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I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true ...

I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true ...


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Devwudfw<br />

Wkh ehkdylrxu ri k|gurfduerq ixhov lq frqwdplqdwhg jurxqgzdwhu v|vwhpv lv<br />

vwxglhg xvlqj d pxowlfrpsrqhqw uhdfwlyh wudqvsruw prgho1 Wkh vlpxodwhg surfhvvhv<br />

lqfoxgh uhvlgxdo QDSO glvvroxwlrq/ dhurelf dqg dqdhurelf elrghjudgdwlrq zlwk<br />

gdxjkwhu0surgxfw wudqvsruw/ dqg wudqvsruw ri d uhdfwlyh fduulhu zlwk pl{hg htxl0<br />

oleulxp2nlqhwlf vruswlrq1 Wkh vroxwlrq dojrulwkp lv edvhg rq d wkuhh0glphqvlrqdo<br />

Jdohunlq qlwh hohphqw vfkhph zlwk ghirupdeoh eulfn hohphqwv dqg fdsdflw| iru d<br />

iuhh zdwhuwdeoh vhdufk1 Qrqolqhdulwlhv duh kdqgohg wkurxjk Slfdug lwhudwlrq1 Frq0<br />

yhujhqfh lv udslg iru prvw dssolfdwlrqv dqg pdvv edodqfh huuruv iru doo skdvhv duh<br />

plqlpdo1<br />

Wkh prgho lv uvw dssolhg wr vlpxodwh d slorw vfdoh glhvho ixho glvvroxwlrq h{shul0<br />

phqw lq zklfk kxplf dflg lv xvhg dv d qdwxudo rujdqlf fduulhu wr hqkdqfh glvvroxwlrq<br />

dqg wr surprwh elrghjudgdwlrq ri wkh dtxhrxv frpsrqhqwv1 Wkh slorw vfdoh h{shu0<br />

lphqw lv ghvfulehg e| Ohvdjh hw do1 +4

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