CRISTIAN EDUARD ŞTEFAN, Piese din bronz ... - Muzeul Banatului

CRISTIAN EDUARD ŞTEFAN, Piese din bronz ... - Muzeul Banatului

CRISTIAN EDUARD ŞTEFAN, Piese din bronz ... - Muzeul Banatului


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Abstract<br />

The author analyses in this contribution<br />

thirteen <strong>bronz</strong>e artefacts from the old<br />

collections of National Museum of Antiquities<br />

(„Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology,<br />

Bucharest). Eight of them may come from a<br />

hoard, unfortunately the context of their<br />

discovery being unknown (a necklace, a pin<br />

and six bracelets). There are also mentioned<br />

four <strong>bronz</strong>e sickles and a socketed axe,<br />

different aspects as typology, cronology,<br />

distribution and tehnological insights being<br />

taken into consideration. The chemical<br />

composition of the artefacts was determined by<br />

the mesurements of X-ray fluorescence with a<br />

mobile device, type InnovX α Series with anticathode<br />

Wolfram 30 kV ’i 40 μA. The exposure<br />

time was 300”.

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