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per libri biblici - Retorica Biblica e Semitica


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ABBA Allison, Dale C., Studies in Matthew: Interpretation Past and Present , Grand Rapids 2005.<br />

ABBA Meynet, Roland, Traité de rhétorique biblique , Lethielleux, Paris 2007 = Trattato , Bologna 2008. � Jebb<br />

Matt 7:7-8<br />

parallelism Jebb, John, Sacred Literature , London 1820.<br />

Meynet, Roland, Lire la Bible, Paris 1996; = Milano 1998; = Lisboa, 2004; = México – Buenos Aires 2003.<br />

Meynet, Roland, Lire la Bible , Paris 2003; = Leggere la Bibbia , Bologna 2004.<br />

ABC/ABC Meynet, Roland, Traité de rhétorique biblique , Lethielleux, Paris 2007 = Trattato , Bologna 2008. � Jebb<br />

Matt 7:7-11 inclusio Hagner, Donald A., Matthew 1–13 , WBC 33A, Dallas 1993.<br />

Matt 7:13-27 ABBA Lambrecht, Jan, The Sermon on the Mounth: Proclamation and Exhortation , GNS 14, Wilmington 1985.<br />

Matt 7:13-14<br />

IABCDABCD Meynet, Roland, L’Évangile selon saint Luc , Paris 1988; = Il vangelo secondo Luca , Roma 1994.<br />

IABCABC Meynet, Roland, Il vangelo secondo Luca , ReBib 7, Bologna 2003.<br />

Matt 7:13.27 chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Laconi<br />

Matt 7:16-20<br />

ABBA Jebb, John, Sacred Literature , London 1820.<br />

inclusio Bühlmann, Walter – Scherer, Karl, Stilfiguren der Bibel , Fribourg 1973.<br />

inclusio Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Bühlmann – Scherer<br />

ABBA Meynet, Roland, L’Analyse rhétorique , Paris 1989; = L’analisi retorica , Brescia 1992. � Jebb<br />

ABCCBA Hagner, Donald A., Matthew 1–13 , WBC 33A, Dallas 1993.<br />

Matt 7:24-27<br />

Aaaabbbba/Aaaabbbba Jebb, John, Sacred Literature , London 1820.<br />

envelope structure Moulton, Richard G., The Literary Study of the Bible , London 1896.<br />

envelope structure Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Moulton<br />

Aaaabbbba/Aaaabbbba Meynet, Roland, L’Analyse rhétorique , Paris 1989; = L’analisi retorica , Brescia 1992. � Jebb<br />

ABCABC Hagner, Donald A., Matthew 1–13 , WBC 33A, Dallas 1993.<br />

Aaaabbbba/Aaaabbbba Meynet, Roland, Traité de rhétorique biblique , Lethielleux, Paris 2007 = Trattato , Bologna 2008. � Jebb<br />

Matt 8:1-4 chiasm Luz, Ulrich, Matthew 8 – 20: A Commentary , Minneapolis 2001.<br />

Matt 8:2-4 ABCDCBA Breck, John, The Shape of <strong>Biblica</strong>l Language , Crestwood 1994.<br />

Matt 8:5-13 ABCDEDCBA Breck, John, The Shape of <strong>Biblica</strong>l Language , Crestwood 1994.<br />

Matt 8:14-17<br />

ABCDCBA Hagner, Donald A., Matthew 1–13 , WBC 33A, Dallas 1993.<br />

ABCBA Breck, John, The Shape of <strong>Biblica</strong>l Language , Crestwood 1994.<br />

Matt 8:18-23 ABCDCBA Breck, John, The Shape of <strong>Biblica</strong>l Language , Crestwood 1994.<br />

Matt 8:20<br />

parallelism Jebb, John, Sacred Literature , London 1820.<br />

parallelism Meynet, Roland, Traité de rhétorique biblique , Lethielleux, Paris 2007 = Trattato , Bologna 2008. � Jebb<br />

Matt 8:23-27 chiasm Luz, Ulrich, Matthew 8 – 20: A Commentary , Minneapolis 2001.<br />

Matt 8:24-27 ABCDCBA Breck, John, The Shape of <strong>Biblica</strong>l Language , Crestwood 1994.<br />

Matt 8:28–9:1<br />

ABCDEFGFEDCBA Breck, John, The Shape of <strong>Biblica</strong>l Language , Crestwood 1994.<br />

chiasm Luz, Ulrich, Matthew 8 – 20: A Commentary , Minneapolis 2001.<br />

Matt 9:1-8 ABCBAD Luz, Ulrich, Matthew 8 – 20: A Commentary , Minneapolis 2001.<br />

Matt 9:2-8 ABCBA Breck, John, The Shape of <strong>Biblica</strong>l Language , Crestwood 1994.<br />

Matt 9:9-13 ABCBA Breck, John, The Shape of <strong>Biblica</strong>l Language , Crestwood 1994.<br />

Matt 9:13.15<br />

chiasm Fenton, John C., «Inclusio and Chiasmus in Matthew», in Studia Evangelica , Berlin 1959, 174-179.<br />

chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Fenton<br />

Matt 9:14-17<br />

chiasm Lund, Nils W., «The Influence of Chiasmus upon the Structure of Matthew», AThR 13 (1931) 405-433.<br />

Bernard Witek, Bibliography of Semitic Rhetoric (Arrangement by Studied Texts) 150

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