Fuego III

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Nighttime mounts, as if Moscow and the snow falls, repeating

mantras, cold stares at death. It's a total shitstorm, all the

above, I thought, movies on in the background where I'd

opted for Wedding Crashers (cheer myself up a little after a

word from W...) I moved towards the balcony and started to

think about days gone by, rhymes, beats, things that brought

back an ounce of feeling. Long stares at the thing...

A day later I found myself starring in the mirror, the yellow

hue and slight charcoal Blackness of the reflection amounted

to all types of thoughts, as if I had to name all the /associates/,

consistency got me thinking however. Stick with the

associates they know about all the stuffs pertaining to what

I'm going on about. I got a voicemail, an associate calling

about where I had been before the night before. Music

playing: a crescendo of sex, something like Moroccan music,

or perhaps Algerian, though I'd settle with the thought that

the music was escaping my grasp, memories distort, fabric,

days in Northern Africa reminded me: long singular elements

of... wait a minute, I thought: that random artist guy in

Tangier was all about the warnings, they'd do this, they'd do

that... I just felt numb...

note written — 2016, Barcelona & London edited. 2019


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