crypto kripto dunia virtual

Informasi terkini tentang Cryptocurrency

Informasi terkini tentang Cryptocurrency

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History of cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Bitcoin

asal muasal dari cryptocurrency yang merupakan mata uang digital ini Tentunya berhubungan

dengan awal mula dari internet yang merevolusi dunia tidak seperti sebelumnya. jika tidak ada

sistem Global dari computer network yang saling terhubung maka cryptocurrency tidak akan


8 Cryptocurrency Coins To Watch Out For In 2022, AUTO CUAN

A few months ago the crypto market took a big hit and then traded in a sideways market since then

we may have just entered a bear market or maybe just for now, and could be at highs in the future,

who knows with crypto in the future. At the moment.

The Metaverse World is All Virtual, What Are the Outlooks for the Future?

In simple terms the term Metaverse is an abbreviation of meta universe which means virtual world.

Metaverse itself is defined as a shared space to move and collaborate and even live virtually created

by transforming the physical world into a digital version and amplified through augmented reality

virtual reality technology and of course the internet.

What is a Crypto exchange and how does it work?

Cryptocurrency exchange is a place where digital currency exchange is like a market, a place of

business that allows buyers or sellers to trade digital currency or crypto, not much different from

money in the real world or conventional money. Cryptocurrency exchanges can be market makers

using the bid ask spread for commissions after making a transaction or, as a platform for monitoring

the movement of the crypto market itself.

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