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FRIDAY, JULY 30, 2021


Three persons were killed and another was hurt after a speeding van ploughed into a tractor trolley parked

along the busy Dhaka-Chittagong highway in Chandina upazila early on Thursday. Photo : Star Mail

Teenager dies

in Lebanon


BEIRUT : A teenager was

killed as he joined

volunteers battling forest

fires in northern Lebanon,

where firefighters were

struggling Thursday to

protect homes from the


The 15-year-old was one of

several residents of the

Qubayyat area in Lebanon's

remote Akkar region "who

rushed to the scene to help

douse the flames," Lebanese

civil defence said.

The youngster died on

Wednesday, hours after the

fire started spreading.

The state sent helicopters

but struggled to contain the

fire, which was still raging on


According to the Lebanese

Red Cross, another eight

people were hospitalised as a

result of the fire, which

forced several inhabitants to

evacuate their homes.

"The situation on the

ground is frightening,"

Agriculture Minister Abbas

Mortada told AFP. "The fire

is huge, it has destroyed vast

forested areas and is now

threatening homes."

Colombia expels

German who took part

in anti-govt protests

BOGOTA : Colombian

immigration authorities said

Tuesday they had expelled a

German woman who took

part in demonstrations

against the government of

President Ivan Duque.

Rebecca Sproesser "was

carrying out activities that

had nothing to do with her

status as a tourist, and which

could affect the civil order

and peace," said the

immigration authorities in a

statement justifying "the

decision to expel her."

Sproesser regularly

uploaded photos and video

of demonstrations to her

social media networks, in

which she met with

members on what she called

the "front line" of protests in

the southwestern city of Cali.

On Friday, she said on

Facebook she had been the

victim of an attack in the city,

which has been the epicenter

of anti-government protests

that left more than 60 dead

in three months.

Delta variant drives virus spread

to three China provinces

BEIJING : China Thursday reported small

coronavirus outbreaks driven by the Delta

variant in three provinces as a cluster linked

to an eastern airport spreads despite mass

testing and a vaccination drive.

The flareup, which began after nine

workers at the Nanjing airport tested positive

on July 20, has since seen 171 cases detected

in Jiangsu province, while infections have

spread to at least four other provinces.

It is geographically the largest spread for

several months, challenging China's

aggressive containment efforts which have

relied on mass testing, lockdowns and swift

contact tracing.

The virus first emerged in the central city of

Wuhan, but China has extolled its success in

largely extinguishing the pandemic inside its

borders, allowing the economy to rebound.

The new outbreak, coupled with cases

seeping over the porous border with

Myanmar, is threatening that record.

Officials in Jiangsu have locked down

hundreds of thousands of residents, Lu Jing,

a member of the epidemic prevention

taskforce told reporters Thursday.

"Internet cafes, gyms, cinemas and karaoke

bars and even libraries in Nanjing have been

shut down," he said. The city has tested all 9.2

million residents twice as officials rush to

curb the spread of the disease, he said adding

the highly contagious Delta variant is posing

challenges to containment efforts.

The southwestern province of Sichuan

reported three new cases Thursday while

Beijing reported one locally transmitted case,

the first in six months.

The patient living on the outskirts of the

Chinese capital had tested positive after

returning from a theatre festival at a tourist

hotspot in central China, health officials said.

Meanwhle, a high-end hotel in downtown

Beijing has been locked down after media

reported an imported case was found among

the guests.

Police and workers wearing PPE suits and

disinfectant hoses were seen outside the

Legendale Hotel on Thursday.

Most of the patients testing positive in the

latest outbreak have already been vaccinated,

raising concerns about the efficacy of vaccines

against new variants.

China is racing to vaccinate at least 65

percent of its 1.5 billion population by the end

of the year.

The country has given out some 1.5 billion

doses of the vaccine as of Wednesday, the

National Health Commission said, without

offering details on the number of people fully


Turkey courts Biden with

Kabul airport offer

ANKARA : Turkey is offering to protect Kabul's

strategic airport after US forces leave in what

experts view as a high-risk bid to improve

Ankara's strained ties with Washington.

Keeping the air hub safe from advancing

Taliban forces became a major issue after US

President Joe Biden called an end to

Washington's 20-year involvement by

ordering all troops out of Afghanistan by the

end of next month.

Hamid Karzai International Airport offers

the safest route for embassy staff and

humanitarian aid to reach the war-torn


Its fall could leave Afghanistan largely cut off

from the world.

Ankara's surprise proposal gave Turkish

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan a chance to

build a rapport with Biden during their first

meeting at a NATO summit in June.

The offer meets two of the Turkish leader's

objectives: warm chilly ties with Western allies

and avert an influx of refugees by keeping aid

routes open.

"Turkey has a vested interest in

Afghanistan's stability," said Magdalena

Kirchner, Afghanistan country director at

German foundation Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Turkish officials play down the diplomatic

aspects of the mission and stress the

importance of relieving the suffering in


"Our objective is to make sure Afghanistan is

not closed to the outside world, that it is not

isolated," a Turkish diplomatic source said.

The United Nations this month said 18

million people-or half the Afghan populationneeded

assistance, while half of all children

under the age of five suffered from acute


While Washington still views Turkey as an

important ally in a volatile part of the world,

relations have been bedevilled by disputes,

including Ankara's acquisition of a Russian

missile defence system.

Washington sanctioned Ankara for the

purchase last year.

"The main factor behind the airport

proposal... is Turkish-American relations:

Ankara hopes to regain favour with

Washington after a string of diplomatic crises,"

analyst Salim Cevik wrote in a paper for

Germany's SWP think tank.

The Turkish source refused to give details on

what Ankara wanted from Washington in

return for its continued presence in


But Erdogan has said that Turkey requires

US logistical support and funding. The sides

have reportedly made progress during closeddoor

talks between their militaries.

The Turkish leader has also mentioned

possible Hungarian and Pakistani involvement

in the mission.

A human chain was held at Mongla press club premises yesterday on the occasion of International Tiger


Photo : PBA

France to introduce anti-Covid

pass for cafes, trains from Aug 9

PARIS : France will from August 9

enforce new legislation that will make a

health pass compulsory to visit a cafe,

board a plane or travel on an inter-city

train, the government's spokesman said


The legislation passed by parliament

at the weekend has sparked mass

protests in France but the government

is determined to press ahead and make

the health pass a key part of the fight

against Covid-19.

A valid health pass is generated by two

jabs from a recognised vaccine, a

negative coronavirus test or a recent

recovery from infection. The legislation

also makes vaccination compulsory for

health-workers and carers.

The pass has already been obligatory

from July 21 for visits to museums,

cinemas and cultural venues with a

capacity of more than 50 people.

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal

said it would also be obligatory in cafes,

restaurants, flights and inter-city trains

from August 9.

Rising infections driven by the Delta

variant, with an average of 19,000 daily

cases -- 97 percent higher than a week

ago-means that the health situation in

France "is continuing to get worse and

remains worrying", he added.

Attal's announcement came as data

showed 50 percent of France's adult

population were now vaccinated with

two jabs. The government's health pass

strategy makes vaccination its numberone

weapon in the fight against Covid-


Attal stressed that there would be a

degree of tolerance in the initial phase

from August 9. Transport minister

Jean-Baptiste Djebbari said authorities

wanted to have "a good level of control

without making the lives of travellers


Ahead of the return to school after

summer holidays, Education Minister

Jean-Michel Blanquer said secondary

school and college students would only

be pulled from classes when fellow

pupils tested positive if they themselves

had not been vaccinated.

He said 6,000-7,000 vaccine centres

would be deployed around schools to

help teenagers get their jabs.

France's health authority on

Wednesday approved giving the

Moderna jab to 12-17 year olds, after a

similar ruling on the Pfizer-BioNTech

vaccine in mid-June.

The implementation of the health

pass legislation will come four days after

the Constitutional Council, France's

highest constitutional authority, issues

its ruling on the legislation on August 5.

The Council has the power to send

laws back to the legislature and

government for changes but the

government appears confident it will

receive the green light.

The plans have proven hugely

controversial, prompting two weekends

of protests that on Saturday saw over

160,000 rally nationwide and dozens


President Emmanuel Macron said at

the weekend that refusing to be

vaccinated amounted to

"irresponsibility and egoism".

Health officials meanwhile declared

a health emergency in the French

Caribbean overseas territories of

Guadeloupe, Saint Martin and Saint

Barthelemy Wednesday in order to

limit people's movements as cases

surge there.

IPDC Finance Limited has signed an agreement with Bangladesh Bank under the "Credit Guarantee

Scheme" (CGS) in a brief agreement ceremony, maintaining safety standards. The Credit Guarantee

Scheme will ease existing credit availing process for the CMSMEs in the country's far-flung areas,

ensuring economic development of those regions. Photographed from left to right in the front row:

Md. Oliul Islam, Joint Director, CGS Unit, Bangladesh Bank; Md. Nazrul Islam, Deputy General

Manager, CGS Unit, Bangladesh bank; S.M. Mohsin Hossain, General Manager, CGS Unit, Bangladesh

bank; Mominul Islam, Managing Director and CEO, IPDC Finance Limited; Rizwan Dawood Shams,

Additional Managing Director, IPDC Finance Limited; Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman Shawon,

Head of SME, IPDC Finance Limited. From left to right in the back row: Bipul Deb, Executive, IPDC

Finance Limited; S M Mahamudul Farid, Assistant Manager, IPDC Finance Limited. Photo : Courtesy

England to allow


travel from US and

EU if jabbed: govt

LONDON : People fully

vaccinated in the United

States and European Unionexcept

France-will be

allowed to travel to England

without having to

quarantine on arrival, the

UK government announced

on Wednesday.

"We're helping reunite

people living in the US and

European countries with

their family and friends,"

Transport Minister Grant

Shapps tweeted, adding that

the policy will come into

force from 4:00 am (0300

GMT) on August 2.

Travellers fully jabbed

with a vaccine approved by

the United States Food and

Drug Administration or the

European Medicines Agency

will be able to travel from

any country on the British

government's "amber"

traffic light list without

having to self-isolate at

home for 10 days.

They will still need to do a

pre-departure test and take

another test on day two after

arriving in England.

Separate rules will

continue to apply for those

arriving from France.

Those travelling from an

amber list country, which

includes most of Europe and

the US, who are not fully

vaccinated will still have to

quarantine on arrival.

The government also

confirmed the restart of

international cruises.

"This is progress we can all

enjoy," wrote Shapps.

Britain is in the midst of

another wave of the virus

due to the so-called delta

variant, although case

numbers have dropped over

the past week, while its

vaccine drive has seen more

than 70 percent of adults

fully jabbed.

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