Wiley_CPAexcel Exam Review 2015 Focus Notes_Business Environment and Concepts

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Organization in a Segregated Department

In a well-staffed IT department, systems, operations, and other technical services would be segregated.

Each of these segments would be under the supervision of the information systems manager,

who might report to the president of the company, one of the vice presidents, or the controller.

Systems Development and Maintenance

Systems might include:

A systems analyst designs the information system using systems flowcharts and other

tools and prepares specifications for applications programmers.

An application programmer writes, tests, and debugs programs that will be used in the

system. The programmer also develops instructions for operators to follow when running

the programs.

A database administrator plans and administers the database to make certain that only

appropriate individuals have access to information in it.

Focus on

Information Technology—Module 41 38

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