SCHOOL SCENE - Middletown City School District

SCHOOL SCENE - Middletown City School District

SCHOOL SCENE - Middletown City School District


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SUMMER 2011 WWW.MIDDLETOWNCITY<strong>SCHOOL</strong>S.ORG MIDDLETOWN <strong>SCHOOL</strong> <strong>SCENE</strong> 5Meet <strong>Middletown</strong> High <strong>School</strong>’s 14 honor graduatesourteen <strong>Middletown</strong> High <strong>School</strong> seniors graduatedwith honors in June, and were recognized at theceremony. Here is a look at these 14 exceptionalstudents, listed alphabetically, with the information providedby their guidance counselors:Linda Baergas (94.04 average): Linda was involved inArt Club, Key Club, Science Club, Scholastic Bowl, NationlHonor Society, Drama Club, Book Club and volleyball.he will be attending the Art Institute of New York <strong>City</strong>,where she will study fashion design.Daniel Berk (99.29): Daniel was involved in Mock Trial,ath Team, Scholastic Bowl, Senior Enrichment and tenis.He volunteers at Orange Regional Medical Center, andlans to study pre-med at Cornell University.Benjamin Brondsky (93.67): Benjamin, the senior classresident, was involved in National Honor Society, Dramalub, Yearbook, Senior Enrichment, Chamber Singers,eople-to-People Ambassadors program. He was a StuentAction leader and the high school photographer. Hes headed to Boston University, planning to be a pre-medajor.Eleyteria Diakopoulos (93.9): Eleyteria earned andvanced Regents diploma, and took college algebra, colegeEnglish and AP U.S. History. She was captain of theacrosse team, a member of the National Honor Societynd is fluent in Greek. She is attending SUNY Albany,where she’ll major in political science.Anthony Critelli (98.8): Anthony earned an advancedRegents diploma. He already has taken college biology,college English, college algebra and AP U.S History. He is amember of the National Honor Society and NYS Circle ofColumbian Squires. He was a member of the Academy ofInformation Technology, and has created his own computerbusiness. He is headed to Rochester Institute ofTechnology, majoring in applied networking and systemsadministration.Brenden Gonzalez (93.76): Brenden earned anadvanced Regents diploma. He was involved in NationalHonor Society, and participated on the wrestling, crosscountry and track teams. Brenden has taken honors, APand college courses throughout high school. He willattend Stony Brook University, where he plans to studynursing.Rodrigo Hernandez (100.70): Rodrigo, who is rankedNo. 1 in the class, earned an advanced Regents diploma.He took a significant number of advanced classes,including college English, biology, calculus, stats andalgebra. Rodrigo also took AP government and policies,AP physics, AP US History. He also participated on thesoccer and swim teams, and is a church youth groupmember. He participated in the Varsity Club, Math Team,Science Club, National Honor Society and Senior Enrichment.He is attending Swarthmore College and plans toatorce alumnos de último año de <strong>Middletown</strong>High <strong>School</strong> se graduarón con honores en junio, yfueron reconocidos en la ceremonia. Aquí estáuna mirada a estos 14 alumnos excepcionales, en ordenalfabético, la información proporcionada por sus consejeros:Linda Baergas (94.04 promedio): Linda participó enArt Club, Key Club, Club de Ciencias, Scholastic Bowl,ociedad Nacional de Honor, Club de Teatro, Club delibro y el voleibol. Ella estará asistiendo a Art Institute ofFront row, from left: Linda Baergas, Corinne Warren, Traceyann Lafayette, Eleyteria Diakopoulos, Katherine Woodward, NavjotKaur, Amanda Nowak, Shivani Sharma. Back row, from left: Daniel Berk, Rodrigo Hernandez, Shari Martinez, Benjamin Brondsky,Anthony Critelli, Brenden Gonzalezmajor in pre-med.Navjot Kaur (95.48): Navjot earned an advancedRegents diploma. She was involved in Mock Trial (president),Key Club (vice president), National Honor Society(vice president), Varsity Club (vice president), YearbookClub, Science Club, Math Team and MAC. She played tennis,and sang and volunteered at her family temple. Navjottook college English, calculus, chemistry and algebra,along with AP U.S. History. She will attend Albany Collegeof Pharmacy, in the doctor of pharmacy program.Traceyann Lafayette (96.9): Tracey earned an advancedRegents diploma. She was in the New Visions educationprogram, which enabled her to take college English,macroeconomics, government, child psychology and psychology.She also has taken AP history and AP chemistry.Activities include: Yearbook Club, National Honor Society,senior class vice president. She also was a cheerleader, andfounder of the TLCW bracelet club. She will attend the Universityof Connecticut, majoring in education.Shari Martinez (93.97): Shari, who earned an advancedRegents diploma, was in the New Visions education program.This enabled her to take college English 1 and 2,macroeconomics, government, child psychology andgeneral psychology. She also has taken AP History. Shariwas a member of the National Honor Society, Key Club,Yearbook club, participated in track and field and wastreasurer of her junior class. She plans to attend FairleighDickinson and major in secondary education.Amanda Nowak (96.52): Amanda was in the NationalNew York <strong>City</strong>, donde estudiará el diseño de moda.Daniel Berk (99.29): Daniel participó en Simulacro deJuicio, el equipo de Matemáticas, Scholastic Bowl,Enriquecimiento Senior y tenis. Es voluntario de OrangeRegional Medical Center, y su plan de estudio es de premedicinaen la Universidad de Cornell.Benjamin Brondsky (93.67): Benjamin, presidente dela clase Senior, estuvo involucrado en la SociedadNacional de Honor, Club de Drama, Anuario, EnriquecimientoSenior, Chamber Singers, y el programa deHonor Society, National Technical Honor Society, NationalYouth Leadership Forum of Medicine. She is a memberof the Orange Runners Club, was senior class treasurerand hosted a blood drive last September. She was in NewVisions, and shadows an oncologist in her spare time. Shewill be attending Lehigh University, where she will majorin biology/pre-med.Shivani Sharma (99.43): Shivani earned an advancedRegents diploma. She has achieved a black belt, playedtennis, enjoys community service and working. She isheaded to the Albany College of Pharmacy, in the prepharmacyprogram.Corinne Warren (95.9): Corinne earned an advancedRegents diploma, and was in the New Visions medicalprogram. She has taken college algebra, as well as AP U.S.history and AP chemistry. Corinne was involved inNational Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society,Senior Enrichment, Scholastic Bowl, Key Club, MAC,Restructuring Team, soccer and track and field. She isheaded to SUNY Cortland, where she’ll major in Spanishand athletic training.Katherine Woodward (94.4): Katherine, who earned anadvanced Regents diploma, was part of the New Visionsmedical program. She also took AP chemisty and AP U.S.history. Katherine was a member of the National HonorSociety, National Technical Honor Society, MAC and CollegeAmbassadors. She also was on the swim team and skiclub. She will attend SUNY Cortland and major in chemistryand criminology.Conozca a Los 14 graduado de honor de la <strong>Middletown</strong> High <strong>School</strong>embajadores Persona a Persona. Él era un líder de Estudiantesen Acción y el fotógrafo de la escuela secundaria. Élse dirige a Boston University, y su plan de estudio es de lasprincipales pre-medicina.Eleyteria Diakopoulos (93.9): Eleyteria obtuvo undiploma Regents avanzado, tomó álgebra universitaria,inglés universitaria e Historia de EE.UU. AP. Fue capitándel equipo de lacrosse, un miembro de la SociedadNacional de Honor y habla griego. Ella asiste a SUNYAlbany, donde ella se especializará en ciencias políticas.

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