[PDF] DOWNLOAD EBOOK Authoritative Prayers to Destroy all Satanic Manipulations: Powerful Prayers to Destroy all Powers Working Against Your Happiness, Breakthrough and Miracles

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B08GLWB3KJ.html - Book Synopsis : Do you know our Lord Jesus Christ has given you the authority to tread upon snakes and Scorpion and to overcome all the power of the enemy (nothing will harm you)? If you don't know, the book of Luke 10:19 says so! If you don't realize your Authority as a Christian, you will struggle to stand out in LIFE. If your prayer altar is not filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, you will crawl in life. As a Christian, you should know you are not wrestling against ordinary flesh and blood, but you are fighting against powers in high places.The book of Ephesians 6:12 says, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. It takes authoritative prayers to put the devil at bay it takes authoritative prayers to set ablaze every battle confronting your household, and it takes authoritative prayers to claim your birthright. The devil aims to put fear in you so that you will not realize the Authority our Lord Jesus Christ has made available to you. It is your right to enjoy every good thing in life, and if you don't use that authoritative power to command them, you might live from hand to mouth.What curse is troubling you? What Generational stigma is making you crawl in li

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B08GLWB3KJ.html -
Book Synopsis :
Do you know our Lord Jesus Christ has given you the authority to tread upon snakes and Scorpion and to overcome all the power of the enemy (nothing will harm you)? If you don't know, the book of Luke 10:19 says so! If you don't realize your Authority as a Christian, you will struggle to stand out in LIFE. If your prayer altar is not filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, you will crawl in life. As a Christian, you should know you are not wrestling against ordinary flesh and blood, but you are fighting against powers in high places.The book of Ephesians 6:12 says, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. It takes authoritative prayers to put the devil at bay it takes authoritative prayers to set ablaze every battle confronting your household, and it takes authoritative prayers to claim your birthright. The devil aims to put fear in you so that you will not realize the Authority our Lord Jesus Christ has made available to you. It is your right to enjoy every good thing in life, and if you don't use that authoritative power to command them, you might live from hand to mouth.What curse is troubling you? What Generational stigma is making you crawl in li


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Authoritative Prayers to Destroy all Satanic

Manipulations: Powerful Prayers to Destroy

all Powers Working Against Your Happiness,

Breakthrough and Miracles

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Manipulations: Powerful Prayers to Destroy all Powers Working Against Your Happiness,

Breakthrough and Miracles

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Manipulations: Powerful Prayers to Destroy all Powers Working Against Your Happiness,

Breakthrough and Miracles

Description :

Do you know our Lord Jesus Christ has given you the authority to tread upon

snakes and Scorpion and to overcome all the power of the enemy (nothing will

harm you)? If you don't know, the book of Luke 10:19 says so! If you don't

realize your Authority as a Christian, you will struggle to stand out in LIFE. If

your prayer altar is not filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, you will crawl in life.

As a Christian, you should know you are not wrestling against ordinary flesh

and blood, but you are fighting against powers in high places.The book of

Ephesians 6:12 says, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but

against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world

and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. It takes

authoritative prayers to put the devil at bay it takes authoritative prayers to set

ablaze every battle confronting your household, and it takes authoritative

prayers to claim your birthright. The devil aims to put fear in you so that you

will not realize the Authority our Lord Jesus Christ has made available to you.

It is your right to enjoy every good thing in life, and if you don't use that

authoritative power to command them, you might live from hand to

mouth.What curse is troubling you? What Generational stigma is making you

crawl in life? What pain, depression, or challenge has the enemy set before

you that it looks like there is no way out? This is the time to reclaim your given

Authority and enjoy the freedom that the Lord Jesus Christ has given to you.

This is the time to pray authoritatively and reclaim every good thing. Have you

forgotten what the Bible says? It says, but you are a chosen people, a royal

priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession. (1 Peter 2:9)Hallelujah!It

is your right to enjoy every good thing it is your right to be free from the grip of

the devil, and it is your right to reclaim everything the devil has stolen from you

with the Authority our Lord Jesus has released to you.In the book

&quotAutoritative Prayers to Destroy All Satanic Manipulations,&quotI have

outlines over 200+ prayers that you can use to tackle all challenges

confronting you in the place of prayer. You will need to say these prayers with

total conviction that our God can do all things (faith in Him) you must also be

sure you don't have skeletons in your cupboard (free from sin!), and above all,

you must go before Him with gladness( praise and Worship).Be assured the

Battles of life troubling you will fade away after you must have prayed these

prayers Be assured our Lord Jesus Christ will settle your case and place you

in high places. After this exercise, your life will witness an unexpected turnaround

in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen...Procrastinate NOT! Click the

button below to get your copy, right now!

Authoritative Prayers to Destroy all Satanic

Manipulations: Powerful Prayers to Destroy all

Powers Working Against Your Happiness,

Breakthrough and Miracles

(CopyLink)https://tq.filegood.club/B08GLWB3KJ.html - Book Synopsis :

Do you know our Lord Jesus Christ has given you the authority to tread

upon snakes and Scorpion and to overcome all the power of the enemy

(nothing will harm you)? If you don't know, the book of Luke 10:19 says

so! If you don't realize your Authority as a Christian, you will struggle to

stand out in LIFE. If your prayer altar is not filled with the fire of the Holy

Spirit, you will crawl in life. As a Christian, you should know you are not

wrestling against ordinary flesh and blood, but you are fighting against

powers in high places.The book of Ephesians 6:12 says, For our struggle

is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the

authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the

spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. It takes authoritative

prayers to put the devil at bay it takes authoritative prayers to set ablaze

every battle confronting your household, and it takes authoritative

prayers to claim your birthright. The devil aims to put fear in you so that

you will not realize the Authority our Lord Jesus Christ has made

available to you. It is your right to enjoy every good thing in life, and if

you don't use that authoritative power to command them, you might live

from hand to mouth.What curse is troubling you? What Generational

stigma is making you crawl in life? What pain, depression, or challenge

has the enemy set before you that it looks like there is no way out? This

is the time to reclaim your given Authority and enjoy the freedom that the

Lord Jesus Christ has given to you. This is the time to pray

authoritatively and reclaim every good thing. Have you forgotten what

the Bible says? It says, but you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood,

a holy nation, God's special possession. (1 Peter 2:9)Hallelujah!It is your

right to enjoy every good thing it is your right to be free from the grip of

the devil, and it is your right to reclaim everything the devil has stolen

from you with the Authority our Lord Jesus has released to you.In the

book &quotAutoritative Prayers to Destroy All Satanic

Manipulations,&quotI have outlines over 200+ prayers that you can use

to tackle all challenges confronting you in the place of prayer. You will

need to say these prayers with total conviction that our God can do all

things (faith in Him) you must also be sure you don't have skeletons in

your cupboard (free from sin!), and above all, you must go before Him

with gladness( praise and Worship).Be assured the Battles of life

troubling you will fade away after you must have prayed these prayers

Be assured our Lord Jesus Christ will settle your case and place you in

high places. After this exercise, your life will witness an unexpected turnaround

in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen...Procrastinate NOT! Click the

button below to get your copy, right now!

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