Untitled - Las Constituyentes

Untitled - Las Constituyentes

Untitled - Las Constituyentes


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<strong>Las</strong> <strong>Constituyentes</strong> son herederas del trabajo de mujeresque, como Clara Campoamor, lucharon con gran dignidadpor incluir los derechos de las mujeres en la agenda política.Un documental de Oliva AcostaProducido por Olivavá Produccionesen coproducción con Canal Sur Televisión y lacolaboración de laConsejería de Cultura de la Junta de AndalucíaA documentary by Oliva AcostaProduced by Olivavá Produccionesin a co-production with Canal Surwith the collaboration of: Junta de Andalucía,Department of Culture

SINOPSISDocumental sobre las 27 mujeres,diputadas y senadoras, que desde sutrabajo parlamentario en la legislaturaconstituyente de 1977, fueron protagonistasdel cambio político hacia lademocracia en España.A través de la experiencia personalde estas pioneras, se narra una parteapasionante de la historia de la participaciónpolítica de las mujeres enEspaña, y se analiza la situación actual,ya que el documental recoge tambiénel encuentro entre diputadas y políticasactuales con algunas de las mujeresconstituyentes, en un intenso debate.Un trabajo audiovisual inédito hastaahora en nuestra historia, y que desbordaactualidad.The documentary is about 27 women,members of parliament and senators,who were protagonists of politic changeduring Spain’s transition towards democracy,because of the parliamentaryrole which they played during the firstconstituent term in office in 1977 afterthe transition to democracy.Through the personal experiences ofthese pioneering women, the documentaryreveals a fascinating side to the historyof women’s political involvement inSpain and it analyses its current state.The documentary also captures a meetingbetween present female membersof parliament and politicians and themothers of the constitution, which culminatesin an intense debate.A cutting edge audio-visual work thatuntil now is unprecedented in the historyof Spain.“<strong>Las</strong> mujeres tenemos que hacer la política,porque la política es muy importante, demasiadoimportante para que la hagan sólo losvarones, y si nosotras no la hacemos nos lavan a hacer por nosotras, que es lo que haocurrido hasta ahora.”“Women have to go into politics, because politicsis very important, too important to be leftonly to men, and if we don’t, they will do it forus, which is what has been happening so far.”María Izquierdo, Constituent MPMaría Izquierdo, diputada Constituyentewww.lasconstituyentes.comSecuencia rodada en el senado. Participan algunas constituyentes y diputadas actuales

Ficha TécnicaDirección y guión:Productores:Oliva AcostaJose Carlos SabánOliva AcostaCoordinadora Canal Sur: Pilar OrtegaDirector de producción:Dirección de fotografía:Montaje:Sonido:Banda sonora original:Documentación:Equipo de producción:José Carlos SabánAndrés GarzasMari Luz DominguezJuan Carlos del CastilloGabriel HurtadoAlicia AlemánLucía Ruiz OliverasSheila LópezCharo RusoTechnical DataDirector and script:Oliva AcostaProducers:Jose Carlos SabánOliva AcostaCanal Sur Coordinator: Pilar OrtegaProduction Manager: José Carlos SabánPhotography:Andrés GarzasEditing:Mari Luz DominguezSound:Juan Carlos del CastilloGabriel HurtadoOriginal Sound Track: Alicia AlemánDocumentation: Lucía Ruiz OliverasProduction team: Sheila LópezCharo Ruso

SOBRE EL DOCUMENTAL<strong>Las</strong> <strong>Constituyentes</strong> es un documento audiovisualde un indudable valor sobre la historia dela participación política y social de las mujeresen España, recuperando con ello la peripeciapersonal y política que les llevó a ser las primerasmujeres, tras Clara Campoamor, VictoriaKent y sus coetáneas, en encontrarse en lasCortes democráticas españolas en un momentoúnico para nuestro país.Estas 27 mujeres, 21 diputadas y 6 senadoras,accedieron al Congreso y Senado español trasel periodo franquista, en las elecciones democráticasdel 15 de Junio de 1977, y participaronen la elaboración de la constitución españolade 1978, defendiendo activamente la igualdadde derechos entre hombres y mujeres en la sociedadespañola.A través de los testimonios de las protagonistas,y una emotiva secuencia de encuentro entrediputadas y políticas actuales con algunasde las mujeres constituyentes, el documentalaporta un sugerente análisis, basado en la experienciapersonal de todas ellas, sobre loshechos que configuran una de las etapas másinteresantes del parlamentarismo de nuestropaís: el de las Cortes <strong>Constituyentes</strong> en el períodocomprendido entre 1977-1979, y lo hacedesde la perspectiva de las mujeres. Se tratade una mirada sobre la transición española inéditaen España hasta el momento.ABOUT THE DOCUMENTARYMothers of the Constitution is an audio-visualdocumentary of undeniable value about the historyof the political and social involvement ofwomen in Spain. It traces the political and personalpath that led these women, after Clara Campoamor,Victoria Kent and her contemporaries,to becoming the first to find themselves withinSpain’s democratic Parliament in a unique andpivotal moment in Spanish history.Made up of 21 members of parliament and 6 senators,following Franco’s dictatorship these 27women entered the Spanish Congress and Senateduring the democratic elections of the 15thJune 1977. They were involved in creating theSpanish Constitution of 1978, including activelydefending equality for women in Spanish society.Through accounts from the protagonists, andan emotive sequence that shows a meeting betweencurrent members of parliament, politiciansand some of the mothers of the constitution, thedocumentary provides a suggestive analysisbased on first-hand experience of whatmakes up one of the most compellingeras of parliamentarianism inSpain: that of the Constituent Assemblybetween 1977 and 1979,and does it through the eyes ofthe woman. The documentaryoffers a glimpse of Spain’stransition to democracy andis unprecedented in the historyof this country.

NOTAS DE LA DIRECTORAResultaba necesario hacer un recorrido, conuna visión de género, sobre este momentohistórico, imprescindible para poner en valory recuperar la memoria de estas 27 mujeres,que, recogiendo el testigo de ClaraCampoamor, defendieron con una gran dignidadla igualdad entre los géneros, y quecontribuyeron activamente en las reformasque, impulsadas desde el Parlamento, hicieronposible trasladar al debate político losderechos de las mujeres.Cada año en el aniversario de la ConstituciónEspañola he oído hablar a los llamados“padres de la Constitución” de aquel momentohistórico, y siempre me preguntabaqué habría sido de las mujeres, aquellas que participaron en las eleccionesgenerales del 77… como dice Carmen Calvo en una secuencia que rodamospara el documental: “a los parlamentarios de entonces se les recuerda, perode ellas… ¡es que no hay rastro!”Me he planteado el documental como una oportunidad única, dada la generacióna la que pertenecen estas mujeres, de rescatar su memoria y guardarlapara la historia.No podía dar crédito al hecho de que no existiera en España ningún trabajode documentación sobre ellas, únicamente el libro de la profesora Julia Sevilla-que hay que conseguir en la librería del Congreso- ‘Mujeres parlamentariasde la legislatura constituyente’. Conocerlas me impulsó a hacer unprimer cortometraje, que fue un buen comienzo… pero quería profundizaraún más.Cuando rodamos me sentía como si tuviera delante de la cámara a VictoriaKent o Clara Campoamor. Creo que personajes de esta dimensión y sabiduríano permiten distracción o estrategia visual más allá de su sola voz,su mirada sobre la historia y el montaje del archivo audiovisual o sonoro.”Mi intención con el documental ha sido visibilizar y dejar constancia dellargo camino recorrido para la consecución de la igualdad de derechos delas mujeres, y conectar también con el presente y las generaciones de hoy,a través de la secuencia del encuentro de las políticas y las constituyentesque rodamos en el Senado. Dar a conocer a estas importantes mujeres ensu faceta política y personal, ha sido un gran reto que se ha hecho más fácil,gracias a la aportación y disposición de todas ellas.La secuencia del encuentro en el Senado, se rodó sin cortes en un diálogode más de dos horas entre las mujeres políticas representantes de algunosde los diferentes partidos del arco parlamentario. Fue técnicamentecomplicada, pero conseguimos que al poco tiempose olvidaran del equipo. Se enzarzaron en un debate interesantísimoque guiaron temáticamente a su antojo. No hubomayor premisa por mi parte que el tema de la participaciónpolítica de las mujeres en España, y mi ruego de que nose sintieran constreñidas por ninguna circunstancia. Creoque afortunadamente, al final conseguimos mi principalobjetivo, la frescura que muchas veces se pierde en losdiscursos políticos.

NOTES FROM THE DIRECTOR“With gender in mind, we had to go back tothis moment in history. It was vital that thememories of these 27 women were broughtback to life and showcased because thesevery women, following the footsteps of ClaraCampoamor, defended gender equalitywith great dignity and actively contributedto reforms, driven by the Parliament, thatmade political debate on the rights of womenpossible.On the anniversary of the Spanish Constitutionevery year, I would hear “the fathersof the Constitution” talking of that periodin history and I always wondered what everhappened to women politicians. They werealso involved in the general elections of1977… As Carmen Calvo said in a sequencethat we filmed for the documentary: “themale politicians are remembered, but aboutthe women…not a trace!”I considered the making of this documentary to be a one-off opportunity to recoverythe memories of these women and keep them safe in the name of history, given thegeneration to which they belong:I could not believe that no archiving work had been carried out in Spain on thesewomen apart from the book by Professor Julia Sevilla ‘Mujeres parlamentarias de lalegislatura constituyente’ (parliamentary women of the constituent term). Getting toknow them inspired me to make a short film, which was a good start…but then I wantedto delve even deeper.When we were filming I felt as if I had Victoria Kent or Clara Campoamor in front ofthe camera. I believe that figures of such importance and wisdom command no distractionsbut the use of a visual strategy of just their voice, their gaze back into thepast followed by the editing of the audiovisual or sounds files.”My intention with this documentary was to provide proof of and bring to light thelong journey that was taken in securing equal rights for women. I also wanted to linkthe past not only with the present but with today’s generations through the sequenceshowing the meeting between the politicians and mothers of the constitution that wefilmed in the Senate. To get to know the political and personal side of these importantwomen has been a great challenge –a challenge made easier thanks to their readinessalong with their contribution.The meeting sequence in the Senate was filmed without cuts in a debate between politiciansfrom some of the parties of the political spectrum that lasted for more thantwo hours. From a technical point of view, it was complicated but the equipmentwas soon forgotten about and they quickly become embroiledin an incredibly interesting debate, which covered themes as andwhen they naturally arose. My only request from them was that thetopic of the involvement of woman in politics in Spain came upand I asked them to talk freely about this. Thankfully though, I feelthat we achieved our main goal, which was the freshness that isoften lost in political discourse.

<strong>Las</strong> protagonistasDIPUTADAS Y SENADORASCONSTITUYENTES QUE INTERVIENENAna Maria Ruiz TagleNona Ines VilariñoBelen LandáburuSoledad BecerrilAmalia MiranzoCarlota BusteloDolors CalvetRosina LajoAsuncion CruañesVirtudes CastroMaría IzquierdoMercedes Moll MiguelDolores PelayoEsther TelladoDiputada Constituyente por SevillaDiputada Constituyente por La CoruñaSenadora Constituyente porDesignación RealDiputada Constituyente por SevillaSenadora Constituyente por CuencaDiputada Constituyente por MadridDiputada Constituyente por BarcelonaDiputada Constituyente por GeronaDiputada Constituyente por AlicanteDiputada Constituyente por AlmeríaDiputada Constituyente por GranadaDiputada Constituyente por GranadaSenadora Constituyente por TenerifeDiputada Constituyente por TenerifePARTICIPANTES EN LA SECUENCIADEL ENCUENTRO DE POLÍTICAS EN ELSENADO ESPAÑOLAna Maria Ruiz TagleNona Ines VilariñoAmalia MiranzoCarlota BusteloAna OramasInes SabanésCarmen AlborchMargarita UríaBibiana AídoSara DueñasCarmen CalvoCarmen QuintanillaDiputada Constituyente por SevillaDiputada Constituyente por La CoruñaSenadora Constituyente por CuencaDiputada Constituyente por MadridDiputada Coalición Canariaex Portavoz Asamblea Madrid(Izquierda Unida)Vicepresidenta Del Senado (PSOE)Vocal CGPJ, Ex-diputada(Partido Nac. Vasco)Ex Secretaria de Estado Igualdad(PSOE)Diputada (Partido Popular)Pta. Comisión Igualdad Congreso(PSOE)Vicepresidenta Comisión De IgualdadCONSTITUYENTES QUEINTERVIENEN1. Asunción Cruañes Molina, 1925-2012, Alicante. Residíaen Xavia, Valencia, PSOE. 6 hijos. Hija de maestra por laInstitución Libre de Enseñanza. Popular en los 60 en elmovimiento feminista como miembro del MDM. Diputadapor Alicante en cuatro legislaturas.2. Belén Landáburu, 1934, Burgos, reside en Madrid.Senadora por designación real. Abogada, letrada de lasección femenina. Procuradora en cortes y consejera nacionaldel movimiento. Formó parte de la Ponencia de laLey para la Reforma Política de 1977, la única mujer queparticipó en este trascendente proceso.3. Soledad Becerril, 1944, Madrid, reside en Sevilla, 2 hijos.UCD. Profesora universitaria. Licenciada en Filosofía.Partido Demócrata Andaluz. Ministra de Cultura en 1981.Senadora en el Grupo Popular, Alcaldesa de Sevilla. Diputadapor Sevilla.4. Dolors Calvet Puig, 1950, Sabadell. 1 hija. Periodista.PSUC movimiento de mujeres. Feminista. Organizadorade las Jornadas Catalanas de la Dona de 1976. Leyde amnistía que excluía a las mujeres. Igualdad en ellenguaje.5. Ana Maria Ruiz Tagle. 1944, Sevilla. 1 hijo. PSOE. Laboralista.Fundadora de la 1ª asesoría jurídico laboral deAndalucía junto con Felipe González. Profesora Facultadderecho de Sevilla. Diputada por Sevilla y Senadora envarias legislaturas.6. Esther Tellado Alfonso. 1929, Tenerife. 2 hijos. UCD.Titulada en idiomas, asociación de amas de casa. SecciónFemenina. Se interesó mucho por los temas defamilia.7. Nona Inés Vilariño Salgado. 1944. 1 hija. Nace y resideEl Ferrol. PGI. Filosofía y letras. Docente, vocación política.Secretaria General de PGI. Diputada en la 1ª legislatura.Independiente por la Coruña en la lista del UCD.8. Maria Dolores Pelayo Duque. 1943, Tenerife. PartidoSocial Demócrata, grupo de UCD. 2 hijos, abogada.Miembro de Mujeres Juristas. Diputada 5 legislaturas.Concejal de Ayto. de Tenerife. Miembro del Comité Federaldel PSOE. Directiva Club s. XXI. Planteó el derechode la mujer a la sucesión a la corona. Apoya la escuelapublica.9. Carlota Bustelo, 1939, Madrid. Feminista. PSOE. 3 hijos. Participaen la creación del frente de Liberación de la Mujer. Primeraponencia sobre la mujeres en el Congreso del PSOE en el 75.Ley del Divorcio. Miembro por España en el CEDAW de la ONU.Primera Directora del Instituto de la Mujer en el 83. Diputadapor Madrid. Principal aportación en el debate de los derechossexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres en constitución 77.

The ProtagonistsMEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT ANDSENATORS THAT TOOK PARTAna Maria Ruiz TagleNona Ines VilariñoBelen LandaburuSoledad BecerrilAmalia MiranzoCarlota BusteloDolors CalvetRosina LajoAsuncion CruañesVirtudes CastroMaría IzquierdoMercedes Moll MiguelDolores PelayoEsther TelladoConstituent MP for SevilleConstituent MP for La CoruñaConstituent Senator byRoyal AppointmentConstituent MP for SevilleConstituent Senator for CuencaConstituent MP for MadridConstituent MP for BarcelonaConstituent MP for GeronaConstituent MP for AlicanteConstituent MP for AlmeríaConstituent MP for GranadaConstituent MP for GranadaConstituent Senator forTenerifeConstituent MP for TenerifePARTICIPANTS IN THE MEETINGSEQUENCE BETWEEN POLITICIANS INTHE SPANISH SENATEAna Maria Ruiz TagleNona Ines VilariñoAmalia MiranzoCarlota BusteloAna OramasInes SabanésAssemblyCarmen AlborchMargarita UríaBibiana AídoSara DueñasCarmen CalvoCarmen QuintanillaMontserrac SurrocaConstituent MP for SevilleConstituent MP for La CoruñaConstituent Senator for CuencaConstituent MP for MadridCoalición Canaria MPEx-spokeswoman for the Madrid(Izquierda Unida party)Vice-President of the Senate(PSOE - Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party)Member of the Spanish GeneralCouncil of the Judiciaryand ex-MPPNV (Basque Nationalist Party)Ex-secretary of State for Equality(PSOE)MP (PP – Popular Party)President of the Committee ofEquality (PSOE)Vice-President of the Committee ofEquality (PP)MP (Convergencia i Unió)PARTICIPANTS1. Asunción Cruañes Molina, 1925-2012, Alicante. Lived inXavia, Valencia, PSOE. Six children. Daughter of a teacherat the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (institute offree teaching). Well-known during the feminist movementof the 1960’s as a member of the MDM (Women’sDemocratic Movement). MP for Alicante for four termsof office.2. Belén Landáburu, 1934, Burgos, lives in Madrid. Senatorby Royal Appointment. Lawyer, worked for SpanishPhalanx’s female organization. Court lawyer and nationaladvisor for the Spanish National Movement. Part ofthe Law Committee for the Political Reform of 1977, theonly woman that participated in this significant process.3. Soledad Becerril, 1944, Madrid, lives in Seville, 2 children.UCD (Union of the Democratic Centre Party). Universitylecturer. Graduate in Philosophy. Partido DemócrataAndaluz (Democratic Party of Andalusia). CultureMinister in 1981. Senator for Grupo Popular, Mayoress ofSevilla. MP for Seville.4. Dolors Calvet Puig, 1950, Sabadell. One daughter.Journalist. Women’s movement of the PSUC (UnitedSocialist Party of Catalonia). Feminist. Organiser of theCatalan Women’s Conference in 1976. Amnesty law thatexcluded women. Language equality.5. Ana Maria Ruiz Tagle, 1944, Seville. One son. PSOE.Labour lawyer. Founder of the Andalusia’s first legal labourconsultancy along with Felipe González. Lecturerat the Faculty of Law at the University of Seville. MP forSeville and senator during various terms of office.6. Esther Tellado Alfonso. 1929, Tenerife. Two children.UCD. Languages graduate, Housewives Association.Spanish Phalanx’s female organization. Interested in familyissues.7. Nona Inés Vilariño Salgado. 1944. One daughter. Bornand lives in El Ferrol. PGI (Independent Galician Party).Philosophy and Arts. Teacher, political vocation. SecretaryGeneral of the PGI. MP during the first legislativeterm after the transition. MP for La Coruña, UCD.8. Maria Dolores Pelayo Duque. 1943, Tenerife. PartidoSocial Demócrata, UCD group. Two children, lawyer.Member of the Spanish Association of Women Lawyers.MP for 5 terms of office. Town Councillor of Tenerife CityCouncil. Member of the PSOE Federal Committee Directorof Club s. XXI. Equal rights for women in the successionto the throne. Supports public schooling.9. Carlota Bustelo, 1939, Madrid. Feminist. PSOE. Threechildren. Involved in creating the Spanish Women’s LiberationFront. First speech of the PSOE on women in Congressin 1975. Divorce Law. Spain’s member of CEDAWwithin the UN. First Director of the Spanish Women’sInstitute in 1983. MP for Madrid. Key player in the debateon the sexual and reproductive rights of women in the1977 constitution.

The Protagonists10. Virtudes Castro García, 1938, born and lives in Adra,Almería. PSOE. Primary school teacher. Law graduate atthe Spanish Open University (UNED). Senator. Dedicatedto understanding agricultural problems in Almería.11. María Izquierdo Rojo. 1946, Oviedo. Lives in Granada.PSOE. University lecturer. Anti-Franco activist at university.MEP. Advisory bodies for women in Andalusiawhich gave rise to the future creation of women’s institutes.Fight for the equal rights of women in Andalusia.12. Rosina Lajo Perez, 1931, Valladolid, Teacher and Directorof the Vinces Vives Institute. Interested in educationissues. Lives in Gerona. PSOE. Resigned becauseshe was not satisfied with the consensus on education.13. Amalia Miranzo Martinez, 1939, Cuenca. Lived in Madrid.Three children. Only woman in the PSOE Senate group duringthe creation of the Spanish Constitution. Senator forCuenca. Left politics and began a career in teaching.14. Mercedes Moll de Miguel, 1941, Mallorca, lived in Granada.Independent UCD member. First association ofbusiness women in Granada. Worked towards eradicatingsexist stereotypes in the business and military sectors.MP for Granada.Mothers of the constitution whowere unable to participate15. Gloria Begué Cantón, 1931, Leon, lives in Salamanca,Senator by Royal Appointment in 1977. Economic Committee,Budgets. First female head professor in any lawfaculty in Spain. Chair of Political Economics and theTreasury. Appointed as Dean in 1969.16. Mª Teresa Revilla, 1936, Tetouan. PP-UCD. MP duringthe first legislative term after the transition. Lawyer. Solewoman in the Constitutional Committee made up of 39members. Defender of full women’s rights in Article 14 ofthe 1977 Constitution.17. Inmaculada Sabater Llorens. 1952, Elche. PSOE. MPfor Alicante. The youngest of all the women. Foundedthe first neighbours association of Elche. Resigned fromher seat because of disappointment with the legislativeprocess. She felt incapable of doing anything as shebelieved that everything had already been decided beforehand.18. Juana Arce Molina, 1935, 73 years old, born in Albacete,lives in Madrid. Three children. Languages teacher.MP for Albacete during the first legislative term after thetransition. Secretary of the Parliamentary Group of UCDduring the first constituent term of office. Senator. Socialpolitics.19. Elena Maria Moreno González. 1941, Santander. UCD.Director of the Bank of Bilbao. MP for Pontevedra. WorkCommittee on the physically and mentally disabled andprison facilities.Those who are not longer with us20. Maria Rubiés Garrofé, 1932-1993, born and lived in Lérida.Coalición Democracia i Cataluña. Secondary schoolteacher. Senator for the Senate’s Entesa dels CatalansGroup.21. Dolores Blanca Morenas Aydillo. 1937, passed awayin 1998. Two children. Badajoz. PP Parliamentary Groupof UCD. Teacher and Head Professor of Natural Sciencesand Biology at the University of Badajoz. Ministry ofIndustry for the Pre-Autonomous Government of Extramadura.22. Palmira Plá Pechovierto, deceased. 1914, born inTeruel and lived in Castellón. PSOE. Teacher. SocialistYouth of Spain, 1931. Generation of republican teachers.Manager of summer camps to protect children from theimpact of the Spanish Civil War. Exiled in 1939 in Parisand Venezuela. Education.23. Dolores Ibárruri, 1895, Vizcaya. Six children. PCE(Communist Party of Spain). Passed away in 1989 at theage of 94. MP for the Popular Front in 1936. MP in 1977.Provisional Vice-president of the Spanish Parliament.Constitutive Session with Rafael Alberti, senior vicepresident.24. Marta Mata, passed away in 2006. Born in 1926, Barcelona.PSC (Socialist Party of Catalonia). Teacher andpedagogue. Her mother was also a teacher. Worked inpedagogical renewal. MP in the first and second terms ofoffice after the transition. Senator for Catalonia duringthe second term. Senator during the fifth term. Chair ofthe State School Council. Received various prizes for herwork in education. Defender of public education in the1977 Constitution.25. Pilar Brabo, passed away in 1993. Born in 1943, Madrid.One daughter. Studied Physical Sciences at university.PCE (Communist Party of Spain). Anti-Francouniversity activist who operated from the Spanish DemocraticUniversity Federation (FUDE). MP in the firstand second terms of office after the transition. Governorfor Castellón and Director-General of Civil Protection.26. María Victoria Fernández-España. 1925, Coruña. Deceased.AP (People’s Alliance). Grand-daughter of thefounder of the newspaper La Voz de Galicia. Journalist.MP for three terms of office. Left her party because shedid not agree with its stance on NATO. Vice-presidentof the Administration Committee of La Voz de Galicia.27. Carmen García Bloise. 1937, Madrid. Passed away in1994. PSOE. Exiled in Paris. Chartered Accountant. Memberof the Socialist Youth of Spain at 15 years old. TradeUnion activist in Renault. Secretary of UGT trade union inParis. Belonged to the Miterrand politic team. She kept theaccounts of the PSOE. Grupo de las Navas of the PSOE.

The DirectorIn a “past life” Oliva Acosta was part of the communication teamfor Equality and Social Development Department at the UN Headquartersin New York, but the director and script writer from Cadizhas built up experience mainly in the world of the documentary.Her first feature film, “Reyita” was filmed entirely in Cuba and wasshown for the first time in Havana’s International Festival of NewLatin American Cinema. It later featured in numerous internationalfilm festivals before arriving to the Spanish screen in Madrid andBarcelona in 2008.She has worked as the script writer and director for many televisiondocumentaries such as “Infancia Rota” (broken childhood) for DocumentosTV OF TVE (Spanish National Television). The programmewon various prizes like that of the New York Television Festival,the silver award at the Hamburg Festival and the human rightsprize from the General Council of Spanish Lawyers. “Somos lo queComemos” (we are what we eat) for Documentos TV was nominatedas best TV programme at Malaga’s International Biennale ofScientific Film. “Acciones, no palabras” (actions, not words) wasfilmed in the UN in New York and was shown on TVE’s La Noche Temáticaprogramme. She has also worked on other Documentos TVdocumentaries such as “Mi vida por 1000 euros” (my life for 1000euros), “Hombres” (men), “El largo camino hacia el triunfo” (thelong road to triumph) or “Madres Invisibles” (invisible mothers).From 1994 to 1999 she was Communications officer in the Divisionfor the Advancement of Women of the United Nations Secretariatin New York, DAW. Here she worked on the organisation of theFourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 and also onits monitoring processes. She was creator and coordinator of thecollective initiative of UN organisations on equality: “Womenwatch.org”. After this period, from Brussels she coordinated the Women’sHuman Rights Network, an initiative that brought together a widerange of NGO’s from across the world to form a single internationalplatform.Five years ago, along with three other partners, Oliva set up herown production company with headquarters is in Chiclana, Cadiz.From here she develops her audiovisual projects.Television Documentaries2000.- Acciones, no palabras (actions, not words), TVE2002.- Somos lo que Comemos (we are what we eat), TVE2003.- Infancia Rota (broken childhood), TVE (script and research)2004.- Mi vida por 1000 euros (my life for 1000 euros), TVE (script and research)2004.- Madres Invisibles (invisible mothers), TVE (script and research)2006.- Hombres (men), TVE (script and research)Short Film Documentaries2010.- <strong>Las</strong> <strong>Constituyentes</strong> (Mothers of the Constitution), with Áurea Martínez2010.- Un Pintor de Alcalá (A Painter from Alcalá)Full-Length Films2008.- REYITA, with Elena Ortega2011.- <strong>Las</strong> <strong>Constituyentes</strong> (Mothers of the Constitution)

Ficha TécnicaFormato DocumentalDuración 70’Fecha producción 2011Formato de rodaje HD 1920x1080iAspect ratio 16:9Versión original castellanosubtitulado inglésProducida por Olivavá ProduccionesDirección y guión Oliva AcostaProductores Jose Carlos SabánOliva AcostaCoord. de coproduccionesCanal Sur Pilar OrtegaDirector de Producción Jose Carlos SabánDirección de fotografía Andrés GarzasMontaje MªLuz DomínguezSonido Juan Carlos del CastilloGabriel HurtadoBanda sonora original Alicia AlemánDocumentación Lucía Ruiz OliverasAyte de producción Sheila LópezCharo RusoEtalonado La ZanfoñaTechnical DataFormat DocumentaryRun time 70’Production Date 2011Filming Format HD 1920x1080iAspect ratio 16:9Language Spanish, English subtitlesProduced byDirector and ScriptProducersProduction ManagerPhotographyCanal Sur co-productionscoordinatorEditingSoundOriginal Sound TrackDocumentationProduction AssistantColour CorrectionOlivavá ProduccionesOliva AcostaJose Carlos SabánOliva AcostaJose Carlos SabánAndrés GarzasPilar OrtegaMªLuz DomínguezJuan Carlos del CastilloGabriel HurtadoAlicia AlemánLucía Ruiz OliverasSheila LópezCharo RusoLa ZanfoñaEn coproducción conCon la ayuda deCanal Sur TelevisiónConsejería de Culturade la Junta de AndalucíaIn a co-production withWith the help ofCanal Sur Television.Department of Culture ofthe Junta de AndalucíaLocalizacionesANDALUCÍA (Almeria y Granada)CANARIAS, (Tenerife)CATALUÑA, (Barcelona y Gerona)MADRID (Madrid)VALENCIA (Alicante)Edificios del Senado y Congreso de España, Parlamento deCanarias, Paraninfo de la Universidad de Barcelona, Salónde Plenos del Ayuntamiento de Gerona, Salón de Alcaldíadel Ayuntamiento de Granada, domicilios particulares delas <strong>Constituyentes</strong>.LocationsANDALUSIA (Almería and Granada)THE CANARY ISLANDS (Tenerife)CATALONIA (Barcelona and Gerona)MADRID (Madrid City)VALENCIA (Alicante)Spanish Senate and Congress Buildings, Parliament of theCanary Islands, Auditorium of the University of Barcelona,Chamber of Gerona’s Town Hall, Granada’s Town Hall, homesof the mothers of the constitutionOlivavá Producciones, s.l.Calle Berna 18, - 11130 Chiclana, CADIZContacto Productora/Contactinfo@olivava.comTel + (34) 956538369Distribución/DistributionEmilio Oliette914051794emilio.oliete@olietefilms.comPrensa/PressZenit ComunicaciónSylvia Suárez, Sofía Pedrochey Emilia Esteban91 559 91 88zenit@zenitcom.comwww.lasconstituyentes.comfacebook.com/lasconstituyenteswww.twitter.com/lconstituyenteswww.olivava.com

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