2018 January Solo Together reunion recap

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150 guests 30 staff members 36

States, 1 Canadian territory & Mexico represented


New Orleans

4 days in the French Quarter 1 Lifetime membership awarded 20

years of WTT


Here’s to

the Women of WTT

The courageous. The bold. The brave.

The ones who take responsibility for their

own happiness. They don’t let fear hold

them back. They ignore the nay-sayers

who don’t understand. It’s about putting

yourself first – finally, and letting

someone take care of the details.

It’s about the next chapter. There is

something after divorce, the death of a

loved one, an empty nest, a career

concluded. It’s trusting that the world

isn’t going to fall apart just because you

left home for a week.

It’s an opportunity to rediscover yourself,

with no labels, no baggage. To share your

story as little or a much as you choose, to

rediscover the meaning of fun through

shared experiences and new friendships.

What you are doing is remarkable indeed.

What you are doing will change your life,

you’ll see.


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