DOWNLOAD [PDF] Quaker Comet: Benjamin Lay: Anti-Slavery Pioneer
(CopyLink) - Book Synopsis : Born near Colchester in 1681, Benjamin Lay overcame disability to become an outspoken early opponent of slavery, both in Barbados and later in Pennsylvania.'Quaker Comet' includes the pioneering biography of 'Little Benjamin' by Roberts Vaux, an introduction, notes, and autobiographical extracts from Lay's 1737 book on the evils of the African slave trade. The book ends with a selection of early texts relating to Quakerism and slavery.
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Book Synopsis :
Born near Colchester in 1681, Benjamin Lay overcame disability to become an outspoken early opponent of slavery, both in Barbados and later in Pennsylvania.'Quaker Comet' includes the pioneering biography of 'Little Benjamin' by Roberts Vaux, an introduction, notes, and autobiographical extracts from Lay's 1737 book on the evils of the African slave trade. The book ends with a selection of early texts relating to Quakerism and slavery.
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Quaker Comet: Benjamin Lay: Anti-Slavery
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Description :
Born near Colchester in 1681, Benjamin Lay overcame disability to become an
outspoken early opponent of slavery, both in Barbados and later in
Pennsylvania.'Quaker Comet' includes the pioneering biography of 'Little
Benjamin' by Roberts Vaux, an introduction, notes, and autobiographical
extracts from Lay's 1737 book on the evils of the African slave trade. The book
ends with a selection of early texts relating to Quakerism and slavery.
Quaker Comet: Benjamin Lay: Anti-Slavery
(CopyLink) - Book Synopsis :
Born near Colchester in 1681, Benjamin Lay overcame disability to
become an outspoken early opponent of slavery, both in Barbados and
later in Pennsylvania.'Quaker Comet' includes the pioneering biography
of 'Little Benjamin' by Roberts Vaux, an introduction, notes, and
autobiographical extracts from Lay's 1737 book on the evils of the
African slave trade. The book ends with a selection of early texts relating
to Quakerism and slavery.