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chiasm Käsemann, Ernst, An die Römer , Tübingen 1973.<br />

ABBA Englezakis, Benedict, «Rom 5,12-15 and the Pauline Teaching », Bib 58 (1977) 231-236.<br />

chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Käsemann & Feuillet<br />

ABBA Dunn, James D.G., Romans , WBC 38A, 38B, Dallas 1988. � Dibelius & Englezakis<br />

ABBA Thomson, Ian H., Chiasmus in the Pauline Letters , Sheffield 1995. � Dibelius<br />

Rom 5:13-17 ABA Harvey, John D., Listening to the Text: Oral Patterning in Paul’s Letters , Grand Rapids 1998.<br />

Rom 5:13-14<br />

ABCCBA Losada, Diego, «El texto de Rom. 5, 12-31. Un análisis estructural», RevBib 36 (1974), 27-36.<br />

ABCCBA Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Castelllino<br />

Rom 5:15-17 chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Feuillet<br />

Rom 5:20–7:25 ABCCDDCA Meyers, Chares D., «Chiastic Inversion in the Argument of Romans 3–8», NT 35 (1993) 30-47.<br />

Rom 5:20 ABBA Losada, Diego, «El texto de Rom. 5, 12-31. Un análisis estructural», RevBib 36 (1974), 27-36.<br />

Rom 6:1-11 ABA Bailey, Robert Arthur, The Structure of Paul’s Letters , Fairfax 2004.<br />

Rom 6:3 ABBA Myers, Charles D., «Romans, Epistle to the», ABD , V, 816-830.<br />

Rom 6:4-11 ABCDCBA Boers, Hendrikus, «The Structure and Meaning of Romans 6:1-14», CBQ 63 (2001) 664-682.<br />

Rom 6:5.23<br />

inclusio Bouttier, M., «La Vie du chrétien en tant que service de la justice», Roma 1974, 127-154.<br />

inclusio Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Bouttier<br />

Rom 6:12-23 ABBA Bailey, Robert Arthur, The Structure of Paul’s Letters , Fairfax 2004.<br />

Rom 6:12-14a ABBA Marcus, Joel, «“Let God Arise and End the Reign of Sin!», Bib 69 (1988) 386-395.<br />

Rom 7:1–8:8 ABCBA Bailey, Robert Arthur, The Structure of Paul’s Letters , Fairfax 2004.<br />

Rom 7:2-3 ABAB Spitaler, Peter, «Analogical Reasoning in Romans 7:2-4», JBL 125 (2006) 715-747.<br />

Rom 7:3-4 ABCDCDAB Spitaler, Peter, «Analogical Reasoning in Romans 7:2-4», JBL 125 (2006) 715-747.<br />

Rom 8:1-39 ABCBA Vellanickal, Matthew, The Divine Sonship of Christians in the Johannine Writings , Rome 1977.<br />

Rom 8:1-17.9-11 Breck, John, The Shape of <strong>Biblica</strong>l Language , Crestwood 1994.<br />

Rom 8:9-39 ABBA Bailey, Robert Arthur, The Structure of Paul’s Letters , Fairfax 2004.<br />

Rom 8:9-11 ABCBA Breck, John, «<strong>Biblica</strong>l Chiasmus: Exploring Structure for Meaning», BTB 17 (1987) 70-75.<br />

Rom 8:28-39 ABBA Boys, Thomas, Key to the Book of Psalms , London 1825.<br />

Rom 8:31-39 ABCBA Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980.<br />

Rom 9:1–11:36<br />

ABA Brunot, Amédée, Le génie littéraire de Saint Paul , Paris 1955.<br />

ABA Dupont, Jacques, «Le Problème de la structure littéraire de l’Épître aux Romains», RB 62 (1955) 365-397.<br />

Feuillet, A., «La Citation d’Habacuc 2:4», NTS 6 (1959) 52-80.<br />

Collins, John J., «Chiasmus, the “ABA” Pattern and the Text of Paul», Roma 1963, 575-583.<br />

ABA Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Brunot, Dupont<br />

ABCCBA Bailey, Robert Arthur, The Structure of Paul’s Letters , Fairfax 2004.<br />

Rom 9:6-29<br />

ABCCBA Aletti, Jean-Noël, «L’argumentation paulinienne en Rm 9», Bib 68 (1987) 41-56.<br />

ABCCBA Dunn, James D.G., Romans 9–16 , WBC 38B, Dallas 1988.<br />

ABCCBA Bailey, Robert Arthur, The Structure of Paul’s Letters , Fairfax 2004.<br />

Rom 9:14-24 ABCCBA Aletti, Jean-Noël, «L’argumentation paulinienne en Rm 9», Bib 68 (1987) 41-56.<br />

Rom 9:24-29<br />

inverted Jeremias, Joachim, «Chiasmus in den Paulusbriefen», ZNW 49 (1958) 145-156.<br />

inverted Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. � Jeremias<br />

Rom 9:24-25<br />

ABBA Käsemann, Ernst, An die Römer , Tübingen 1973.<br />

Bernard Witek, Bibliography of Semitic Rhetoric (Arrangement by Studied Texts) 232

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