e;jpuh epizT FbapUg;Gj; jpl;l ,ju tFg

e;jpuh epizT FbapUg;Gj; jpl;l ,ju tFg

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,e;<strong>jpuh</strong> <strong>epizT</strong> <strong>FbapUg</strong>;<strong>Gj</strong>; <strong>jpl</strong>;l ,<strong>ju</strong> <strong>tFg</strong>;gpdh; fhj;jpUg;Nghh; gl;bay;Block :2930011-Kandamangalamt.vz;FLk;gvz;FLk;g jiyth;ngah;f. vz; Ch;kjpg;ngz;rKfepiyFwpg;GPanchayat Kongampattu96 7044 n[dfpuhkd; -- gpr;irf;fhud; 3/10 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 12 SC97 7053 Mde;jNty; -- fjph;Nty;3/33 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 12 SC98 7054 KUifad; -- KUfd;3/1a m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 12 SC99 7064 ,uhkr;rejpud; -- Nfhghy;3/51 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 12 SC100 7335 neg;nghyapd;--ntyhAjk;3/303 nrhf;fk;ghisak; 12 SC101 7337 njatrpfhkzp--mQ;rhGyp3/305 nrhf;fk;ghisak; 12 SC102 7339 uh[h--rpq;fhuNtY3/300 nrhf;fk;ghisak; 12 SC103 7344 n[auhkd;--jdghy;3/298 nrhf;fk;ghisak; 12 SC104 7364 jkpo;khwd; -- tPug;gd;3/206 nrhf;fk;ghisak; 12 SC105 7366 jl;rpzh%h;j;jp -- NtyhAjk; 3/191 nrhf;fk;ghisak; 12 SC106 6955 n[a%h;jp . NfhypaDuhd; 3/45 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 13 SC107 6959 nja;tNyhfk; .. Nfhtpyhd; 3/269 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 13 SC108 6969 kz;zk;kh .. n[fehj;d3/230 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 13 SC109 6971 jz;lghzp .. KUfd;3/232 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 13 SC110 6978 QhdNty; . thRNjtd;3/18 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 13 SC111 7010 nfhtpe;<strong>ju</strong>hR--khzpf'fk;3/75 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 13 SC112 7024 rpd;idad;--ngUkhs;3/91 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 13 SC113 7027 %h;j;jp--jq;fNty;m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 13 SC114 7225 uj;jpdk; .. MWKfk;4/177 tp.mfuk; fhysp 13 SC115 7232 uhzp .. uhk%h;j;jp4/182 tp.mfuk; fhysp 13 SC116 7234 rPDthrd; ... ngUkh;s4/179 tp.mfuk; fhysp 13 SC117 7254 jdpfhryk;--nja;tehafk;4/124 tp.mfuk; fhysp 13 SC118 7257 Fkhh;4/119 tp.mfuk; fhysp 13 SC119 7265 fpU\;z%h;j;jp--nja;tehafk; 4/124a tp.mfuk; fhysp 13 SC120 7310 Re;<strong>ju</strong>%h;j;jp--Kj;ijad;3/16b nrhf;fk;ghisak; 13 SC121 6977 tp];tehj;d ... nja;tehafk; 3/226 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 14 SC122 6981 uhkypqfk; .. Rg;Guhad;3/227 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 14 SC123 7078 gf;fphpak;khs; - Rg;Guhad; 3/264 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 14 SC124 7211 Kj;Jy\;kp .. nryt;Fkhh; 4/160 tp.mfuk; fhysp 14 SC125 7233 ghthil--khzpf;fk;4/120 tp.mfuk; fhysp 14 SC126 7237 mQ;riy -- Fg;gd;4/ tp.mfuk; fhysp 14 SC127 7242 Jiuf;fz;Z--ngUkhs;4/128 tp.mfuk; fhysp 14 SC128 7245 Iadhh; -- fypa%h;j;jp4/ tp.mfuk; fhysp 14 SC129 7261 nry;tuhR--njathafk;4/124 tp.mfuk; fhysp 14 SC130 7264 fypa%h;j;jp -- mgpkz;zd; 4/108 tp.mfuk; fhysp 14 SC131 6912 Iadhh; . tPuKj;J3/ m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 16 SC132 6938 khhpKj;J - rf;jpNty;3/52 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 16 SC133 6999 ntq;fNlrd;--ghthil3/274 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 16 SC134 7028 Nrfh; . nja;trhafk;3/119 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 16 SC135 7276 nghd;dd;--ntq;flhryk;4/137 tp.mfuk; fhysp 16 SC136 7353 ehfuh[d; -- Fl;bahd;3/174 nrhf;fk;ghisak; 16 SC137 6915 Nfhtpe;<strong>ju</strong>h[p j-t nja;tehafk; 3/106 m.Mz;bg;ghisak; 17 SCPage Number30

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