Fire niveauer af Miljøvenlige, Lavpris, Mindre Kendte Vand Teknologi til Fremtiden : Four Types of Forgotten Water Related Low Cost Clean Tech for Commercial & Industrial Applications

Tværs af brancher og videnskab felter, der tidligere ikke har accepteret teknologier, hvoraf nogle har været meget brugt til kommercialiserede applikationer, er gradvist ved at blive re-bekræftet af mainstream vestlige akademikere. Den næste fase er, hvor de vestlige mainstream medier af forskellige niveauer (fra nyheder, videnskab rapporter til Wikipedia) kommer til at udtrykke disse bekræftelser. / Across industries and science fields, previously not accepted technologies, some of which has been widely used for commercialized applications, are gradually being re-confirmed by mainstream Western academics. The next phase is how Western mainstream media of various levels(from news, science reports, to Wikipedia) are going to express these confirmations.

Tværs af brancher og videnskab felter, der tidligere ikke har accepteret teknologier, hvoraf nogle har været meget brugt til kommercialiserede applikationer, er gradvist ved at blive re-bekræftet af mainstream vestlige akademikere. Den næste fase er, hvor de vestlige mainstream medier af forskellige niveauer (fra nyheder, videnskab rapporter til Wikipedia) kommer til at udtrykke disse bekræftelser. / Across industries and science fields, previously not accepted technologies, some of which has been widely used for commercialized applications, are gradually being re-confirmed by mainstream Western academics. The next phase is how Western mainstream media of various levels(from news, science reports, to Wikipedia) are going to express these confirmations.


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• 39’Sabatier reaction etc: HO2+CO2 fuel: continued 2<br />

• WM group generally calls this tech unviable and should not focus on such low potential<br />

system(eg: Hitachi Zosen, JAXA, SNL-INL, Air Fuel Synth’s, NewCO2Fuels, Doty Energy etc),<br />

This treatment trend by WM is same <strong>for</strong> low cost energy tech(Catalytic Depolymerization,<br />

Pyrolysis, SuperCritical <strong>Water</strong> Depolymerization etc), Similar pattern occurs as what is<br />

appearing to be a standard process to inventor type “free energy” technology claims even <strong>af</strong>ter<br />

they pass academic on site validation and small private use installations.<br />

• K2(energy production): Some <strong>of</strong> above listed companies are likely producing it in-house.<br />

<strong>Commercial</strong>ization seems to be very low key likely due to conceptually disruptive(CO2 used as<br />

fuel stock and loses its constraint-control mechanism), i-Methanol as "abiotic fuel" production<br />

by use <strong>of</strong> geothermal power etc & CO2 from volcano(Volcanol - Carbon Recycling<br />

Intrenational), Room temp/pressure methanol production via photocatalytic reduction <strong>of</strong> CO2<br />

with water(Mitsui Zosen Plant Engineering+),<br />

• Currently limited <strong>for</strong>m <strong>of</strong> ii-liquid fuel commercialization by mainstream: (E-Diesel - Sun<strong>Fire</strong> -<br />

Audi+), Sort <strong>of</strong> "common military knowledge" at least US Navy(NRL electrolytic cation exchange<br />

module "demo") has been using CO2 as feedstock <strong>for</strong> their submarines.<br />

iii-Hydrocarbon plastic from CO2 & H2O via methanol(Mitsui Kagaku+), by heat recovery use,<br />

mostly low key internal use only<br />

• Unlisted effects:■(Reduce water storage needs <strong>for</strong> space ship crew): O2 required <strong>for</strong> breathing<br />

is made by H2O electrolysis, hence breathed out CO2 can be made into H2O by this reaction.<br />

For more disruptive low cost type go to (PhotoCatalyzed O2 Nanobubble oil-water emulsion<br />

infused by CO2 at room temp/pressure) at section 63'Other Anomalous Process - iv<br />


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