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65. James Jung

CA-U/2015/ Seminary school ministry

Pray for Uzbek political leaders to take proper control the plague not to spread.

. Pray for local churches and leaders to stand stronger and let them seek God’s


66. Evgeni Kim, Vera / Yula

CA-U/2015/Church Ministry

. There are 93 of Muslims, 3% of Russian orthodox, 0,7% of protestants in

Uzbekistan. Pray that more people can meet Jesus Christ

. I have been trained Leadership school during last year. 100 pastors from

Uzbekistan are gathering for a week. There will be Semester 5 of Leadership

school in the first week of February.

67. Yu Jin Kang, Sophia

CA-U/2015/Church Ministry

Pray for more churches be registered by His grace.

Pray for a new chondosanim (leader)


68. Victor Kim, Natasha Kang / Vera, Sophia

Russia/2012/ Crimean Tatar Church planting

Please pray Crimean Tatars to repent and come to Jesus

Please pray for all the missionaries in Crimea to be encouraged in their labor



69. Kim Khim Mun, Kim Larisa / Anna

Russia/2014/Church Ministry

Please pray for the fair lawsuit regarding the church building. will be done

without local government oppression; the Lawsuit will be on October 3rd

. Please pray that the Lord would guide us during trials and unity of the

church more presence of His will



70. Dosu Kim, Jeong Heui Lee

Russia/1994/Church planting, Seminary

Pray for the presence of the Almighty God during

service even though the congregation are mainly

Korean -Russian congregations

Pray for the COVID-19 will be end before starting

the “Tres Dias” spiritual revival events

71. Young Mook Lim, Natasha / Elizabeth

Russia/2009/Church planting

. For Russia to repent and revive their faith to

accept the Gospel

. For the church member to overcome wisely and to

live in faith even though it is critical


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