Lect. univ. dr. Daniela Cristina SOLOMON - Cadre Didactice - Vasile ...

Lect. univ. dr. Daniela Cristina SOLOMON - Cadre Didactice - Vasile ...

Lect. univ. dr. Daniela Cristina SOLOMON - Cadre Didactice - Vasile ...


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II. Articole publicate în reviste şi volumele unor manifestări ştiinŃifice<br />

B. Lucrări publicate în reviste româneşti recunoscute de CNCSIS<br />

1. Deju Mihai, Solomon<br />

<strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong><br />

2. Dragomirescu Simona<br />

Elena<br />

Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong><br />

Some Aspects Concerning<br />

Global Performance<br />

Reporting in Romania<br />

A Case Study Concerning<br />

Sales Prediction Using Sales<br />

Quantitative Prediction<br />

Methods<br />

3. Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong> Present tendencies in<br />

enterprise’s performance<br />

appreciation.”Sustainability<br />

performance”<br />

4. Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong>,<br />

Dragomirescu Simona<br />

Elena<br />

5. Dragomirescu Simona<br />

Elena<br />

Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong><br />

6. Dragomirescu Simona<br />

Elena<br />

Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong><br />

New dimensions in<br />

enterprise’s financial<br />

performance reporting: the<br />

Statement of comprehensive<br />

income<br />

Considerations concerning<br />

the improvement of costs<br />

calculation through target<br />

costing method<br />

The relevance of the<br />

information given by costs in<br />

decision grounding process<br />

7. Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong> The global economic crisis’<br />

impact upon international<br />

tourism’s evolution<br />

8. Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong>,<br />

Dragomirescu Simona<br />

Elena<br />

9. Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong>,<br />

Dragomirescu Simona<br />

Elena<br />

The analysis of Romania’s<br />

tourism competitiveness in<br />

the frame of globalization<br />

The content and the<br />

performance’s characteristics<br />

in commerce<br />

10. Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong> Analiza performanŃei<br />

întreprinderii pe baza ratelor<br />

de rentabilitate<br />

11. Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong> Analiza statica a echilibrului<br />

financiar pe baza bilanŃului<br />

12. PătruŃ <strong>Vasile</strong>,<br />

Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong><br />

13. Deju Mihai<br />

Solomon <strong>Daniela</strong> <strong>Cristina</strong><br />

Asupra competenŃelor vizate<br />

a fi formate prin studiul<br />

contabilităŃii<br />

Cu privire la funcŃiile costului<br />

în economia întreprinderii<br />

moderne<br />

Ovidius University Annals, Economic<br />

Sciences Serie, Ovidius University<br />

Press, 2010, Constanta, Volum* X,<br />

ISSN 1582-9383, B+<br />

The Annals of “Dunarea de jos”<br />

University of Galati Fascicle III No.1<br />

„Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automatic<br />

Control, Informatics”, 2009, Volumul 33,<br />

ISSN 1221-454X , B+<br />

http://www.ann.ugal.ro/eeai/index.html<br />

Romanian Economic and Business<br />

Review REBE, numărul 4(4),<br />

Romanian-American University, 2009,<br />

ISSN 1842 – 2497, B+.<br />

“The Annals of the University of<br />

Oradea”, Economic Sciences series<br />

Oradea, Tom XVIII, 2009, ISSN-1582-<br />

5450, B+.<br />

“The Annals of the University of<br />

Oradea”, Economic Sciences series<br />

Oradea, Tom XVIII, 2009, ISSN-1582-<br />

5450, B+.<br />

The Annals of the “Ştefan cel Mare” ,<br />

University of Suceava, Fascicle of the<br />

Faculty of Economics and Public<br />

Administration, Volume 9, Special<br />

number, 2009, ISSN 2066-575X, B+.<br />

Journal of tourism - studies and research<br />

in tourism, Policies and strategies for<br />

developing tourism, Număr special,<br />

Suceava, 2009, ISSN 1844 – 2994, B+.<br />

Journal of tourism - studies and<br />

research in tourism, Studies, analysis<br />

and statistical research in tourism,<br />

Număr special, Suceava, , 2009, ISSN<br />

1844 – 2994, B+.<br />

Baza de date - SSRN, septembrie 2009<br />

http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?a<br />

bstract_id=1440927.<br />

“Ovidius University Annals”, Economic<br />

Sciences Serie, Ovidius University<br />

Press, Vol. I, 2009, ISSN 1582-9383,<br />

B+.<br />

Revista Studii şi cercetări ştiinŃifice,<br />

seria ŞtiinŃe Economice, nr. 10, 2005,<br />

Universitatea Bacău, ISSN 1224 – 9858, D.<br />

Buletin ştiinŃific Anul VII, nr. 2/2004,<br />

Universitatea „George Bacovia”, D.<br />

Revista Studii şi cercetări ştiinŃifice,<br />

seria ŞtiinŃe Economice, nr. 8, 2003,<br />

Universitatea Bacău, ISSN 1224 – 9858, D.<br />

Revista Studii şi cercetări ştiinŃifice,<br />

seria ŞtiinŃe Economice, nr. 8, 2003,<br />

Universitatea Bacău, ISSN 1224 – 9858, D.<br />

4 p.<br />

1552-<br />

1555<br />

6 pp.<br />

23-28<br />

8 p.<br />

173-<br />

180<br />

6 p.<br />

1170-<br />

1175<br />

6 p.<br />

913-<br />

918<br />

6 p.<br />

184-<br />

189<br />

4 p.<br />

69-72<br />

7 p.<br />

18-24<br />

4 p.<br />

119-<br />

122<br />

7 p.<br />

167-<br />

173<br />

10 p.<br />

291-<br />

300<br />

8 p.<br />

92-99<br />

p.<br />

22-24<br />


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