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MONDAY, SEPTEMbEr 14, 2020


1 civilian killed, 4

injured in Indian

firing : Pakistani army

Pakistani army said on

Sunday that one civilian

was killed and four others

were injured in Indian

forces' indiscriminate firing

along the Line of Control

(LoC) in the disputed

Kashmir region, reports


An army statement said

the Indian troops

committed "unprovoked

ceasefire violations along

the LoC, targeting civil

population with automatics

and mortars in Hotspring

and Rakhchikri sectors."

A girl was killed while four

civilians including a 75-yearold

woman and two young

boys sustained injuries,

according to the statement.

Gangchil Foundation distributed masks among the unconscious people in Jessore. They distributed 500 masks in different

places of Jessore. In addition, at the beginning of the corona outbreak, they distributed food to needy people on Eid and

provided financial assistance for the treatment of a child suffering from a complex disease.

Photo : Shohid Joy

Thousands of Israelis protest

outside Netanyahu's residence

Thousands of Israelis demonstrated outside

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official

residence in central Jerusalem late Saturday,

demanding he resign over his trial on

corruption charges and what is widely seen as

his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic,

reports UNB.

With Israel reporting record levels of new

coronavirus cases each day, the country

appears to be headed toward a nationwide

lockdown this week ahead of the Jewish New


Saturday's demonstration came a day after

Israel announced an agreement to establish

diplomatic relations with Bahrain, the second

Arab country to normalize ties with Israel in

under a month and just the fourth overall.

But the surprise announcement had little

effect on the thousands of demonstrators, who

have been gathering outside Netanyahu's

residence every Saturday throughout the


Protests against Netanyahu over his

corruption trial have expanded to include

demonstrations against his handling of the

health crisis and the resulting economic pain.

Late Saturday, police detained several


Israel earned praise last spring for its early

handling of the virus crisis, moving quickly to

seal the country's borders and appearing to

bring an outbreak under control.

But Netanyahu has come under criticism for

reopening the economy too quickly in May.

Since then, new cases have soared, the

government has been blamed for

mismanaging the resurgence and

unemployment has soared to double digit

levels. Many struggling workers and business

owners fear another closure will be

devastating. Many of the demonstrators are


Last week Netanyahu announced overnight

curfews on some 40 cities and towns hit hard

by the coronavirus, but backed away from

reported recommendations for full lockdowns

after an uproar by politically powerful religious


Pompeo says "deeply

concerned" over Turkish

energy exploration in


Visiting U.S. Secretary of State

Mike Pompeo said Saturday

that the United States is

"deeply concerned" over

Turkey's gas exploration in the

eastern Mediterranean amid

growing tensions between

Turkey, Cyprus and Greece,

reports UNB.

"We remain deeply

concerned by Turkey's

ongoing operations surveying

for natural resources in areas

over which Greece and Cyprus

assert jurisdiction in the

Eastern Mediterranean,"

Pompeo said at a joint press

conference with Cypriot

President Nicos Anastasiades.

Turkey and the two

European Union members

are engaged in a war of words

over oil and gas reserves and

maritime rights in the

disputed region, prompting

fears that tensions will

continue to rise.

Anastasiades, for his part,

voiced readiness to enter

negotiations for a

comprehensive solution of the

disputes, urging Ankara to

end "aggressive actions."

Seven Mediterranean states

on Thursday urged Turkey to

resolve territorial disputes

with Greece and Cyprus

through negotiation, warning

of "further restrictive

measures" if Turkey does not

halt its "unilateral activities."

On Friday, Turkish Foreign

Ministry spokesman Hami

Aksoy said EU countries

should abandon a policy of

"blindly" taking the side of

Greece and Cyprus, and called

on Greece to enter

unconditional and direct talks

to settle down disputes.

Lebanese protesters clash with

army near presidential palace

Lebanese soldiers on

Saturday fired rubber bullets

and live rounds in the air to

disperse hundreds of

protesters trying to march to

the presidential palace during

an anti-government


Tension is high in Lebanon

following last month's

devastating explosion at

Beirut's port that killed nearly

200 people, and after another

mysterious and huge blaze at

the same site Thursday,

reports UNB.

The Aug. 4 explosion was

caused by the detonation of

nearly three thousand tons of

ammonium nitrates that had

been improperly stored at the

port for years. More than five

weeks later, it is still not clear

what started the fire that

ignited the chemicals, and no

one has been held

accountable so far.

The explosion, which created

a massive shockwave that

shattered glass and blasted

windows, doors and injured

6,500 people, came on top of an

unprecedented economic and

financial crisis blamed on

decades of corruption and

mismanagement by the

country's political class.

Protesters had called for the

march Saturday to the

presidential palace in the

suburb of Baabda to express

their anger and call for

accountability. Supporters of

President Michel Aoun called

for a counter-protest at the

same location, adding to the


Hundreds of Lebanese

soldiers separated the two

camps. Later, as anti-Aoun

protesters attempted to break

a security cordon blocking

their path on the highway

leading to the palace, troops

fired at first live rounds in the

air, then rubber bullets, in an

effort to disperse them.

Some protesters threw

stones and tree branches at

the troops, injuring several of

them. Some sat in the middle

of the highway vowing to stay

there. A group climbed on a

sign post and hung ropes tied

into nooses.

Some soldiers threw stones

and sticks back at protesters,

and pointed their M-16

machine guns at them as well.

The military later issued a

statement saying it had to

form a human barrier to

separate the two groups of

demonstrators near the

presidential palace, and was

forced to fire in the air after

protesters pelted soldiers with

stones and beat them with

sticks in an attempt to reach

the presidential palace.

The public blames the

corruption and negligence of

Lebanon's politicians, security

and judicial officials, many of

whom knew about the storage

of the chemicals that exploded

and did nothing.

GD-1171/20 (10x3)

India's health ministry

suggests yoga as

post-COVID protocol

India's health ministry on

Sunday came out with

fresh guidelines of yoga

practice and dietary

supplement to be followed

by those who recovered

from COVID-19 pandemic,

reports UNB.

The guidelines included

adopting a yoga routine,

regular use of turmeric

and consumption of

Chyawanprash made of a

mixture of herbs and


As many as 3,702,595

people have been

successfully cured and

discharged from hospitals

in the country so far.

"The use of one spoon of

Chyawanprash in the

morning with lukewarm

water or milk is highly

recommended as in the

clinical practice it is

believed to be effective in

post-recovery period," said

the ministry's guidelines.

Titled "Post-COVID

Management Protocol," it

said a holistic approach is

required for follow up care

and well-being of all post-

COVID recovering


The guidelines are not

meant to be used as

preventive or curative

therapy. It provided an

integrated holistic

approach for managing

patients who have

recovered enough from

COVID for care at home.

According to an official

statement by the federal

health ministry, the

management protocol is to

be followed both at the

individual and community


It also recommended

daily practice of yogasana

(a set of physical

exercises), pranayama (a

set of breathing exercises)

and meditation, besides

daily morning or evening


GD-1168/20 (7x4)

GD-1172/20 (6x3)

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