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MondAY, SePteMBer 14 2020


PM to virtually open Bangladesh

Chancery Complex in Ankara

DHAKA : Prime Minister

Sheikh Hasina is

scheduled to virtually

inaugurate the newlyconstructed


Chancery Complex in

Ankara on Monday,

reports UNB.

Foreign Minister Dr AK

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Abdul Momen will join his

Turkish counterpart

Mevlut Cavusoglu at the

inaugural ceremony.

Dr Momen left for

Turkey on Sunday

morning, a senior official

told UNB.

The Foreign Minister

will hold bilateral talks

with his Turkish

counterpart on September

15, he said.

Rohingya crisis, D-8

summit, trade and

investment issues are

expected to come up for

discussion at the meeting.

The Foreign Minister is

scheduled to return home

on September 16, said the


The construction of

Bangladesh Chancery

Complex in Ankara at a

cost of Tk 45.76 crore was

completed on September


Main features of the

Complex include Chancery

Building, Embassy

Residence, 229 seat hitech

auditorium named

'Victory 1971', automated

mechanical and electrical

systems, mosque,

gymnasium, display centre

for Bangladeshi items,

library for the reference

books on Bangladesh



Bangabandhu, War of

Independence and socioeconomic

development of


As reflection of

Bangladesh's history of

independence, a bust of

Father of the Nation

Bangabandhu Sheikh

Mujibur Rahman and

Shaheed Minar were also

installed at the Complex,

said the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs.

Moreover, 36 sqm mural

works titled 'Invincible

Bangladesh' as well as

terracotta works on the

rural life of Bangladesh

was also placed at the


Reflection of the aura of

Bangladeshi architecture

was ensured by the use of

red bricks in the facade of

the buildings and use of

flat roof.

A protocol between

Bangladesh and Turkey on

Exchange of Land Plots for

Diplomatic Missions was

signed in Dhaka at the

Foreign Minister level on

November 14, 2010.

The protocol paved the

way for acquisition of land

plots mutually exchanged

between the two countries

for construction of

diplomatic missions in

their respective capitals.

Later, in 2012, Prime

Minister Sheikh Hasina

laid the foundation stone

for the 'Construction of

Bangladesh Chancery

Complex in Ankara'

project and the bust of

Father of the Nation

Bangabandhu Sheikh

Mujibur Rahman at the

site at Oran Diplomatic

Zone during her visit to

Turkey in 2012.

The implementation of

the Project received a

renewed boost after M





Bangladesh to Turkey and

current Project Director

took charge of the Mission

at the end of 2015, said the

Bangladesh Embassy in


The ground breaking for

the construction was done

on September 18, 2018.

Although construction

was going on smoothly,

work progress suffered

heavily due to snowfalls in

two winters and the

current COVID-19


Despite these hurdles,

the Embassy could

manage to complete the

construction within 20

months of the ground


Tk 2.26 crore was

refunded by Bangladesh

Embassy in Ankara at the

successful completion of

the 'Construction of

Bangladesh Chancery

Complex in Ankara'


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GD- 1174/20 (5x4)

GD- 1170/20 (4x4)

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