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279 JELA Doina, TISMANEANU Vladimir T 15 Ungaria 1956: revolta mintilor si sfarsitul mitului comunist Curtea Veche 2006

Istoria Balcanilor; Secolele al XVIII lea si al XIX lea (vol 1), 2

280 JELAVICH Barbara i 08

exemplare Institutul european 2000

281 JELAVICH Barbara Istoria Balcanilor; Secolul al XX lea (vol 2), 2 exemplare Institutul european 2000

282 JELA Doina J 01 Telejurnalul de noapte Vremea 2005

283 JOHNSON Paul s 22 Intelectualii Humanitas, editia 3 2006

284 KARAM Patrick s 31 Revenirea Islamului in fostul imperiu rus Scripta 1998


Odyssey of Hope. The story of a Lithuanian Immigrant's

Escape from Communism to Freedom in America and the

Return to his Beloved Homeland Tito Alba 2006

286 KEANE John s 104 Societatea civila Institutul European 2003

287 KIAUPA Zigmantas ls 39 The history of Lithuania Baltos Lankos 2005

288 KIDECKEL A. David K 02

Colectivism si singuratate in satele romanesti. Tara Oltului in

perioada comunista si in primii ani dupa Revolutie Polirom 2006

289 KLIGMAN Gail K 01

Politica duplicitatii. Controlul reproducerii in Romania lui

Ceausescu Humanitas 2000

290 KLOBOUK Jiri LS 30 Anti-Communist Manifesto (1975) Beria Press 2005

291 KOLAKOWSKI Leszek LS 10 Main Currents of Marxism W. W. Norton 2005

292 KOPLECK Maik Berlin 1945-1989; Past finder Berlin-traces of German history

Ch. Links Verlag,


293 KYCYKU Kopi i 01 Istoria Macedoniei (2 ex) Corint 2003

294 LACUSTA Ioan L 08

Timpul iluziilor. Pagini din memorialisti interbelici (selectie,

prezentari si note) Curtea Veche 2006

295 LACUSTA Ioan L 07 1948-1952 Republica Populara si ROMANIA Curtea Veche 2005

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