En kvalitativ undersøgelse af danske gymnasiestuderendes oplevelser af fælleskaber, hverdagsliv & mental sundhed

In this project have I investigated how the young high school age population in Denmark has experienced and coped with a different everyday life during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, several major impacts was done from a government and world leaders chair. Traveling got restricted. The nightlife was shut down, the cafes and restaurants was shut down, and for a longer time period everyone had to work from home, this is referred as the “lockdown”. This raises the question what possible consequences the lockdowns have had for young people in high school ages mental wellbeing. What I have done through qualitative research interviews is to find 3 informants through several sources like Facebook and networking through the municipality and private contacts. The young people who I was looking for, and found, all have in common that they are attending high school. What was interesting to discover was that they all have experienced difficulties during the pandemic. Some of the difficulties involved the limiting of socializing with friends and family, and problem of getting new friends when starting in a new school. But there are also benefits like the realization of getting closer to the friends that you do keep in contact with during the lockdown, if it is on an online platform, through video games, or it is outdoors in person. Theoretically have I used expressions regarding social pathologies like Hartmut Rosas theory about acceleration and resonance. How the social acceleration is defined from a constant competition that we must live up to with each other, and how this is broken down during the lockdown. Another is Anders Petersens theory about the performance society and how everyone must achieve certain goals in life to have fulfilled their purpose. On that behalf it’s concluded that the informants way of perceiving their stories about changed relationships to friends, family and the surrounding society, the importance of everyday life, has been different during the two lockdowns. In the first lockdown there was a relief from the social pressure regarding social life but also on the studies, whereas the second challenged the mental pressure of reaching the high bar of the norms because the pressure for achieving was just as high as before the lockdowns. Listening to the challenged youth, and how they experience the lockdowns, can show the changes in society and the consequences, for these individuals.

In this project have I investigated how the young high school age population in Denmark has experienced and coped with a different everyday life during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, several major impacts was done from a government and world leaders chair. Traveling got restricted. The nightlife was shut down, the cafes and restaurants was shut down, and for a longer time period everyone had to work from home, this is referred as the “lockdown”. This raises the question what possible consequences the lockdowns have had for young people in high school ages mental wellbeing.
What I have done through qualitative research interviews is to find 3 informants through several sources like Facebook and networking through the municipality and private contacts. The young people who I was looking for, and found, all have in common that they are attending high school. What was interesting to discover was that they all have experienced difficulties during the pandemic. Some of the difficulties involved the limiting of socializing with friends and family, and problem of getting new friends when starting in a new school.
But there are also benefits like the realization of getting closer to the friends that you do keep in contact with during the lockdown, if it is on an online platform, through video games, or it is outdoors in person.
Theoretically have I used expressions regarding social pathologies like Hartmut Rosas theory about acceleration and resonance. How the social acceleration is defined from a constant competition that we must live up to with each other, and how this is broken down during the lockdown.
Another is Anders Petersens theory about the performance society and how everyone must achieve certain goals in life to have fulfilled their purpose.
On that behalf it’s concluded that the informants way of perceiving their stories about changed relationships to friends, family and the surrounding society, the importance of everyday life, has been different during the two lockdowns. In the first lockdown there was a relief from the social pressure regarding social life but also on the studies, whereas the second challenged the mental pressure of reaching the high bar of the norms because the pressure for achieving was just as high as before the lockdowns. Listening to the challenged youth, and how they experience the lockdowns, can show the changes in society and the consequences, for these individuals.


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at være nødt til at anvende social interaktion gennem online forum, for at bevare kontakten til deres

eksisterende venner.

Charlotte nævner også at hun har oplevet at være tættere knyttet til sin familie end hvad hun

oplevede tidligere. Denne ændring begrunder hun ud fra en afledt effekt af nedlukningen som har

medført at hun har været mere hjemme. Både Lars og Charlotte oplever at knytte stærkere bånd til

specifikke personer end før nedlukningerne.

Charlotte har også oplevet at hun har fået nye kreative interesser i takt med nedlukningerne, de nye

interesser indebærer blandt andet at tegne. Denne nylig opstået interesse hjælper hende med at

aflede tankerne i en positiv retning, i de tider hvor hun føler at hun overtænker. Et eksempel på

dette kommer til udtryk i følgende citat fra Charlotte:

“Jeg glemmer lidt hvad det er jeg føler, de første 10 min. af hvad jeg tegner, så overtænker jeg bare

de første sådan et par minutter så glemmer jeg, og fokusere på at jeg lige skal tegne et bestemt sted

færdigt. Derudover glemmer jeg hvad jeg overhovedet var ked af det over til at starte med, og det

giver mig sådan en dyb ro” (Charlotte).

Karoline har også oplevet at få nye interesser, hun er begyndt at løbe og er også blevet gladere for

det, da hun mener at hun opnår ro på tankerne, og en øget glæde ved at løbe.

“(...) ud over at bruge tiden på at hækle med en veninde, så løber jeg og det er jeg meget glad for,

fordi jeg får ro på”. (Karoline)

Karoline har også erhvervet sig et nyt klaver under Covid-19 nedlukningerne, da hun endelig har

fået tid til at fordybe sig i et længe ønsket musikinstrument som hun gerne vil lære at spille på.

Derudover har hun fået en ny hobby, hvor hun bruger tiden på at hækle med sine veninder.

Resonans i en forandret hverdag

I forhold til nye interesser som er opstået under nedlukninger hos de unge, anvender jeg Hartmut

Rosas teoretiske begreb om resonans. Resonans betyder at sanse, og handler om hvordan

menneskets positioner som livsbetingelser og status. I det moderne samfund, må positionen derfor


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