Kabit-Bhai-Gurdas-Ji-Hindi - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Kabit-Bhai-Gurdas-Ji-Hindi - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

Kabit-Bhai-Gurdas-Ji-Hindi - Raj Karega Khalsa Network

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crn kml mkrMd rs luiBq huie (68-3)gurmiq irdY jgmg joiq jwgI hY [ (68-4)crn kml mkrMd rs luiBq huie (68-5)AMmƒq inDwn pwn durmiq BwgI hY [ (68-6)crn kml mkrMd rs luiBq huie (68-7)mwieAw mY adws bws ibrlo bYrwgI hY ]68] (68-8)jYsy nwa bUfq sY joeé inksY soeé Blo (69-1)bUif gey pwCy pCqwieE rih jwq hY [ (69-2)jYsy Gr lwgy Awig joeé BcY soeé Blo (69-3)jir buJy pwCy kCu bsu n bswq hY [ (69-4)jYsy cor lwgy jwgy joeé rhY soeé Blo (69-5)soie gey rIqo Gr dyKY aiT pwRq hY [ (69-6)qYsy AMq kwl gur crn srin AwvY (69-7)pwvY moK pdvI nwqr ibllwq hY ]69] (69-8)AMq kwl eyk GrI ingRh kY sqI hoie (70-1)DMin DMin khq hY skl sMswr jI [ (70-2)AMq kwl eyk GrI ingRh kY joDw jUJY (70-3)ieq aq jq kq hoq jY jY kwr jI [ (70-4)AMq kwl eyk GrI ingRh kY co{ mrY (70-5)PwsI kY sUrI cFwey jg mY iDkwr jI [ (70-6)qYsy durmiq gurmiq kY AswD swD (70-7)sMgiq suBwv giq mwns Aaqwr jI ]70] (70-8)Awid kY Anwid Ar AMiq kY AnMq Aiq (71-1)pwr kY Apwr n AQwh Qwh pweé hY [ (71-2)imiq kY Aimiq Ar sMK@ kY AsMK puin (71-3)lyK kY AlyK nhI qOl kY qOlweé hY [ (71-4)ArD arD prjMq kY Apwr jMq (71-5)Agm Agocr n mol kY mulweé hY [ (71-6)prmdBuq As@crj ibsm Aiq (71-7)Aibgiq giq siqgur kI bfweé hY ]71] (71-8)crn srin gur qIrQ purb koit (72-1)dyvI dyv syv gur crin srn hY [ (72-2)crn srin gur kwmnw sklPl (72-3)iriD isiD iniD Avqwr Amrn hY [ (72-4)crn srin gur nwm inhkwm Dwm (72-5)Bgiq jugiq kir qwrn qrn hY [ (72-6)crn srin gur mihmw AgwiD boD (72-7)

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