Kindle (onlinePDF) The Big Activity Book for Teacher People

Copy Link to Download : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/0593419405 Book Synopsis : A hilarious, relatable way to honor the everyday heroes we all know and love, with illustrated laugh-out-loud activities and journaling prompts.Teachers: They&#8217re basically superheroes. They&#8217re educators, sure&#8212but they&#8217re also counselors, custodians, referees, detectives, party planners, epidemiologists, and traffic controllers (among the many, many other jobs that they don&#8217t get paid for, but should). Part journal, part coloring book, part therapeutic outlet for those days when they actually cannot confiscate one more fidget spinner without screaming, The Big Activity Book for Teacher People is a hilarious celebration of those resourceful, creative, compassionate, exhausted humans who we entrust with the care and schooling of our children. Activities include:&nbsp&nbsp &#8226 &nbspa word scramble of useless stuff you have to teach anyway&nbsp &#8226 &nbspdraw the administrator in their natural habitat&nbsp &#8226 &nbspcolor in the break room of horrors&nbsp &#8226 &nbspthings you do not want to receive from a parent, like, ever There is no teacher on the planet who needs another mug (seriously, just no). Book Detail : Title: The Big Activity Book for Teacher People Author: Published: - Pages: - Awards: - Language : ENGLISH Supporting format: PDF, EPUB, Kind

Copy Link to Download : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/0593419405

Book Synopsis :
A hilarious, relatable way to honor the everyday heroes we all know and love, with illustrated laugh-out-loud activities and journaling prompts.Teachers: They&#8217re basically superheroes. They&#8217re educators, sure&#8212but they&#8217re also counselors, custodians, referees, detectives, party planners, epidemiologists, and traffic controllers (among the many, many other jobs that they don&#8217t get paid for, but should). Part journal, part coloring book, part therapeutic outlet for those days when they actually cannot confiscate one more fidget spinner without screaming, The Big Activity Book for Teacher People is a hilarious celebration of those resourceful, creative, compassionate, exhausted humans who we entrust with the care and schooling of our children. Activities include:&nbsp&nbsp &#8226 &nbspa word scramble of useless stuff you have to teach anyway&nbsp &#8226 &nbspdraw the administrator in their natural habitat&nbsp &#8226 &nbspcolor in the break room of horrors&nbsp &#8226 &nbspthings you do not want to receive from a parent, like, ever There is no teacher on the planet who needs another mug (seriously, just no).

Book Detail :
Title: The Big Activity Book for Teacher People
Published: -
Pages: -
Awards: -
Language : ENGLISH

Supporting format: PDF, EPUB, Kind


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The Big Activity Book for Teacher People




The Big Activity Book for Teacher People

A hilarious, relatable way to honor the everyday heroes we all know and love, with illustrated laugh-outloud

activities and journaling prompts.Teachers: They&#8217rebasically superheroes.

They&#8217reeducators, sure&#8212bu they&#8217realso counselors, custodians, referees, detectives,

party planners, epidemiologists, and traffic controllers (among the many, many other jobs that they

don&#8217tget paid for, but should). Part journal, part coloring book, part therapeutic outlet for those

days when they actually cannot confiscate one more fidget spinner without screaming, The Big Activity

Book for Teacher People is a hilarious celebration of those resourceful, creative, compassionate,

exhausted humans who we entrust with the care and schooling of our children. Activities

include:&nbspnbsp &#8226&nbspaword scramble of useless stuff you have to teach

anyway&nbsp&#8226&nbspdra the administrator in their natural habitat&nbsp&#8226&nbspcolr in the

break room of horrors&nbsp&#8226&nbspthigs you do not want to receive from a parent, like, ever There

is no teacher on the planet who needs another mug (seriously, just no).

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