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to be displayed on the ABRIS, EKRAN, and cockpit labeling when set to English

from the drop down list.

Measurement Units. Using the drop down menu, you may select either

Imperial or Metric. This selection will determine the units of measurement used

in the Mission Editor.

Editor Icon Style. When placing units and points on the map using the mission

editor, you can either use western-style military icons or Russian-style. Select

between the two using this drop down list.

G-Effect. Depending on the amount of G you are loading on the aircraft, the

effect of the G-force can have different effects according to the level you select

from the drop down list. Options include: None, Reduced, and Realistic. Note

that the G-model accounts for rapid-G onset which can be much more

demanding on the pilot (you). As such, when using the Realistic setting, ease

into the G rather than pulling very quickly. G-effects are not present when flying

helicopters in DCS.

Mirrors. Check this box to enable rear view mirrors. Note that mirrors can have

a significant affect on system performance.

Use These Options For All Missions. When checked, this option will force

any mission you fly to use the Options you personally set. If, however, this box

is unchecked, the Options used when the mission was created will be used.

In the lower left portion of the screen are the two Preset buttons. These allow you to

quickly set the gameplay options to provide either a realistic SIMULATION experience or

a GAME experience. Press either button to quickly configure your options or manually

select them to your own personal preferences.

Along the very bottom of the screen are the CANCEL button which will return you to the

Main Menu without saving any changes to Options, and the OK button which will return

you to the Main Menu page but will save your changes.

You can also exit the Options page by pressing the yellow X in the top right of the



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