En kvalitativ undersøgelse af danske gymnasiestuderendes oplevelser af fælleskaber, hverdagsliv & mental sundhed

In this project have I investigated how the young high school age population in Denmark has experienced and coped with a different everyday life during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, several major impacts was done from a government and world leaders chair. Traveling got restricted. The nightlife was shut down, the cafes and restaurants was shut down, and for a longer time period everyone had to work from home, this is referred as the “lockdown”. This raises the question what possible consequences the lockdowns have had for young people in high school ages mental wellbeing. What I have done through qualitative research interviews is to find 3 informants through several sources like Facebook and networking through the municipality and private contacts. The young people who I was looking for, and found, all have in common that they are attending high school. What was interesting to discover was that they all have experienced difficulties during the pandemic. Some of the difficulties involved the limiting of socializing with friends and family, and problem of getting new friends when starting in a new school. But there are also benefits like the realization of getting closer to the friends that you do keep in contact with during the lockdown, if it is on an online platform, through video games, or it is outdoors in person. Theoretically have I used expressions regarding social pathologies like Hartmut Rosas theory about acceleration and resonance. How the social acceleration is defined from a constant competition that we must live up to with each other, and how this is broken down during the lockdown. Another is Anders Petersens theory about the performance society and how everyone must achieve certain goals in life to have fulfilled their purpose. On that behalf it’s concluded that the informants way of perceiving their stories about changed relationships to friends, family and the surrounding society, the importance of everyday life, has been different during the two lockdowns. In the first lockdown there was a relief from the social pressure regarding social life but also on the studies, whereas the second challenged the mental pressure of reaching the high bar of the norms because the pressure for achieving was just as high as before the lockdowns. Listening to the challenged youth, and how they experience the lockdowns, can show the changes in society and the consequences, for these individuals.

In this project have I investigated how the young high school age population in Denmark has experienced and coped with a different everyday life during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, several major impacts was done from a government and world leaders chair. Traveling got restricted. The nightlife was shut down, the cafes and restaurants was shut down, and for a longer time period everyone had to work from home, this is referred as the “lockdown”. This raises the question what possible consequences the lockdowns have had for young people in high school ages mental wellbeing.
What I have done through qualitative research interviews is to find 3 informants through several sources like Facebook and networking through the municipality and private contacts. The young people who I was looking for, and found, all have in common that they are attending high school. What was interesting to discover was that they all have experienced difficulties during the pandemic. Some of the difficulties involved the limiting of socializing with friends and family, and problem of getting new friends when starting in a new school.
But there are also benefits like the realization of getting closer to the friends that you do keep in contact with during the lockdown, if it is on an online platform, through video games, or it is outdoors in person.
Theoretically have I used expressions regarding social pathologies like Hartmut Rosas theory about acceleration and resonance. How the social acceleration is defined from a constant competition that we must live up to with each other, and how this is broken down during the lockdown.
Another is Anders Petersens theory about the performance society and how everyone must achieve certain goals in life to have fulfilled their purpose.
On that behalf it’s concluded that the informants way of perceiving their stories about changed relationships to friends, family and the surrounding society, the importance of everyday life, has been different during the two lockdowns. In the first lockdown there was a relief from the social pressure regarding social life but also on the studies, whereas the second challenged the mental pressure of reaching the high bar of the norms because the pressure for achieving was just as high as before the lockdowns. Listening to the challenged youth, and how they experience the lockdowns, can show the changes in society and the consequences, for these individuals.


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enige i, at i forbindelse med 1. nedlukning har de fået det betydeligt bedre, fordi at de har fået en

pause fra de sociale krav, som de normalt blev mødt med blandt jævnaldrende (Ibid.). Dette

illustrerer at nogle unge, har oplevet en forværring af deres mentale sundhed, mens andre har

oplevet 1. nedlukning som en lettelse.


Alt i alt så fortæller denne eksisterende litteratur, at før Covid-19 var der en overordnet trivsel hos

langt de fleste unge. De fleste unge trives rigtig godt. Familie og sociale fællesskaber viser sig at

være noget de unge særligt vægter højt. Dog var der også en gruppe af unge, som ikke trives, for

dem handler udfordringerne især om ensomhed, og kulturelt og strukturelt pres for at leve op til

samfundet og omgivelsernes forventninger.

Det er især kendetegnet ved unge piger fra gymnasierne, og unge som kommer fra trange kår.

Derfor kan det ses at der er en skævhed i forhold til unge med trængte socioøkonomiske baggrund

som døjer med dårligt mental trivsel.

Under den 1. nedlukning oplevede de unge nedlukningen som en belastning, og derfor negativt,

dette med særlig begrundelse i at de har oplevet større ensomhed, og udfordringer i forbindelse med

mistrivsel relateret problematikker til en ændret hverdagsstruktur. Det er dog værd at bemærke at

der også er unge der har oplevet positive aspekter forbundet med nedlukningen. Dette begrundes

særlig med afsæt i de generelle præstationskrav, anses for at være mildnet op under nedlukningerne,

hvorfor det har været nemmere at være ung.

I dette speciale undersøges den del af unge i gymnasiet, som ikke klarer sig særlig godt, fordi der er

relevant at undersøge nærmere eftersom der kan spores en gruppe af unge som mistrives i

gymnasiet. Derudover vil der fokuseres på den anden nedlukning for at se på om den forlængede

nedluknings periode har haft en betydning for om hvorvidt de samme oplevelser de unge

tilkendegiver at opleve der er særegent ved denne tid af nedlukningen.


I det følgende introduceres til projektets valgte teori, og begrundelse for hvordan de forskellige

teorier skal anvendes i projektet. Valget af teorier tilbyder mig noget i forhold til den givne

problemstilling. Jeg vil i projektet tage afsæt i teorier fra valgfaget; sociale patologier. Den tyske


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