORRE EEF MUN ­ ­ 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> PACATUBA MANOEL ROSENDO FREIRE EEIEF MUN 3,9 3,7 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> PALHANO SEVERINO XAVIER EEF MUN 3,2 3,0 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> PARACURU EZEQUIEL VI<strong>CE</strong>NTE DA COST ESC MUN MUN ­ ­ 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> PIRES FERREIRA ALZIRA MARIA DE ARAUJO ESC DE ENS FUND MUN ­ 2,9 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> POTENGI JOSE EDVALDO DE SOUSA ESC MUN MUN ­ 2,7 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> QUIXERAMOBIM HORACIO XAVIER DO COUTO EEF MUN ­ ­ 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> RUSSAS PADRE PEDRO DE ALCANTARA EIEF MUN ­ ­ 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> SAO GONCALO DO AMARANTE EEF DONA FILOMENA MARTINS MUN 3,7 4,8 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> TIANGUA IRMA GISLANE SIMOES CAMPOS EEIF MUN ­ ­ 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> TIANGUA EEF.DOM FRANCISCO JAVIER HERNANDES ARNEDO MUN 2,7 5,4 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> UBAJARA EEIEF MONS FRANCISCO TARCISIO MELO MUN 3,8 4,0 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> UBAJARA MAROCA PERDIGAO EEIEF MUN ­ ­ 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> URUOCA MURILO AGUIAR EEF MUN 3,4 3,8 4,5<br />

374 19010 <strong>CE</strong> VARZEA ALEGRE EEF VEREADOR JOSÉ PRIMO DE MORAIS MUN 3,0 3,4 4,5<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> ACARAU JOAO JAIME FERREIRA GOMES FILHO EEIEF MUN ­ ­ 4,4<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> AMONTADA MARIA ALVES SOBRINHA ESC DE EDUCAÇÃO BASICA MUN 3,1 3,0 4,4<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> AQUIRAZ CLARENCIO CRISOSTOMO DE FREITAS EMEF MUN ­ 3,5 4,4<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> ARARIPE RDO CI<strong>CE</strong>RO DA SILVA ESC MUL MUN 2,2 3,4 4,4<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> BANABUIU <strong>CE</strong>NTRO EDUC MUN <strong>CE</strong>LESTINO DE SOUSA MUN 2,5 3,1 4,4<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> BEBERIBE ADELIA BARROS COLACO EMEF MUN ­ ­ 4,4<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> BEBERIBE JOSE THEMIO BEZERRA DOUTOR EMEF MUN ­ ­ 4,4<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> BELA CRUZ SAO RAIMUNDO EEIEF MUN ­ ­ 4,4<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> BOA VIAGEM FRANCISCO JOSE VIEIRA E E F MUN ­ ­ 4,4<br />

440 20354 <strong>CE</strong> BOA VIAGEM WALKMAR BRASIL SANTOS E E F MUN ­ ­ 4,4

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