518017 - Task 1 – Jhoan Alexander Gomez Imbachi

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Task 1-Introduction to main terms

Tutor: Jose Alexander Arciniegas Torres

Jhoan Alexander Gómez Imbachi

Código: 1007562834

Grupo: 518017_103

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciatura en Lenguas modernas

Introduction to Linguistics




Step 1: Checking - Go to the Learning Environment and check the Course Contents and

Bibliographic References for Unit 1. Watch the video [Big Think]. (2012, October 6).

Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain [Video File]. Activate

Subtitles/closed captions to make it easier for you to take notes.

Step 2: Answers - According to the video:

• What is language?

• Language is one of the fundamental topics, in the human sciences, it´s the trait that

most conspicuously distinguishes humans from other species, it´s essential to

human cooperation; we accomplish amazing things, by sharing our knowledge or

coordinating our actions by means of words.

• What concept is developed with the famous Noam Chomsky’s phrase

“Colorless green ideas sleep furiously”?

• Although the sentence is well written grammatically, it is very close to making no

sense, but looking at it on the other hand for an English speaker can recognize that

the sentence conforms to the syntax patterns in English and is found as a wellformed


• Example: blue and red mountains travel the world. Many words, forming a

sentence that does not make sense since the mountains do not have characteristics

such as being blue or red and they do not travel the world because they will always

be in the same place.

• What is the basic explanation for the fact that a person speaks a foreign

language with a specific accent?

• When a person is acquiring knowledge of another foreign language, he transfers the

phonology rules of his first language and applies them to his second foreign

language, and for this you have a specific word called as well as "accent".

Step 3:


1. In our own language, we detect the word boundaries simply?

Because in our mental lexicon, we have stretches of sound that correspond to

One word that tell us where it ends.

2. The syntax is referred to in the language as?

The rules that allow us to put words into phrases and sentences.

3. Why morphology is important in language?

Because, morphology shows the rules that allow us to put together pieces of

words, as prefixes and suffixes in complex words.

Step 4. Screenshot of participation in forum.

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