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Introduction to HVAC

2. who has hired competent engineers that provide

thorough, code-compliant drawings and specifications

in a timely manner,

3. so that experienced and qualified contractors can

provide sound bids.

If the low bid is too high, the building is “valueengineered,”

or downsized, to meet the available budget.

Great care and open communication are necessary to

make adjustments that do not alter the building’s

intended functions and operating characteristics.

Although the time schedule is often abbreviated, design

drawings and specifications must be modified with

thoughtful consideration being given to the impacts of

lower-cost substitutions. The project is then re-bid and

initiated. However, costs may skyrocket due to many

noncompetitive bid “change orders” that are required

because of the lack of time available to thoroughly redesign

the building to meet the lower budget.

Figure 1.2 is the design-build alternative to the

plan-bid method of designing and constructing buildings.

In this situation, the owner hires a design-build

contractor who employs either in-house architects and

engineers or hires external firms. The project manager is

the design-build general contractor and all the subcontractors

work for the design-build firm. Subcontractors

can also be outside firms.

This arrangement fosters better cooperation among

participants, and the cost of change orders is the responsibility

of the design-build firm. However, the level of

checks and balances among architects, engineers, and

contractors is reduced, which may leave the owner-customer

more at risk. Savvy owners will likely hire a

building professional to oversee the work of the designbuild



Successful engineering firms consistently obtain

projects, which ensures steady income during normal

business cycles. These firms develop a positive reputation

by establishing trust with architects, construction

managers, and owners. Their reputation is enhanced by

a record of promptness, dependability, and completing

projects on time and within budget. HVAC engineers in

such a firm do the following:

1. Establish relationships with other design team

members to maximize cooperation and coordination

of system integration and construction.

Figure 1.2

Design-build organization chart.


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