The sweet seed flibbook

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By: Harnel Peña

UNAD university.

It was the winter of '85. I remember the air was cold and moving like a shadow

along the trails of that small remote town, colliding with the fruits of the orange

trees near the 10th Street gate, the roofs, platforms, meadows, parks and all what

had a body around me. From my spacious house, without a roof, starless, dark,

to the bright and full of sun, full of details and green meadows, what could be

called with the thoughts of a cold and different month, persists, sad, melancholic

and meaningless , surrounding with his thick coldness my small and fragile body

unknown to me at that time. My mother, a wise, tired, complaining woman,

watched by my little eyes and listened to by my little ears, says with the sweetness

of someone who does not want to chase away the dream of a little weepy "Don't

go catching a cold " as he covered and rubbed my little button-sized nose from

top to bottom and bottom to top with his right thumb, pressing me against her left

chest, emitting from her hard and soft skin a milk smell, and from her body, a hot

vapor equal or better than a bonfire.

I remember her eyes, I remember her brightness, the scent of her fingers on my

nose, the light that her noble heart emanated, enough to light the light bulbs in

the dark of my life.

I grew up different.

My process was slow, instead of stretching me, it seemed to shrink me, instead

of lifting me, it was pulling me down, instead of my arms, my hands, my fingers

reaching out and forming branches with their different ramifications following the

natural process of growth upwards, my process was carried out in the opposite

way; My feet grew with his toes greatly, digging deep, creating connections like

an almost endless neural network, connecting with everything that had life within

the surface of the earth, moving away from the outside every day.

On the other hand, and unfortunately for me, the opposite happened with the other

plants; their trunks had a thick, lively and vigorous stem, their broad bark and a

considerable layer, their ramifications had multiple arms that in turn emitted small

branches with their incalculable leaves, forming the appearance of a leafy tree

with thick green hair. .

It was evident that I was going at a crazy, different and uncoordinated rhythm,

where I felt constantly disadvantaged - while I was on foot, they seemed to ride

a skate or bicycle - fast and very lucky. My mother, a woman with an

affectionate and tender gaze, when she saw the despair that fitted into my mind,

whispered in my ear - do not despair, my little one, the wind always arrives at its

moment and in its time - you will fly and grow ... And my eyes shone brightly like

the spring sun, they sparked in different directions, I looked big and powerful.

Time passed and the days became extinct with their nights, the sky went from

being illuminated by the moon to being illuminated by the sunlight, the mornings

became afternoons and the afternoons in darkness, forming in me a thin trunk

and without the contexture of a thick tree.

A night came when the moonlight did not appear, nor the starlight, when the breath

of the air lifted the arms of the largest and thickest trees, unloading its weight

against the roofs of the church, against the windows of the houses , where he

raised not only the sound of the bells and crying in the town, but also the panic in

the animals, in the forest, where roofs, ranches, houses, stables, gardens and

trees were seen flying ..., among them, my mother.

I woke up in a deep silence, when I opened my eyes after that storm, I did not

know what was around me; everything was new to me, nothing was like what

was remembered, there was nothing ... I was alone, with no one. Those mighty

thick-stemmed trees weren't there, you could hardly see where they were the

night before, there was only earth moving and holes everywhere. Frightened,

alone, stupefied, I began to scream, and to cry.

Suddenly and without knowing where and why, I heard a voice -that gaveseveral

voices that reached my ears, communicated but could not be seen, my

eyes and ears did not locate the sounds, but they continued, saying beautiful

things , encouraging (- "Where is she, that's fine; you're not alone, we're with

you-); but where did the voices come from? I was alone, there was nothing

around, there was no presence of life around me! Where did the voices come

from? And the answer was not long. The few leaves I had were missing, my skin

was free and with nothing to cover it. Look at my thin trunk, small and without

much to offer, but how was it? Was that possible? My friends, the tall and thick

ones were not there, the storm had ripped them away, and instead I, the weak

and frail, was there, without my mother, bald, without leaves, but there I was.

What? And the voices? Where did they come from?

I looked up, to the sides, back and, finally, down, my feet ... I looked at them for

an arduous time, I followed every line that was part of me. For the first time I felt

having as many feet as tentacles, watered and hidden by the earth and by dust,

long and extensive that I could not see the end of them, they were so long that

they found other trees ... Other bushes, other plants, animals of different species.

I closed my eyes, in the center of my feet, in my roots, and through each channel

I was diluting until I reached the end of my stump, feeling first the throbbing of the

earth, dry places, wet places, puddles, lagoons, the croaking of the toads, the

singing of the frogs, the beating of the plants, the footsteps of the horses, of the

pigs, chickens, birds, worms, ants, the jump of the crickets and other small


From another of my extensions I felt the graves, the remains of other beings, those

who left, who took the path that we will take later. Another part of me reached the

roots that supported me, and from other directions other roots held me tightly....

That being united to me, connected us through a wide communication network

that extended throughout the forest, this A large neural sphere communicates with

me and these same ones prevented that hurricane from ending my existence. I

understood at that moment that my greatness was not on the outside, but inside

me, what made me great and leafy was not a beautiful green hair or a strong and

thick trunk, but the union that forms the roots so that we remain united before the


The end.

Bibliographic references.

Images taken from: https://www.google.com.co/imghp?hl=es-419&tab=wi&ogbl

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