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. . I G

. Labor History .

. . . G

. Ve Toplum .

. The Bracero Program and Effects on Human Capital Investments in Mexico 1942-

1964. SS ..

L . . Defiant Braceros. How Migrant Workers Fought for Racial, Sexual & Political Freedom.


L . L L. . G .

. I Journal of Global History .

.. . La verdad en el “caso” de los braceros: origen de esta injusticia y nombre de los

verdaderos responsables. .

G . . The Politics of Bracero Migration. .

.. L . . Labour Matters: Towards Global Histories: Studies in

Honour of Sabyasachi Bhattacharya. .

. . Indocumentados mexicanos. Causas y razones de la migración laboral G.

. . Constructing Citizenship: Transnational Workers and Revolution on the Mexico-Guatemala

Border, 1880-1950. .

L... . G L

L . I L... G.. . Mexican workers

and the making of Arizona . .

L... . L

S . I . . . Le frontiere del contratto: status,

mobilità, dipendenza (XIX-XX secolo) . .

. . . Abrazando El Epiritu. Bracero Families Confront the US-Mexico Border.


S .L. La emigración de braceros. Visión objetiva de un problema mexicano


S G . . .O. .

. Norteamérica .


S . . L I .

L . European Journal of Sociology .

S . . Migrant Imaginaries. Latino Cultural Politics in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands.

Y .

S . . . Arizona. A History. .

. . . Sociology .

G. . El problema del bracero mexicano . .

. .

Relaciones . ...


Y . . S XX.

Historia Mexicana LXI . . ..


Matching movements at the borders: the connected mobility of Guatemalan and Mexican workers (1940s-1950s)


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