[PDF] READ] Free Reconciling Practices: Listening, Praying, and Witnessing in the Midst of Division

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B0B1WDPV72.html - Book Synopsis : From 2017 to 2020, ten seminarians from five different Anglican seminaries met to discuss the difficult topics that have caused division and conflict in the worldwide Anglican Communion. Representing the Anglican Church in North America, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Continuum, these seminarians desired to humanize the conflict by pursuing embodied experiences of disagreement and reconciliation, even while recognizing that resolution in the form of agreement would be virtually impossible. Reconciling Practices recounts their journey in the hope that the experiences of these seminarians might serve as a model for the Anglican Communion. In the words of the Most Rev. Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, this book shows us &#8220how it is indeed possible to encounter one another not as opposition or other, but as beloved children of God.&#8221 Praise for Reconciling Practices&#8220Intentional reconciliation amidst deep disagreement is hard work. It is also necessary work for all who choose to follow Jesus in his Way of Love. But what does this look like? Outlining the interactions of a cohort of very different students from five seminaries, Reconciling Practices shows how it is indeed possible to encounter one another not as opposition or other, but as beloved children of God.&#8

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B0B1WDPV72.html -
Book Synopsis :
From 2017 to 2020, ten seminarians from five different Anglican seminaries met to discuss the difficult topics that have caused division and conflict in the worldwide Anglican Communion. Representing the Anglican Church in North America, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Continuum, these seminarians desired to humanize the conflict by pursuing embodied experiences of disagreement and reconciliation, even while recognizing that resolution in the form of agreement would be virtually impossible. Reconciling Practices recounts their journey in the hope that the experiences of these seminarians might serve as a model for the Anglican Communion. In the words of the Most Rev. Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, this book shows us &#8220how it is indeed possible to encounter one another not as opposition or other, but as beloved children of God.&#8221 Praise for Reconciling Practices&#8220Intentional reconciliation amidst deep disagreement is hard work. It is also necessary work for all who choose to follow Jesus in his Way of Love. But what does this look like? Outlining the interactions of a cohort of very different students from five seminaries, Reconciling Practices shows how it is indeed possible to encounter one another not as opposition or other, but as beloved children of God.&#8


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Reconciling Practices: Listening, Praying,

and Witnessing in the Midst of Division

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Witnessing in the Midst of Division

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Witnessing in the Midst of Division

Description :

From 2017 to 2020, ten seminarians from five different Anglican seminaries

met to discuss the difficult topics that have caused division and conflict in the

worldwide Anglican Communion. Representing the Anglican Church in North

America, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Continuum, these

seminarians desired to humanize the conflict by pursuing embodied

experiences of disagreement and reconciliation, even while recognizing that

resolution in the form of agreement would be virtually impossible. Reconciling

Practices recounts their journey in the hope that the experiences of these

seminarians might serve as a model for the Anglican Communion. In the

words of the Most Rev. Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal

Church, this book shows us &#8220hoit is indeed possible to encounter one

another not as opposition or other, but as beloved children of

God.&#8221Praise for Reconciling Practices&#8220Inentional reconciliation

amidst deep disagreement is hard work. It is also necessary work for all who

choose to follow Jesus in his Way of Love. But what does this look like?

Outlining the interactions of a cohort of very different students from five

seminaries, Reconciling Practices shows how it is indeed possible to

encounter one another not as opposition or other, but as beloved children of

God.&#8221&#8212Th Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of The

Episcopal Church and Author of Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in

Troubling Times&#8220Though an experiential lens this text shares the

commitment, pain and surprising trajectory of practicing reconciliation, rooted

in Christ, that is the call of every Christian (2 Cor 5:20). As both the church and

the world face increasing and polarizing divisions, formation in these practices

of reconciliation will be essential. This book offers us a way into that work with

honesty and with the hope that remains rooted in the reconciling love of

God.&#8221&#8212Th Most Rev. Linda Nicholls, Archbishop and Primate of

the Anglican Church of Canada &#8220Ths is the honest account of a brave

project, which under other leadership might have been a facile account of a

cosmetic project. Kudos to Robert Heaney and his team for having the

courage to invite strangers to the same table and, perhaps even more to the

seminarians for being willing to stay there when any other choice would have

been easier&#8212aparable and a path for a broken

church.&#8221&#8212Gawood P. Anderson, Ph.D., Dean of Nashotah House

and Professor of New Testament &#8220Ths book is a testimony to what is

possible when people of faith take risks for the sake of pursuing the kind of

Christian unity that values each human person. It is a refreshingly honest

account of listening to and learning from diverse theological

perspectives&#8212an the challenges this listening brings. A must read for

anyone wanting to engage more deeply with difference for the good of the

Church.&#8221&#8212Th Rev. Dr. Gabrielle Thomas, Assistant Professor of

Early Christianity and Anglican Studies, Candler School of Theology, Emory

UniversityABOUT THE EDITORSRobert S. Heaney is Professor of Theology

and Mission, Virginia Theological Seminary. He is author of Post-Colonial

Theology: Finding God and Each Other Amidst the Hate (2019) and, with

William L. Sachs, The Promise of Anglicanism (2019).Jacques Hadler, Jr.,

retired from Virginia Theological Seminary where he served as Director of

Field Education and taught courses in Practical Theology and Cross-Cultural

reflection, currently provides spiritual direction and coaching and consults on

multicultural ministry and reconciliation.Hartley Wensing serves as Associate

Director of the Virginia Theological Seminary Center for Anglican Communion

Studies where she provides leadership to projects supporting cross-cultural

and reconciliation ministries.

Reconciling Practices: Listening, Praying, and

Witnessing in the Midst of Division

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B0B1WDPV72.html - Book Synopsis :

From 2017 to 2020, ten seminarians from five different Anglican

seminaries met to discuss the difficult topics that have caused division

and conflict in the worldwide Anglican Communion. Representing the

Anglican Church in North America, The Episcopal Church, and the

Anglican Continuum, these seminarians desired to humanize the conflict

by pursuing embodied experiences of disagreement and reconciliation,

even while recognizing that resolution in the form of agreement would be

virtually impossible. Reconciling Practices recounts their journey in the

hope that the experiences of these seminarians might serve as a model

for the Anglican Communion. In the words of the Most Rev. Michael

Curry, the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, this book shows

us &#8220hoit is indeed possible to encounter one another not as

opposition or other, but as beloved children of God.&#8221Praise for

Reconciling Practices&#8220Inentional reconciliation amidst deep

disagreement is hard work. It is also necessary work for all who choose

to follow Jesus in his Way of Love. But what does this look like?

Outlining the interactions of a cohort of very different students from five

seminaries, Reconciling Practices shows how it is indeed possible to

encounter one another not as opposition or other, but as beloved

children of God.&#8221&#8212Th Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding

Bishop of The Episcopal Church and Author of Love is the Way: Holding

on to Hope in Troubling Times&#8220Though an experiential lens this

text shares the commitment, pain and surprising trajectory of practicing

reconciliation, rooted in Christ, that is the call of every Christian (2 Cor

5:20). As both the church and the world face increasing and polarizing

divisions, formation in these practices of reconciliation will be essential.

This book offers us a way into that work with honesty and with the hope

that remains rooted in the reconciling love of God.&#8221&#8212Th Most

Rev. Linda Nicholls, Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of

Canada &#8220Ths is the honest account of a brave project, which under

other leadership might have been a facile account of a cosmetic project.

Kudos to Robert Heaney and his team for having the courage to invite

strangers to the same table and, perhaps even more to the seminarians

for being willing to stay there when any other choice would have been

easier&#8212aparable and a path for a broken

church.&#8221&#8212Gawood P. Anderson, Ph.D., Dean of Nashotah

House and Professor of New Testament &#8220Ths book is a testimony

to what is possible when people of faith take risks for the sake of

pursuing the kind of Christian unity that values each human person. It is

a refreshingly honest account of listening to and learning from diverse

theological perspectives&#8212an the challenges this listening brings. A

must read for anyone wanting to engage more deeply with difference for

the good of the Church.&#8221&#8212Th Rev. Dr. Gabrielle Thomas,

Assistant Professor of Early Christianity and Anglican Studies, Candler

School of Theology, Emory UniversityABOUT THE EDITORSRobert S.

Heaney is Professor of Theology and Mission, Virginia Theological

Seminary. He is author of Post-Colonial Theology: Finding God and Each

Other Amidst the Hate (2019) and, with William L. Sachs, The Promise of

Anglicanism (2019).Jacques Hadler, Jr., retired from Virginia Theological

Seminary where he served as Director of Field Education and taught

courses in Practical Theology and Cross-Cultural reflection, currently

provides spiritual direction and coaching and consults on multicultural

ministry and reconciliation.Hartley Wensing serves as Associate Director

of the Virginia Theological Seminary Center for Anglican Communion

Studies where she provides leadership to projects supporting crosscultural

and reconciliation ministries.

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