[ebook] download free Rise of the New World Order: Book Series Update and Urgent Status Report: Vol. 6 (Rise of the New World Order Status Report)

(COPY LINK) : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/B09S5KLKQD Book Synopsis : I&#8217m back in the saddle after getting caught up on many things, including this Update Report 6 I started last October.This is the longest update yet as so much has happened since Update 5, so it&#8217s a double-update with two chapters&#8230there&#8217s a lot going on to cover!I would love to say that things look like they are turning around for humanity in this newest update but&#8230you know&#8230mandatory jabs and papers, please.The plannedemic is not going away&#8230ever. They didn&#8217t go through the trouble of Event 201, initiating a &#8216pandemic&#8217, setting all of this NWO-police-state up, including ID2020 and the Great Reset we are at the beginning stages of, to just have it all go away.When the NWO gains power they tend to want to keep it and use that power to gain even more. Welcome to the Fourth Reich&#8230literally, because the same entities who brought Hitler to power are behind the plannedemic and the Great Reset&#8230and the New World Order...all of it.Did you actually think the jab-passes and the discrimination of the non-jabbed for employment was going to go away when the pandemic goes away? This &#8216gain of function&#8217 virus is here to stay, an endemic now. There will be a new variant every few months to keep all of this going, or worse, a whole new virus to contend

(COPY LINK) : https://site.bookcenterapp.com/YUMPU/B09S5KLKQD

Book Synopsis :
I&#8217m back in the saddle after getting caught up on many things, including this Update Report 6 I started last October.This is the longest update yet as so much has happened since Update 5, so it&#8217s a double-update with two chapters&#8230there&#8217s a lot going on to cover!I would love to say that things look like they are turning around for humanity in this newest update but&#8230you know&#8230mandatory jabs and papers, please.The plannedemic is not going away&#8230ever. They didn&#8217t go through the trouble of Event 201, initiating a &#8216pandemic&#8217, setting all of this NWO-police-state up, including ID2020 and the Great Reset we are at the beginning stages of, to just have it all go away.When the NWO gains power they tend to want to keep it and use that power to gain even more. Welcome to the Fourth Reich&#8230literally, because the same entities who brought Hitler to power are behind the plannedemic and the Great Reset&#8230and the New World Order...all of it.Did you actually think the jab-passes and the discrimination of the non-jabbed for employment was going to go away when the pandemic goes away? This &#8216gain of function&#8217 virus is here to stay, an endemic now. There will be a new variant every few months to keep all of this going, or worse, a whole new virus to contend


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Rise of the New World Order: Book Series Update and Urgent Status Report: Vol. 6 (Rise of the New World Order Status Report)

Rise of the New World Order: Book Series Update and Urgent Status Report:

Vol. 6 (Rise of the New World Order Status Report)

I&#8217mback in the saddle after getting caught up on many things, including this

Update Report 6 I started last October.This is the longest update yet as so much has

happened since Update 5, so it&#8217sa double-update with two

chapters&#8230thre&#8217sa lot going on to cover!I would love to say that things look

like they are turning around for humanity in this newest update but&#8230yo

know&#8230madatory jabs and papers, please.The plannedemic is not going

away&#8230evr. They didn&#8217tgo through the trouble of Event 201, initiating a

&#8216pademic&#8217 setting all of this NWO-police-state up, including ID2020 and

the Great Reset we are at the beginning stages of, to just have it all go away.When the

NWO gains power they tend to want to keep it and use that power to gain even more.

Welcome to the Fourth Reich&#8230lierally, because the same entities who brought

Hitler to power are behind the plannedemic and the Great Reset&#8230an the New

World Order...all of it.Did you actually think the jab-passes and the discrimination of the

non-jabbed for employment was going to go away when the pandemic goes away?

This &#8216gan of function&#8217virus is here to stay, an endemic now. There will be

a new variant every few months to keep all of this going, or worse, a whole new virus to

contend with.The national death rate in the United States is up 40% since Summer of

2021&#8230an is accelerating. This is causing the life insurance companies to take

notice and are sounding the alarm, one of many items we will review in this

report.Humanity&#8217slast gasp of freedom is at our doorstep. We&#8217reon the

ropes and the United States in particular is the hope of the world right now so

let&#8217sget ready to rumble.Thanks to all for your support!Godspeed, patriots. -


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