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Curriculum Vitae<br />

Europass<br />

Informazioni personali<br />

Nome(i) / Cognome(i) Giuseppe Cirino<br />

Pagina 1/18 - Curriculum vitae del<br />

Prof. Cirino Giuseppe<br />

I<br />

Indirizzo(i) Dipartimento di Farmacologia Sperimentale, Via Domenico Montesano 49<br />

Telefono(i) 081 678442 Cellulare: Facoltativo (v. istruzioni)<br />

Fax 081-678403<br />

E-mail cirino@unina.it<br />

Cittadinanza Italiana<br />

Data di nascita 19.03.1958<br />

Sesso M<br />

Incarichi Accademici<br />

Ruolo Professore Ordinario<br />

Date 1 Novembre 2006 ad oggi<br />

Lavoro o posizione ricoperti Preside Facoltà <strong>Farmacia</strong><br />

Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università di Napoli Federico II<br />

Date 1<br />

e 1 Novembre 2004 – 31 Ottobre 2006<br />

Lavoro o posizione ricoperti Direttore Dipartimento di Farmacologia Sperimentale<br />

Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università di Napoli Federico II<br />

Date Ottobre 2003 -1 Novembre 2006<br />

Lavoro o posizione ricoperti Direttore Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Preclinica e Clinica di Medicina Sessuale (CIRMS)<br />

Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università di Napoli Federico II<br />

Date 2001-2006<br />

Lavoro o posizione ricoperti Membro del Centro Servizi interdipartimentale di Analisi Strumentale (CSIAS)<br />

Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università di Napoli Federico II<br />

Date 2004 ad oggi<br />

Lavoro o posizione ricoperti Membro del Centro interdipartimentale di di Ricerca in Farmacoeconomia e Farmacoutilizzazione<br />

Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università di Napoli Federico II

Curriculum Accademico Nov 2004 ad oggi Professore ordinario di Farmacologia e Farmacoterapia I presso la Facoltà di<br />

<strong>Farmacia</strong><br />

2001-2004 Professore straordinario BIO/14 in Biotecnologie Farmacologiche presso la Facoltà di<br />

<strong>Farmacia</strong>.<br />

1999-2003 Ricopre per supplenza di Biotecnologie Farmacologiche I al Corso di Laurea in<br />

Professore associato di Biotecnologie Farmacologiche presso la<br />

Pagina 2/18 - Curriculum vitae del<br />

Prof. Cirino Giuseppe<br />

1998-2001 Facoltà di <strong>Farmacia</strong>, Corso di Laurea in Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche<br />

Biotecnologie indirizzo Farmaceutico<br />

1998-2002 Professore associato di Biotecnologie Farmacologiche presso laFacoltà di <strong>Farmacia</strong>,<br />

Corso di Laurea in Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche<br />

1994-1998 Ricopre per supplenza l’insegnamento di Biotecnologie Farmacologiche del Corso di<br />

Laurea in Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche<br />

1994 ad 2003 Iinsegnamento di Biometria presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Farmacologia<br />

Sperimentale<br />

1989 Vincitore del concorso di ricercatore per la disciplina EO7X ed afferenza al<br />

Dipartimento di Farmacologia Sperime<br />

1993-1998 Ricercatore confermato<br />

Luglio 1987 Dottore di Ricerca in Farmacologia<br />

1984-85 Dottorando di ricerca in Scienze Farmaceutiche curriculum Farmacologia presso il<br />

Dipartimento di Farmacologia Sperimentale della Università degli Studi di Napoli -Federico II<br />

1982-84 Borsista presso l’Ente Farmacologico Italiano<br />

1981-82 Laureato interno presso l’Istituto di Chimica Farmaceutica e Tossicologica della<br />

Facoltà di <strong>Farmacia</strong> dell’ Università degli Studi di Napoli -Federico II<br />

Curriculum Studiorum 1980 Laurea in <strong>Farmacia</strong><br />

1976-1980 Studente Facoltà di farmacia<br />

1976 Diploma di Maturità Classica<br />

Appartenenza a Società scientifiche Societa’ Italiana di Farmacologia<br />

British Pharmacological Society (Fellow)<br />

International Society of Toxinology<br />

Editorial Board British Journal Pharmacology (1999-2004)<br />

General Pharmacology: The vascular System (1999-….)<br />

Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods (2000 -….)<br />

“Referee” per riviste scientifiche American Journal of Physiology<br />

Biochemical Pharmacology<br />

British Journal Pharmacology<br />

Canadian Journal Physiology and Pharmacology<br />

Europena Journal of Pharmacology<br />

FASEB Journal<br />

FEBS letters<br />

Life Sciences<br />

Thrombosis Research<br />

Thrombosis Haemostasis<br />

P.N.A.S.<br />

Circulation<br />

Ather Thromb Vasc Biol.

Revisore esperto Istituzioni<br />

Internazionali<br />

Pagina 3/18 - Curriculum vitae del<br />

Prof. Cirino Giuseppe<br />

Arthritis Research Campaign<br />

Wellcome Trust<br />

Canadian Institute of Health Research<br />

MIE (Francia)<br />

Alberta Heritage Foundation (Canada)<br />

Health Research Board (Ireland)<br />

Bicentennial Science Foundation (USA/ISRAEL)<br />

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (UK)<br />

French National Research Agency<br />

Allegati Allegato 1 (lista delle pubblicazioni)<br />

Firma<br />

Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196<br />

"Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali (facoltativo)".

Pagina 4/18 - Curriculum vitae del<br />

Prof. Cirino Giuseppe<br />

Publications<br />

1. Cirino G. and Sorrentino L.. 1986. Phospholipase inhibition and prostacyclin generation by gastric<br />

muscularis and mucosa layers. Agents Actions 18:535-537.<br />

2. Pinto A., Cirino G., Meli R., Senatore F and Capasso F. 1987. Inhibitory effects of fungi on aggregation of<br />

rabbit platelets and rat polymorphonuclear leucocytes in vitro. J. Ethnopharmacol. 22: 91-99.<br />

3. Cirino G., Flower R.J., Browning J.L., Sinclair L.K., and Pepinsky R.B. 1987. Recombinant human<br />

lipocortin 1 inhibits thromboxane release from guinea-pig isolated perfused lung. Nature 328:270-272.<br />

4. Cirino G. and Flower R.J. 1987. Human recombinant lipocortin-1 inhibits prostacyclin production by<br />

human umbilical artery in vivo. Prostaglandins 34:59-62.<br />

5. Calignano A., Cirino G., R. Meli, and P. Persico. 1988. Isolation and identification of platelet-activating<br />

factor in UV-irradiated guinea pig skin. J. Pharm. Methods 19:89-91.<br />

6. Wallace J.L., Braquet P., Ibboston G.C., MacNaughton W.K., and Cirino G. 1988. Assessment of the role<br />

of platelet-activating factor in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease. J. Lipid Mediators 1:13-23.<br />

7. Cirino G., Peers S.H., Flower R.J., Browning J.L. and Pepinsky R.B. 1989. Human recombinant lipocortin<br />

1 has acute local anti-inflammatory properties in the rat paw edema test. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci U. S. A.<br />

86:3428-3432.<br />

8. Cirino G. and Wallace J.L. 1989. A superfusion bioassay for platelet-activating factor. Can. J. Physiol.<br />

Pharmacol. 67:72-74.<br />

9. MacNaughton W.K., Cirino G., and Wallace J.L. 1989. Endothelium-derived relaxing factor (nitric oxide)<br />

has protective actions in the stomach. Life Sci. 45:1869-1876.<br />

10. Wallace J.L., Cirino G., de Nucci G., McKnight W. and MacNaughton W.K. 1989. Endothelin has potent<br />

ulcerogenic and vasoconstrictor actions in the stomach. Am. J. Physiol. 256:G661-G666.<br />

11. Cirino G., Peers S.H., Wallace J.L. and Flower R.J. 1989. A Study on phospholipase A2-induced oedema<br />

in rat paw. Eur.J.Pharmacol. 166: 505-510.<br />

12. Baydoun, A.R.,. Peers S.H, Cirino G., and Woodward B. 1990. Effects of endothelin-1 on the rat isolated<br />

heart. J. Cardiovascolar Pharmacol. 13: S193-S196.<br />

13. Antunes E., Mariano M., Cirino G., Levi S. and de Nucci G. 1990. Pharmacological characterizationof<br />

polycation-induced rat hind-paw oedema. Br. J. Pharmacol. 101:986-990.<br />

14. Cirino, G. and Flower R.J. 1991. The antiinflammatory activity of human recombinant lipocortin 1. In:<br />

Novel calcium-binding proteins, Ed. Heizman C.W., Springer Verlag Berlin, pp. 568-589.<br />

15. A<strong>qui</strong>no R., De Feo V., De Simone F., Pizza C. and Cirino G.. 1991. Plant metabolites. New compound and<br />

anti-inflammatory activity of Uncaria Tomentosa. J. Nat. Prod. 54:453-459.

16. Cirino G., Cicala C., Sorrentino L. and Regoli D. 1991. Effect of bradykinin antagonists<br />

N-monomethyl-L-arginine and L-N-nitroarginine on phospholipase A2 induced oedema in rat paw. Gen.<br />

Pharm. 22:801-804.<br />

17. Wallace J.L., Cirino G., Cicala C., Anderson D.W., Argentieri D. and Capetola R.J. 1991. Comparison of<br />

the ulcerogenic properties of tepoxalin with those of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).<br />

Agents Actions 34:247-250.<br />

18. De Tommasis N. , De Simone F., Cirino G., Cicala C., and Pizza C. 1991. Hypoglicemic effects of<br />

ses<strong>qui</strong>terpene glycosides and polyhydroxylated triterpenoids of Eriobotrya japonica. Planta Medica 57:<br />

414-416.<br />

19. Antunes E., Giraldelo M.M., Cirino G. and G. de Nucci. 1992. Effects of N G -monomethyl-L-arginine and<br />

its D-enantiomer on rat hind paw oedema. In Biology of nitric oxide Ed. Moncada<br />

20. Sautebin L., Cirino G. and M. Di Rosa. 1992. Selective inhibition by antiflammin-2 of thromboxane B2<br />

release from isolated and perfused guinea-pig lung. Med. Inflamm. 1: 251-254.<br />

21. Cirino G., Cicala C., Sorrentino L., Ciliberto G., Arpaia G., Perretti M. and Flower R.J. 1993.<br />

Anti-inflammatory actions of an N-terminal peptide from human lipocortin 1. Br. J. Pharmacol.<br />

108:573-574.<br />

22. Cirino G., Cicala C., Sorrentino L. and Browning J.L. 1993. Human recombinant non pancreatic secreted<br />

platelet phospholipase A2 has anticoagulant activity in vitro on human plasma. Thromb. Res. 70, 337-342.<br />

23. Cicala C. and Cirino G. 1993. Phospholipase A2 induced hypotension in the rat and its pharmacological<br />

modulation. Gen. Pharm. 24, 1197-1202<br />

24. Cirino G. and. Cicala C. 1993. Human recombinant lipocortin 1 (annexin 1) has anticoagulant activity on<br />

human plasma in vitro. J.Lip.Med. 8, 81-86.<br />

25. Cirino G., Cicala C. and Sorrentino L. 1994. Human recombinant platelet phospholipase A2 exacerbates<br />

poly-L-arginine induced rat paw oedema. Inflammation 18, 59-66.<br />

26. Autore G., Cicala C., Cirino G., Maiello F.M., Mascolo N. and Capasso F. 1994. Essential fatty acid diet<br />

modifies PAF levels in stomach and duodenum of endotoxin treated rats. J.Lip.Med. 9, 145-153.<br />

27. Cirino G., Cicala C., Sorrentino L., Sorrentino R., Browning J.L.<br />

and Page C.P. 1994. Human recombinant secreted phospholipase A2 has antiaggreagtory effect in vivo and<br />

in vitro in rat and guinea pig. Eur. J.Pharmacol. 252, 147-154<br />

28. Cirino G., Cicala C., Sorrentino L., Maiello F.M. and Browning J.L. 1994. Recombinant secreted non<br />

pancreatic phospholipase A2 induces a synovitis-like inflammation in rat air pouch. J. Rheumatol. 21, 824-<br />

829.<br />

29. Girardelo C.M.M., Zappellini E., Muscará M., De Luca I.M.S., Hyslop S., Cirino G., de Nucci G., Antunes<br />

A. 1994. Effect of arginine analogues on rat hind paw oedema and mast cell activation in vitro.<br />

Eur.J.Pharmacol. 257, 87-93<br />

30. Wallace J.L., Reuter B., Cicala C., McKnight W., Grisham M., Cirino G. 1994 A diclofenac derivative<br />

without ulcerogenic properties. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 257, 249-255.<br />

31. Wallace J.L., Reuter B., Cicala C., McKnight W., Grisham M., Cirino G. 1994 Novel NSAID derivatives<br />

with markedly reduced ulcerogenic properties in the rat. Gastroenterology 107, 173-179<br />

Pagina 5/18 - Curriculum vitae del<br />

Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

32. Wallace J.L., Reuter B., Cirino G. 1994 Nitric oxide-releasing NSAIDs: a novel approach for reducing<br />

gastrointestinal toxicity. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 9, S40-S44<br />

33. Landucci E.C.T., Antunes E., Donato J.L., Hyslop S., Maragoni S., Oliveira B., Cirino G. and de Nucci G.<br />

1995. Crotapotin , a polypeptide complexed with phospholipase A2, inhibits carrageenin-induced rat paw<br />

oedema Br. J.Pharmacol. 114, 578-583.<br />

34. Cicala C., Bucci M.R.,. Maraganore J.M. and Cirino G . 1995. Hirulog effect in rat endotoxin shock. Life<br />

Sci. 57, PL307-PL317<br />

35. Reuter B.K., Cirino G. and Wallace J.L.. 1994. Markedly reduced intestinal toxicity of a diclofenac<br />

derivative. Life Sci. 55, PL1-PL8<br />

36. Caliendo G., Cirino G., Greco G., Novellino E., Perissutti E., Pinto A., Santagada V., Silipo C., Sorrentino<br />

L. 1994. Synthesis and structure activity relationships of anti-inflammatory 1-methyl-2-(4-X-benzoyl)<br />

imidazole-5- acetic acids. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 29, 381-388.<br />

37. Wallace J.L. and Cirino G. 1994. Gastrointestinal-sparing NSAIDs on the horizon? T.I.P.S. 15, 405-406.<br />

38. Wallace, J.L., Pittman, Q.J., Cirino,G. 1994. Nitric Oxide- releasing NSAIDs: a novel class of GI-sparing<br />

anti-inflammatory drugs. in Novel Molecular Approaches to Anti-Inflammatory theory. Birkhauser Verlag<br />

Basel; pp 1221-129.<br />

39. Wallace J.L., Cirino G., McKnight G.W and Elliott S.N. 1995. Reduction of gastrointestinal injury in<br />

endotoxin shock by flurbiprofen nitroxybutylester. Eur. J.Pharmacol. 280, 63-68.<br />

40. Cirino G., Cicala C., Mancuso F., Baydoun A.R. and Wallace J.L. 1995. Flurbinitroxybutylester: a novel<br />

antiinflammatory drug has enhanced antithrombotic activity. Thromb. Res. 79, 73-81<br />

41. Elliott S.N., McKnight W., Cirino G. and Wallace J.L. 1995. A nitric-oxide releasing nonsteroidal antiinflammatory<br />

drug accelerates gastric ulcer healing in rats. Gastroenterology 109, 524-530.<br />

42. Wallace J.L., McKnight W., Del Soldato P., Baydoun A.R. and. Cirino G.. 1995. Anti-thrombotic effect of<br />

a nitric-oxide releasing, gastric-sparing aspirin derivative. J.Clin.Invest. 96, 2711-271<br />

43. Wallace J.L., Del Soldato P. and G. Cirino. 1995. Development of NSAIDs with reduced gastrointestinal<br />

toxicity. Exp.Opin.Invest.Drugs 4, 613-619.<br />

44. Cirino G., Cicala, C. and de Nucci G. 1995. Human extracellular group II phospholipase A2 and its role in<br />

skin inflammation. in Phospholipase A2 in clinical inflammation, Glaser K.B. and Vadas P. eds. pp 181-<br />

200<br />

45. Caliendo G., Cirino G., Greco G., Novellino E., Perissutti E., Pinto A., Santagada V., Silipo C., Sorrentino<br />

L. 1995. Synthesis and anti-inflammatory-analgesic profile of 1-methyl-2-(4-X-benzoyl) imidazole-5carboxylic<br />

acids. Eur.J.Med.Chem. 29, 315-320<br />

46. Cirino G., Cicala C., Bucci M.R., Maraganore J.M.. Sorrentino L. and Stone S.R. 1996. Thrombin<br />

functions as an inflammatory mediator through activation of its receptor. J.Exp.Med. 183, 821-827.<br />

47. Cirino G., Sorrentino R., Cicala C. Sorrentino L. and Pinto A. 1996. Aorta contractions to phenylephrine<br />

of lipopolysaccharide ex vivo treated rats are impaired by indomethacin and the thromboxane antagonist<br />

SQ29,548. J. Lip. Med. 13, 177-187<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

48. Cirino G., Wheeler-Jones C.P.D., Wallace J.L., Del Soldato P. and Baydoun, A.R. 1996. Inhibition of<br />

inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by novel nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory derivatives with<br />

gastrointestinal-sparing properties. Br.J.Pharmacol. 117, 1421-1426<br />

49. Cirino G., Misasi M., Loffredo A., Sorrentino L., Caivano P., M. Bucci, Cicala C. 1996. The synovial like<br />

membrane at the bone cement interface in loose total hip replacements contains high levels of extracellular<br />

group II phospholipase A2 Life Sci. 59, PL81-PL86<br />

50. Santagada V., Caliendo G., Perissutti E., Grieco P., Cirino G., Santini A. 1996. Synthesis and biological<br />

activity of lipocortin-5 N-terminus: an attempt to define some structural re<strong>qui</strong>rements for activity.<br />

Lett.Peptide Sci. 3: 275-281.<br />

51. Sorrentino R., Cirino G., Calignano A., Mancuso F., Sorrentino L., Andriuoli G., Pinto A. 1996. Increase<br />

in the basal tone of guinea pig thoracic aorta induced by ouabain is inhibited by spironolactone, canrenone<br />

and potassium canrenoate. J.Cardiovasc.Pharmacol. 28:519-525.<br />

52. Cirino G., Calignano, A., Andriuoli, G., Sorrentino L. and Pinto A. 1997 Fluoroaluminate induces rapid<br />

release of endothelin-1 in rat perfused mesentery circulation. Gen. Pharm. 28: 459-462<br />

53. Wallace J.L., Del Soldato P., Cirino G. 1997. Nitric oxide-releasing NSAIDs as a potential treatment for<br />

rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid Arth. 1:3-6.<br />

54. Wallace J.L., Del Soldato P., Cirino G. 1997. Nitric oxide-releasing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:<br />

a new generation of antithrombotics ? Exp.Opin.Invest.Drugs 6:533-538<br />

55. Davies, N.M., Roseth, A.G., Appleyard, C.B., McKnight, W., Del Soldato, P., Calignano, A., Cirino,<br />

G., Wallace, J.L. 1997. NO-naproxen vs naproxen: ulcerogenic , analgesic and anti-inflammatory<br />

effects. Aliment Pharm. Ther.11:69-79<br />

56. Wallace J.L., McKnight W., Wilson T.L., Del Soldato P., Cirino G. 1997. Reduction of hemorrhagic<br />

shock-induced damage by an nitric oxide-releasing aspirin derivative: role of neutrophils Am.J.Physiol.<br />

273:G1246-G1251<br />

57. Cicala C., Bucci M., D’Ac<strong>qui</strong>sto F., Parente L., Cirino G. 1997. Sequential release of TNF� and<br />

phospholipase A2 ina a rat model of LPS-induced pleurisy. Med. Inflam. 6:211-215<br />

58. Cirino G., Cicala C., Bucci M., Sorrentino L., Ambrosini G., De Dominicis G., Altieri D.C. 1997.<br />

Factor Xa as an interface between coagulation and inflammation. Molecular mimicry of Factor Xa<br />

association with effector cell protease receptor-1 induces acute inflammation in vivo. J. Clin.Invest.<br />

99:2446-2451<br />

59. Wallace J.L., Calignano A., Cirino G. 1997. Potential of new NSAIDs as analgesics. Pain Rev. 4: 230-237.<br />

60. Capasso A., Pinto A., Sorrentino L., Cirino G. 1997. Dexamethasone inhibition of acute opioid physical dependence in vitro<br />

is reverted by anti-lipocortin-1 and mimicked by anti-type II extracellular PLA2 antibodies. Life Sci. 61: PL127-134.<br />

61. Cirino G., Calignano A., Sannicolò F., Primavera A., Del Soldato P Wallace J.L. 1997. NCX4016. Drugs<br />

of the Future 22: 1231-1233.<br />

62. Wallace J.L., Elliott S.N., Del Soldato P., McKnight W., Sannicolo F., Cirino G. 1997. Gastrointestinalsparing<br />

anti-inflammatory drugs: the development of nitric oxide-releasing NSAIDs. Drug Development<br />

Research 42: 144-149<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

63. Landucci E.C., Castro R.C., Pereira M.F., Cintra A.C., Giglio J.R., Marangoni S., Oliveira B., Cirino G.,<br />

Antunes E., de Nucci G. 1998. Mast cell degranulation induced by two phospholipase A2 homologues:<br />

dissociation between enzymatic and biological activity. Eur.J.Pharmacol. 343: 257-263.<br />

64. Garcia –Cardena G., Fan R., Shah V., Sorrentino R., Cirino G., Papatreopulos A., Sessa W.C. 1998.<br />

Dynamic activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by Hsp90. Nature 392:821-824<br />

65. Papatreopulos A., Piccardoni P., Cirino G., Bucci M., Sorrentino R., Cicala C., Kirk J., Zachariou V.,<br />

Sessa W.C, Altieri D.C. 1998. Hypotension and inflammatory cytokine expression triggered by Factor Xanitric<br />

oxide signaling. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci 95: 4738-4742.<br />

66. Cirino G. 1998. Multiple controls in inflammation. Extracellualr and intracellular phospholipase A2,<br />

inducible and constitutive cyclooxygenase and inducible nitric oxide synthase. Biochem. Pharmacol. 55:<br />

105-111.<br />

67. Cicala C and Cirino G. 1998. Linkage between inflammation and coagulation: an update on the<br />

molecular basis of the crosstalk. Life Sci. 62:1817-1824.<br />

68. Cicala C, Pinto A., Bucci M., Sorrentino R., Walker B., Harriot P., Cruchley A., Howells G. and Cirino<br />

G. (1999) Protease activated receptor –2 involvement in hypotension in normal and endotoxemic rats in<br />

vivo. Circulation 99: 2590-2597.<br />

69. Cicala C., Bucci M., De Dominicis G., Harriot P. Sorrentino L. and Cirino G. (1999) Bronchoconstrictory<br />

effect of thrombin and thrombin receptor activating peptide in guinea pigs in vivo. Br.J.Pharmacol. 126:<br />

478-484.<br />

70. Wallace J.L., Del Soldato P., Cirino G and Muscarà M.(1999) Nitric oxide releasing NSAIDs: GI-safe<br />

antithrombotics. Investigational Drugs in press<br />

71. Saunders M.A., Belvisi M.G., Cirino G., Barnes P.J. and Mitchell J.A.(1999) Mechanisms of<br />

prostaglandin E2 release by intact cells expressing cyclo-oxygenase-2: evidence for a two component<br />

modell. J.Pharm.Exp.Ther. 288:1101-1106<br />

72. Pierro E., Cirino G., Bucci M., Lazzarin N., Andreani C.L., Mancuso S., Lanzone A. and Navarra P.<br />

(1999) Antiphospholipid antibodies inhibit prostaglandin release by decidual cells of early pregnancy:<br />

possible involvement of extracellular secretory phospholipase A2. Fertility Sterility 71: 342-346.<br />

73. Ignarro L.J., Cirino G., Casini A., Napoli C. (1999) Nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the vascular<br />

system: an overview. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 34: 879-886<br />

74. Napoli C., Cicala C., D’Armiento F.P., Roviezzo F., Somma P., de Nigris F., Zuliani P., Bucci M.,<br />

Aleotti L., Casini A., Franconi F., Cirino G. (1999) Benficial effects of ACE-inhibition with zofenopril<br />

on plaque formation and low-density lipoprotein in watanabe heritable hypelipidemic rabbits. Gen.<br />

Pharmacol. 33:467-477<br />

75. Fiorucci S., Santucci L., Federici B., Antonelli E., Distrutti E., Morelli O., Di Renzo G., Coata G.,<br />

Cirino G., Del Soldato P., Morelli A. (1999) Nitric oxide releasing NSAIDs inhibit interleukin 1�<br />

converting enzyme-like cysteine proteases and protect endothelial cells from apoptosis induced by<br />

TNF�. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 13:421-435.<br />

76. Wallace JL, Del Soldato P, Cirino G, Muscara MN. Nitric oxide Releasing NSAIDs: GI-safe<br />

antithrombotics. IDrugs. 1999 Apr;2(4):321-6<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

77. Bucci M, Gratton JP, Rudic RD, Acevedo L, Roviezzo F, Cirino G, Sessa WC. In vivo delivery of<br />

the caveolin-1 scaffolding domain inhibits nitric oxide synthesis and reduces inflammation.Nat Med.<br />

2000 Dec;6(12):1362-7.<br />

78. Ianaro A., Cicala C., Calignano A., Koteliansky V., Gotwals P., Bucci M., Gerli R., Santucci L.,<br />

Fiorucci S., Cirino G. (2000) Anti-very late antigen-1 monoclonal antibody modulates the development<br />

of secondary lesion and T cell response in experimental arthritis. Lab.Invest. 80:73-80<br />

79. Landucci EC. Toyama M., Marangoni S., Oliveira B., Cirino G., Antunes E., de Nucci G. (2000) Effect<br />

of crotapotin and heparin on the rat paw oedema induced by different secretory phospholipases A2.<br />

Toxicon 38: 199-208.<br />

80. Napoli C., Cicala C., Wallace J.L., de Nigris F., Santagada V., Caliendo G., Franconi F., Ignarro L.J.,<br />

Cirino G. (2000) Protease-activated receptor-2 modulates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in the<br />

rat heart. Proc.Natl.Acad. Sci. 97:3678-3683<br />

81. Cirino G., Napoli C., Bucci M., Cicala C. (2000) Inflammation-coagulation network: are serine<br />

protease the knot? T.I.P.S. 21:170-172<br />

82. Carla Cicala, Angela Ianaro, Stefano Fiorucci, Antonio Calignano, Mariarosaria Bucci, Roberto Gerli,<br />

Luca Santucci, John L. Wallace, and Giuseppe Cirino (2000) NO-naproxen modulates inflammation,<br />

nociception and downregulates T cell response in rat Freund's adjuvant arthritis Br. J. Pharmacol.;130<br />

1399-1405<br />

83. Bucci M, Roviezzo F, Cicala C, Sessa WC, Cirino G. (2000) Geldanamycin, an inhibitor of heat shock<br />

protein 90 (Hsp90) mediated signal transduction has anti-inflammatory effects and interacts with<br />

glucocorticoid receptor in vivo.Br J Pharmacol. 131:13-16.<br />

84. Sorrentino R, Autore G, Cirino G, d'Emmanuele de Villa Bianca R, Calignano A, Vanasia M, Alfieri C,<br />

Sorrentino L, Pinto A. (2000) Effect of spironolactone and its metabolites on contractile property of<br />

isolated rat aorta rings.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol.36:230-5.<br />

85. Muscara MN, McKnight W, Lovren F, Triggle CR, Cirino G, Wallace JL (2000) Antihypertensive<br />

properties of a nitric oxide-releasing naproxen derivative in two-kidney, one-clip rats.Am J Physiol<br />

Heart Circ Physiol.279 H528-35<br />

86. Mirone V, Sorrentino R, di Villa Bianca R, Imbimbo C, Palmieri A, Fusco F, Tajana G, Cirino G.A<br />

standardized procedure for using human corpus cavernosum strips to evaluate drug activity.J Pharmacol<br />

Toxicol Methods. 2000 Nov-Dec;44(3):477-82.<br />

87. Fiorucci S, Santucci L, Cirino G, Mencarelli A, Familiari L, Soldato PD, Morelli A. IL-1 beta<br />

converting enzyme is a target for nitric oxide-releasing aspirin: new insights in the antiinflammatory<br />

mechanism of nitric oxide-releasing nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. J Immunol. 2000;165:5245-<br />

54.<br />

88. Napoli C, Pinto A, Cirino G.Pharmacological modulation, preclinical studies, and new clinical<br />

features of myocardial ischemic preconditioning. Pharmacol Ther. 2000 88:311-31.<br />

89. Vergnolle N, Bunnett NW, Sharkey KA, Brussee V, Compton SJ, Grady EF, Cirino G, Gerard N,<br />

Basbaum AI, Andrade-Gordon P, Hollenberg MD, Wallace JL.Proteinase-activated receptor-2 and<br />

hyperalgesia: A novel pain pathway. Nat Med. 2001; 7:821-6.<br />

90. Cicala C, Morello S, Santagada V, Caliendo G, Sorrentino L, Cirino G. Pharmacological dissection<br />

of vascular effects caused by activation of protease-activated receptors 1 and 2 in anesthetized<br />

rats.FASEB J. 2001; 15:1433-5.<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

91. Ma L, Elliott SN, Cirino G, Buret A, Ignarro LJ, Wallace JL. Platelets modulate gastric ulcer healing:<br />

role of endostatin and vascular endothelial growth factor release.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001;98<br />

:6470-5.<br />

92. Cicala C, Spina D, Keir SD, Severino B, Meli R, Page CP, Cirino G.Protective effect of a PAR2activating<br />

peptide on histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in guinea-pig.Br J Pharmacol. 2001,<br />

132:1229-34.<br />

93. Napoli C, Cirino G, Del Soldato P, Sorrentino R, Sica V V, Condorelli M, Pinto A, Ignarro LJ.<br />

Effects of nitric oxide-releasing aspirin versus aspirin on restenosis in hypercholesterolemic mice. Proc<br />

Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001; 98:2860-2864.<br />

94. Randazzo A, Bifulco G, Giannini C, Bucci M, Debitus C, Cirino G, Gomez-Paloma L. Halipeptins A<br />

and B: Two Novel Potent Anti-inflammatory Cyclic Depsipeptides from the Vanuatu Marine Sponge<br />

Haliclona species. J Am Chem Soc. 2001, 123:10870-10876.<br />

95. Caliendo G, Santagada V, Perissutti E, Severino B, Fiorino F, Warner TD, Wallace JL, Ifa DR,<br />

Antunes E, Cirino G, de Nucci G. Synthesis of substituted benzamides as anti-inflammatory agents that<br />

inhibit preferentially cyclooxygenase 1 but do not cause gastric damage. Eur J Med Chem. 2001, 36<br />

:517-30.<br />

96. Cicala C, Morello S, Santagada V, Caliendo G, Sorrentino L, Cirino G. Pharmacological dissection<br />

of vascular effects caused by activation of protease-activated receptors 1 and 2 in anesthetized rats.<br />

FASEB J. 2001, 15:1433-5.<br />

97. Ma L, Elliott SN, Cirino G, Buret A, Ignarro LJ, Wallace JL. Platelets modulate gastric ulcer healing:<br />

role of endostatin and vascular endothelial growth factor release. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001, 98:<br />

6470-5.<br />

98. Meli R, Mattace Raso G, Cicala C, Esposito E, Fiorino F, Cirino G. Thrombin and PAR-1 acitvating<br />

peptide increase iNOS expression in cytokine-stimulated C6 glioma cells. J Neurochem. 2001;79:556-<br />

563.<br />

99. Santagada V, Caliendo G, Severino B, Perissutti E, Fiorino F, Cicala C, De Filippis V, Cirino G.<br />

Minimal structural re<strong>qui</strong>rements for agonist activity of PAR-2 activating peptides. Bioorg Med Chem<br />

Lett. 2002; 12:21-24.<br />

100. Fiorucci S, Meli R, Bucci M, Cirino G. Dual inhibitors of cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase.<br />

A new avenue in anti-inflammatory therapy? Biochem Pharmacol. 2001 62:1433-8.<br />

101. Fiorucci S, Mencarelli A, Palazzetti B, Distrutti E, Vergnolle N, Hollenberg MD, Wallace JL,<br />

Morelli A, Cirino G. Proteinase-activated receptor 2 is an anti-inflammatory signal for colonic lamina<br />

propria lymphocytes in a mouse model of colitis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001, 98:13936-41.<br />

102. Bucci M, Roviezzo F, Cicala C, Pinto A, Cirino G. 17-beta-oestradiol-induced vasorelaxation in<br />

vitro is mediated by eNOS through hsp90 and akt/pkb dependent mechanism. Br J Pharmacol.<br />

2002,135:1695-1700.<br />

103. Rossoni G, Muscara MN, Cirino G, Wallace JL. Inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase-2 exacerbates<br />

ischaemia-induced acute myocardial dysfunction in the rabbit. Br J Pharmacol. 2002,135:1540-6.<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

104. Maffia P, Ianaro A, Sorrentino R, Lippolis L, Maiello FM, del Soldato P,Ialenti A, Cirino G.<br />

Beneficial effects of NO-releasing derivative of flurbiprofen (HCT-1026) in rat model of vascular injury<br />

and restenosis.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2002, 22:263-7.<br />

105. Meli R, Antonelli E, Cirino G. Analgesia and cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors.Dig Liver Dis. 2001,<br />

33 Suppl 2:S8-11.Cirino G, Santagada V, Caliendo G. The nitric oxide related therapeutic phenomenon:<br />

a challenging task. Curr Pharm Des. 2002, 8:233-9.<br />

106. Saviola G, Abdi Ali L, Rossoni P, Campostrini L, Coppini A, Gori M, Ianaro, A, Bucci M, de<br />

Nucci G, Cirino G.. Clarithromycin in rheumatoid arthritis patients not responsive to disease-modifying<br />

antirheumatic drugs: an open, uncontrolled pilot study. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2002; 20:373-8.<br />

107. Napoli C, De Nigris F, Cicala C, Wallace JL, Caliendo G, Condorelli M, Santagada V, Cirino<br />

G. Protease-activated receptor-2 activation improves efficiency of experimental ischemic<br />

preconditioning. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2002, 282: H2004-H2010.<br />

108. Bucci M, Roviezzo F, Cicala C, Pinto A, Cirino G. 17-beta-oestradiol-induced vasorelaxation in<br />

vitro is mediated by eNOS through hsp90 and akt/pkb dependent mechanism.Br J Pharmacol. 2002,<br />

135:1695-700.<br />

109. Fiorucci S, Mencarelli A, Palazzetti B, Sprague AG, Distrutti E, Morelli A, Novobrantseva TI,<br />

Cirino G, Koteliansky VE, de Fougerolles AR. Importance of innate immunity and collagen binding<br />

integrin alpha1beta1 in TNBS-induced colitis. Immunity. 2002, 17:769-80.<br />

110. Cicala C, Morello S, Vellecco V, Severino B, Sorrentino L, Cirino G. Basal nitric oxide<br />

modulates vascular effects of a peptide activating protease-activated receptor 2.Cardiovasc Res. 2003,<br />

60:431-7.<br />

111. Paul-Clark MJ, Roviezzo F, Flower RJ, Cirino G, Soldato PD, Adcock IM, Perretti M.<br />

Glucocorticoid receptor nitration leads to enhanced anti-inflammatory effects of novel steroid ligands. J<br />

Immunol. 2003,171:3245-52.<br />

112. Fiorucci S, Distrutti E, Mencarelli A, Morelli A, Laufor SA, Cirino G, Wallace JL. Evidence<br />

that 5-lipoxygenase and acetylated cyclooxygenase 2-derived eicosanoids regulate leukocyte-endothelial<br />

adherence in response to aspirin. Br J Pharmacol. 2003,139:1351-9.<br />

113. Cirino G. Nitric oxide releasing drugs: from bench to bedside.Dig Liver Dis. 2003; 35 Suppl<br />

2:S2-8.<br />

114. Fiorucci S, Distrutti E, Federici B, Palazzetti B, Baldoni M, Morelli A, Cirino G. PAR-2<br />

modulates pepsinogen secretion from gastric-isolated chief cells.Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver<br />

Physiol. 2003, 285:G611-20.<br />

115. Cirino G, Sorrentino R, di Villa Bianca R, Popolo A, Palmieri A, Imbimbo C, Fusco F, Longo<br />

N, Tajana G, Ignarro LJ, Mirone V. Involvement of beta 3-adrenergic receptor activation via cyclic<br />

GMP- but not NO-dependent mechanisms in human corpus cavernosum function.Proc Natl Acad Sci U<br />

S A. 2003,100:5531-6.<br />

116. Esposito F, Chirico G, Montesano Gesualdi N, Posadas I, Ammendola R, Russo T, Cirino G,<br />

Cimino F. Protein kinase B activation by reactive oxygen species is independent of tyrosine kinase<br />

receptor phosphorylation and re<strong>qui</strong>res SRC activity. J Biol Chem. 2003, 278:20828-34.<br />

117. Cirino G, Fiorucci S, Sessa WC. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase: the Cinderella of<br />

inflammation? Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2003, 24:91-5.<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

118. Roviezzo F, Del Galdo F, Abbate G, Bucci M, D'Agostino B, Antunes E, De Dominicis G,<br />

Parente L, Rossi F, Cirino G, De Palma R. Human eosinophil chemotaxis and selective in vivo<br />

recruitment by sphingosine 1-phosphate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 ;101:11170-11175.<br />

119. Posadas I, Bucci M, Roviezzo F, Rossi A, Parente L, Sautebin L, Cirino G. Carrageenaninduced<br />

mouse paw oedema is biphasic, age-weight dependent and displays differential nitric oxide<br />

cyclooxygenase-2 expression. Br J Pharmacol. 2004; 142:331-338.<br />

120. Wallace JL, Rizzo G, Cirino G, Del Soldato P, Fiorucci S. Enhanced anti-inflammatory<br />

potency of a nitric oxide-releasing derivative of flunisolide: role of nuclear factor-kappaB. J Pharmacol<br />

Exp Ther. 2004; 310:1096-1102.<br />

121. Napoli C, de Nigris F, Wallace JL, Hollenberg MD, Tajana G, De Rosa G, Sica V, Cirino G.<br />

Evidence that protease activated receptor 2 expression is enhanced in human coronary atherosclerotic<br />

lesions. J Clin Pathol. 2004; 57:513-516.<br />

122. Pieretti S, Di Giannuario A, De Felice M, Perretti M, Cirino G. Stimulus-dependent specificity<br />

for annexin 1 inhibition of the inflammatory nociceptive response: the involvement of the receptor for<br />

formylated peptides. Pain. 2004; 109: 52-63.<br />

123. Bucci M, Roviezzo F, Brancaleone V, Lin MI, Di Lorenzo A, Cicala C, Pinto A, Sessa WC,<br />

Farneti S, Fiorucci S, Cirino G. Diabetic mouse angiopathy is linked to progressive sympathetic<br />

receptor deletion coupled to an enhanced caveolin-1 expression. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004;<br />

24 :721-726.<br />

124. Fiorucci S, Antonelli E, Distrutti E, Severino B, Fiorentina R, Baldoni M, Caliendo G,<br />

Santagada V, Morelli A, Cirino G. PAR1 antagonism protects against experimental liver fibrosis. Role<br />

of proteinase receptors in stellate cell activation. Hepatology. 2004; 39:365-75.<br />

125. Wallace JL, Muscara MN, de Nucci G, Zamuner S, Cirino G, del Soldato P, Ongini E. Gastric<br />

tolerability and prolonged prostaglandin inhibition in the brain with a nitric oxide-releasing flurbiprofen<br />

derivative, NCX-2216 [3-[4-(2-fluoro-alpha-methyl-[1,1'-biphenyl]-4-acetyloxy)-3-methoxyphenyl]-2propenoic<br />

acid 4-nitrooxy butyl ester]. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2004; 309: 626-633.<br />

126. Fiorucci S, Di Lorenzo A, Renga B, Farneti S, Morelli A, Cirino G. Nitric oxide (NO)releasing<br />

naproxen (HCT-3012) interactions with aspirin in gastric mucosa of arthritic rats reveals a role<br />

for aspirin-triggered lipoxin, prostaglandins and NO in gastric protection. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2004;<br />

311: 1264-1271.<br />

127. Vergnolle N, Cellars L, Mencarelli A, Rizzo G, Swaminathan S, Beck P, Steinhoff M,<br />

Andrade-Gordon P, Bunnett NW, Hollenberg MD, Wallace JL, Cirino G, Fiorucci S. A role for<br />

proteinase-activated receptor-1 in inflammatory bowel diseases. J Clin Invest. 2004; 114: 1444-1456.<br />

128. Buresi MC, Vergnolle N, Sharkey KA, Keenan CM, Andrade-Gordon P, Cirino G, Cirillo D,<br />

Hollenberg MD, MacNaughton WK. Activation of proteinase-activated receptor-1 inhibits neurallyevoked<br />

chloride secretion in the mouse colon in vitro. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2005;<br />

288: G337-345.<br />

129. Bucci M, Roviezzo F, Posadas I, Yu J, Parente L, Sessa WC, Ignarro LJ, Cirino G. Endothelial<br />

nitric oxide synthase activation is critical for vascular leakage during acute inflammation in vivo. Proc<br />

Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005; 102:904-8.<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

130. d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Sorrentino R, Roviezzo F, Imbimbo C, Palmieri A, De<br />

Dominicis G, Montorsi F, Cirino G, Mirone V. Peripheral relaxant activity of apomorphine and of a<br />

D1 selective receptor agonist on human corpus cavernosum strips. Int J Impot Res 2005; 17: 127-133<br />

131. Distrutti E, Sediari L, Mencarelli A, Renga B, Orlandi S, Antonelli E, Roviezzo F, Morelli<br />

A, Wallace JL, Cirino G, Fiorucci S. Evidence that hydrogen sulfide exerts antinociceptive effects in<br />

the gastrointestinal tract by activating KATP channels. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2006; 316:325-35.<br />

132. Bucci M, Roviezzo F, Cirino G. Protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR(2)) in cardiovascular<br />

system. Vascul Pharmacol. 2005; 43:247-53<br />

133. Roviezzo F, Bucci M, Brancaleone V, Di Lorenzo A, Geppetti P, Farneti S, Parente L,<br />

Lungarella G, Fiorucci S, Cirino G. Proteinase-Activated Receptor-2 Mediates Arterial Vasodilation in<br />

Diabetes. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2005; 25:2349-54.<br />

134. Massi D, Naldini A, Ardinghi C, Carraro F, Franchi A, Paglierani M, Tarantini F, Ketabchi<br />

S, Cirino G, Hollenberg MD, Geppetti P, Santucci M Expression of protease-activated receptors 1 and<br />

2 in melanocytic nevi and malignant melanoma. Hum Pathol. 2005; 36:676-85.<br />

135. Roviezzo F, Tsigkos S, Kotanidou A, Bucci M, Brancaleone V, Cirino G, Papapetropoulos<br />

A. Angiopoietin-2 causes inflammation in vivo by promoting vascular leakage.J Pharmacol Exp Ther.<br />

2005; 314:738-44.<br />

136. Bucci M, Roviezzo F, Posadas I, Yu J, Parente L, Sessa WC, Ignarro LJ, Cirino G.<br />

Endothelial nitric oxide synthase activation is critical for vascular leakage during acute inflammation in<br />

vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005; 102:904-8.<br />

137. Perissutti E, Fiorino F, Renner C, Severino B, Roviezzo F, Sautebin L, Rossi A, Cirino G, Santagada<br />

V, Caliendo G. Synthesis of 2-methyl-3-indolylacetic derivatives as anti-inflammatory agents that<br />

inhibit preferentially cyclooxygenase 1 without gastric damage. J Med Chem. 2006; 49:7774-80.<br />

138. Martino L, Virno A, Randazzo A, Virgilio A, Esposito V, Giancola C, Bucci M, Cirino G, Mayol L.<br />

A new modified thrombin binding aptamer containing a 5'-5'inversion of polarity site. Nucleic Acids<br />

Res. 2006;34:6653-62.<br />

139. Naldini A, Morena E, Filippi I, Pucci A, Bucci M, Cirino G, Carraro F.<br />

Thrombin inhibits IFN-gamma production in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by promoting a<br />

Th2 profile. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2006;26:793-9.<br />

140. Vergnolle N, Cellars L, Mencarelli A, Rizzo G, Swaminathan S, Beck P,<br />

Steinhoff M, Andrade-Gordon P, Bunnett NW, Hollenberg MD, Wallace JL, Cirino G, Fiorucci S. A<br />

role for proteinase-activated receptor-1 in inflammatory bowel diseases. J Clin Invest. 2006l;116:2056.<br />

141. Zanardo RC, Brancaleone V, Distrutti E, Fiorucci S, Cirino G, Wallace JL. Hydrogen sulfide is an<br />

endogenous modulator of leukocyte-mediated inflammation. FASEB J. 2006; 20:2118-20.<br />

142. Distrutti E, Sediari L, Mencarelli A, Renga B, Orlandi S, Russo G, Caliendo G, Santagada V, Cirino<br />

G, Wallace JL, Fiorucci S. 5-Amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid 4-(5-thioxo-5H-[1,2]dithiol-3yl)-phenyl<br />

ester (ATB-429), a hydrogen sulfide-releasing derivative of mesalamine, exerts antinociceptive effects<br />

in a model of postinflammatory hypersensitivity. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2006; 319:447-58.<br />

143. Fiorucci S, Distrutti E, Cirino G, Wallace JL. The emerging roles of hydrogen sulfide in the<br />

gastrointestinal tract and liver. Gastroenterology. 2006;131:259-71.<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

144. Cirino G, Vergnolle N. Proteinase-activated receptors (PARs): crossroads<br />

between innate immunity and coagulation. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2006;6:428-34.<br />

145. Cirino G, Distrutti E, Wallace JL. Nitric oxide and inflammation. Inflamm<br />

Allergy Drug Targets. 2006; 5:115-9.<br />

146. Nicolaou KC, Lizos DE, Kim DW, Schlawe D, de Noronha RG, Longbottom DA,<br />

Rodriquez M, Bucci M, Cirino G. Total synthesis and biological evaluation of halipeptins A and D and<br />

analogues. J Am Chem Soc. 2006; 128:4460-70.<br />

147. Cirino G, Fusco F, Imbimbo C, Mirone V. Pharmacology of erectile dysfunction in man. Pharmacol<br />

Ther. 2006;111:400-23.<br />

148. Massi D, Tarantini F, Franchi A, Paglierani M, Di Serio C, Pellerito S, Leoncini G, Cirino G,<br />

Geppetti P, Santucci M. Evidence for differential expression of Notch receptors and their ligands in<br />

melanocytic nevi and cutaneous malignant melanoma. Mod Pathol. 2006; 19:246-54.<br />

149. Saviola G, Benucci M, Cirino G. Comments on: Effects of clarithromycin in patients with<br />

active rheumatoid arthritis.Curr Med Res Opin. 2007;23:2763-2764.<br />

150. D'Agostino B, Roviezzo F, De Palma R, Terracciano S, De Nardo M, Gallelli L, Abbate GF,<br />

D'Aiuto E, Russo M, Cirino G, Rossi F. Activation of protease-activated receptor-2 reduces airways<br />

inflammation in experimental allergic asthma. Clin Exp Allergy. 2007; 37:1436-43.<br />

151. Naldini A, Ardinghi C, Massi D, Santucci M, Franchi A, Tarantini F, Geppetti, P, Cirino G,<br />

Carraro F. A ribonuclease protection assay-based approach for analysis of angiogenic gene expression<br />

in archival tissues. Diagn Mol Pathol. 2007 ; 16:147-52.<br />

152. Materazzi S, Pellerito S, Di Serio C, Paglierani M, Naldini A, Ardinghi C, Carraro F,<br />

Geppetti P, Cirino G, Santucci M, Tarantini F, Massi D. Analysis of protease-activated receptor-1 and -<br />

2 in human scar formation. J Pathol. 2007; 212: 440-9.<br />

153. Virno A, Randazzo A, Giancola C, Bucci M, Cirino G, Mayol L. A novel thrombin binding<br />

aptamer containing a G-LNA residue. Bioorg Med Chem. 2007; 15: 5710-8.<br />

154. Ketabchi S, Massi D, Ficarra G, Rubino I, Franchi A, Paglierani M, Simoni A, Capodiferro<br />

S, Favia G, Maiorano E, Tarantini F, Cirino G, Santucci M. Expression of protease-activated receptor-<br />

1 and -2 in orofacial granulomatosis.Oral Dis. 2007; 13:419-25.<br />

155. Di Serio C, Pellerito S, Duarte M, Massi D, Naldini A, Cirino G, Prudovsky I, Santucci M,<br />

Geppetti P, Marchionni N, Masotti G, Tarantini F. Protease-activated receptor 1-selective antagonist<br />

SCH79797 inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis by a protease-activated receptor 1independent<br />

mechanism. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2007; 101:63-9.<br />

156. Roviezzo F, Cuzzocrea S, Di Lorenzo A, Brancaleone V, Mazzon E, Di Paola R, Bucci M,<br />

Cirino G. Protective role of PI3-kinase-Akt-eNOS signalling pathway in intestinal injury associated<br />

with splanchnic artery occlusion shock. Br J Pharmacol. 2007; 151:377-83.<br />

157. Saviola G, Abdi Ali L, Shams Eddin S, Coppini A, Cavalieri F, Campostrini L, Sacco S,<br />

Bucci M, Cirino G, Rossini M. Compared clinical efficacy and bone metabolic effects of low-dose<br />

deflazacort and methyl prednisolone in male inflammatory arthropathies: a 12-month open randomized<br />

pilot study. Rheumatology . 2007; 46:994-8.<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

158. Fiorucci S, Orlandi S, Mencarelli A, Caliendo G, Santagada V, Distrutti E, Santucci L,<br />

Cirino G, Wallace JL. Enhanced activity of a hydrogen sulphide-releasing derivative of mesalamine<br />

(ATB-429) in a mouse model of colitis.Br J Pharmacol. 2007; 150:996-1002<br />

159. Roviezzo F, Di Lorenzo A, Bucci M, Brancaleone V, Vellecco V, De Nardo M, Orlotti D,<br />

De Palma R, Rossi F, D'Agostino B, Cirino G. Sphingosine-1-phosphate/sphingosine kinase pathway is<br />

involved in mouse airway hyperresponsiveness. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2007; 36:757-62.<br />

160. Wallace JL, Caliendo G, Santagada V, Cirino G, Fiorucci S. Gastrointestinal safety and<br />

anti-inflammatory effects of a hydrogen sulfide-releasing diclofenac derivative in the rat.<br />

Gastroenterology. 2007; 132:261-71.<br />

161. Coppola T, Varra M, Oliviero G, Galeone A, D'Isa G, Mayol L, Morelli E, Bucci MR, Vellecco V,<br />

Cirino G, Borbone N. Synthesis, structural studies and biological properties of new TBA analogues<br />

containing an acyclic nucleotide. Bioorg Med Chem. 2008; 16 (17):8244-53.<br />

162. Brancaleone V, Roviezzo F, Vellecco V, De Gruttola L, Bucci M, Cirino G. Biosynthesis of H2S is<br />

impaired in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. Br J Pharmacol. 2008; 155:673-80.<br />

163. Bucci M, Roviezzo F, Brancaleone V, Di Lorenzo A, Evangelista S, Gori M, Cirino G. ACEinhibition<br />

ameliorates vascular reactivity and delays diabetes outcome in NOD mice. Vascul Pharmacol.<br />

2008; 49:84-90.<br />

164. Lucattelli M, Lunghi B, Fineschi S, Mirone V, d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R,Longo N, Imbimbo C,<br />

De Palma R, Sorrentino R, Lungarella G, Cirino G. A new mouse model of Peyronie's disease: an<br />

increased expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 target genes during the development of penile<br />

changes. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2008; 40:2638-48.<br />

165. Severino B, Fiorino F, Perissutti E, Frecentese F, Cirino G, Roviezzo F, Santagada V, Caliendo G.<br />

Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of peptide-mimetic protease-activated receptor-1 antagonists<br />

containing novel heterocyclic scaffolds. Bioorg Med Chem. 2008; 16:6009-20.<br />

166. d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Sorrentino R, Maffia P, Mirone V, Imbimbo C, Fusco F, De Palma<br />

R, Ignarro LJ, Cirino G. Hydrogen sulfide as a mediator of human corpus cavernosum smooth-muscle<br />

relaxation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 ; 106(11):4513-8.<br />

167. Bucci M, Mirone V, Di Lorenzo A, Vellecco V, Roviezzo F, Brancaleone V, Ciro I, Cirino G.<br />

Hydrogen Sulphide Is Involved in Testosterone Vascular Effect. Eur Urol. 2009; 56:378-383.<br />

d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Sorrentino R, Mirone V, Cirino G. Hydrogen sulfide and erectile<br />

function: a novel therapeutic target. Nat Rev Urol. 2011; 8:286-9.<br />

168. Roviezzo F, Brancaleone V, De Gruttola L, Vellecco V, Bucci M, D'Agostino B, Cooper D,<br />

Sorrentino R, Perretti M, Cirino G. Sphingosine-1-phosphate modulates vascular permeability and cell<br />

recruitment in acute inflammation in vivo. JPharmacol Exp Ther. 2011;337:830-7.<br />

169. Brancaleone V, Dalli J, Bena S, Flower RJ, Cirino G, Perretti M. Evidence for an anti-inflammatory<br />

loop centered on polymorphonuclear leukocyte formyl peptide receptor 2/lipoxin A4 receptor and<br />

operative in the inflamed microvasculature. J Immunol. 2011; 186:4905-14.<br />

170. Bucci M, Cirino G. Hydrogen sulphide in heart and systemic circulation. Inflamm Allergy Drug<br />

Targets. 2011; 10:103-8.<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

171. d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Sorrentino R, Coletta C, Mitidieri E, Rossi A, Vellecco V, Pinto A,<br />

Cirino G, Sorrentino R. Hydrogen sulfide-induced dual vascular effect involves arachidonic acid<br />

cascade in rat mesenteric arterial bed. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2011; 337:59-64.<br />

172. Renshaw D, Montero-Melendez T, Dalli J, Kamal A, Brancaleone V, D'Ac<strong>qui</strong>sto F, Cirino G, Perretti<br />

M. Downstream gene activation of the receptor ALX by the agonist annexin A1. PLOS One. 2010;5:<br />

12771<br />

173. di Villa Bianca R, Coletta C, Mitidieri E, De Dominicis G, Rossi A, Sautebin L, Cirino G, Bucci M,<br />

Sorrentino R. Hydrogen sulphide induces mouse paw oedema through activation of phospholipase A2.<br />

Br J Pharmacol. 2010; 161:1835-42.<br />

174. De Cunto G, Cardini S, Cirino G, Geppetti P, Lungarella G, Lucattelli M. Pulmonary hypertension in<br />

smoking mice over-expressing protease-activated receptor-2. Eur Respir J. 2011; 37:823-34.<br />

175. Bucci M, Papapetropoulos A, Vellecco V, Zhou Z, Pyriochou A, Roussos C, Roviezzo F, Brancaleone<br />

V, Cirino G. Hydrogen sulfide is an endogenous inhibitor of phosphodiesterase activity. Arterioscler<br />

Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010; 30:1998-2004.<br />

176. Caliendo G, Cirino G, Santagada V, Wallace JL. Synthesis and biological effects of hydrogen sulfide<br />

(H2S): development of H2S-releasing drugs as pharmaceuticals. J Med Chem. 2010; 53:6275-86.<br />

177. Cirino G, Severino B. Thrombin receptors and their antagonists: an update on the patent literature.<br />

Expert Opin Ther Pat. 2010; 20:875-84.<br />

178. Wallace JL, Caliendo G, Santagada V, Cirino G. Markedly reduced toxicity of a hydrogen sulphidereleasing<br />

derivative of naproxen (ATB-346). Br J Pharmacol. 2010; 159:1236-46.<br />

179. Saviola G, Benucci M, Abdi-Ali L, Baiardi P, Manfredi M, Bucci M, Cirino G.Clarithromycin in<br />

adult-onset Still's disease: a study of 6 cases. Rheumatol Int.2010; 30:555-60.<br />

180. Costantino V, Fattorusso E, Mangoni A, Perinu C, Cirino G, De Gruttola L,Roviezzo F. Tedanol: a<br />

potent anti-inflammatory ent-pimarane diterpene from the Caribbean Sponge Tedania ignis. Bioorg Med<br />

Chem. 2009; 17:7542-7.<br />

181. d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Cirino G, Mitidieri E, Coletta C, Grassia G, Roviezzo F, Grieco P,<br />

Novellino E, Imbimbo C, Mirone V, Sorrentino R. Urotensin II: a novel target in human corpus<br />

cavernosum. J Sex Med. 2010; 7:1778-86.<br />

182. Mirone V, d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Mitidieri E, Imbimbo C, Fusco F,Verze P, Vitale DF,<br />

Sorrentino R, Cirino G. Platelet cyclic guanosine monophosphate as a biomarker of phosphodiesterase<br />

type 5 inhibitor efficacy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction: a randomized placebo-controlled study.<br />

Eur Urol. 2009; 56:1067-73.<br />

183. D'Agostino B, Polverino M, Cirino G, Lombardi A, Grassi B, Sullo N,Santoriello C, Polverino F,<br />

Orlotti D, Matteis M, Rossi F. Exercise capacity and cytochrome oxidase activity in muscle<br />

mitochondria of COPD patients. Respir Med.2010; 104:83-90.<br />

184. Di Lorenzo A, Fernández-Hernando C, Cirino G, Sessa WC. Akt1 is critical for acute inflammation<br />

and histamine-mediated vascular leakage. Proc Natl Acad Sci US A. 2009; 106:14552-7.<br />

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Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

185. d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Sorrentino R, Maffia P, Mirone V, Imbimbo C, Fusco F, De Palma<br />

R, Ignarro LJ, Cirino G. Hydrogen sulfide as a mediator of human corpus cavernosum smooth-muscle<br />

relaxation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 ; 106:4513-4518.<br />

186. Roviezzo F, D'Agostino B, Brancaleone V, De Gruttola L, Bucci M, De Dominicis G, Orlotti D,<br />

D'Aiuto E, De Palma R, Rossi F, Sorrentino R, Cirino G. Systemic administration of sphingosine-1phosphate<br />

increases bronchial hyperresponsiveness in the mouse. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2010;<br />

42:572-7.<br />

187. Caliendo G, Cirino G, Santagada V, Wallace JL. Synthesis and biological effects of hydrogen sulfide<br />

(H2S): development of H2S-releasing drugs as pharmaceuticals. J Med Chem. 2010; 53:6275-86.<br />

188. Cirino G, Severino B. Thrombin receptors and their antagonists: an update on the patent literature.<br />

Expert Opin Ther Pat. 2010; 20:875-84.<br />

189. Wallace JL, Caliendo G, Santagada V, Cirino G. Markedly reduced toxicity of a hydrogen sulphidereleasing<br />

derivative of naproxen (ATB-346). Br J Pharmacol. 2010; 159:1236-46.<br />

190. d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Cirino G, Mitidieri E, Coletta C, Grassia G, Roviezzo F, Grieco P,<br />

Novellino E, Imbimbo C, Mirone V, Sorrentino R. Urotensin II: a novel target in human corpus<br />

cavernosum. J Sex Med. 2010; 7:1778-86.<br />

191. Renshaw D, Montero-Melendez T, Dalli J, Kamal A, Brancaleone V, D'Ac<strong>qui</strong>sto F,<br />

Cirino G, Perretti M. Downstream gene activation of the receptor ALX by the agonist annexin A1.<br />

PLoS One. 2010;5 (9). pii: e12771.<br />

192. di Villa Bianca R, Coletta C, Mitidieri E, De Dominicis G, Rossi A, Sautebin L, Cirino G, Bucci M,<br />

Sorrentino R. Hydrogen sulphide induces mouse paw oedema through activation of phospholipase A2.<br />

Br J Pharmacol. 2010;161:1835-42<br />

193. Marazioti A, Bucci M, Coletta C, Vellecco V, Baskaran P, Szabó C, Cirino G, Marques AR,<br />

Guerreiro B, Gonçalves AM, Seixas JD, Beuve A, Romão CC, Papapetropoulos A. Inhibition of nitric<br />

oxide-stimulated vasorelaxation by carbon monoxide-releasing molecules. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc<br />

Biol. 2011;31:2570-6.<br />

194. di Villa Bianca R, Mitidieri E, Mirone V, Fusco F, Imbimbo C, Cirino G, Sorrentino R. An ex vivo<br />

standardized assay to measure human platelet cGMP. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2011; 64:164-7.<br />

195. d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Sorrentino R, Mirone V, Cirino G. Hydrogen sulfide and erectile<br />

function: a novel therapeutic target. Nat Rev Urol. 2011;8:286-9.<br />

196. Roviezzo F, Brancaleone V, De Gruttola L, Vellecco V, Bucci M, D'Agostino B, Cooper D,<br />

Sorrentino R, Perretti M, Cirino G. Sphingosine-1-phosphate modulates vascular permeability and cell<br />

recruitment in acute inflammation in vivo. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2011;337:830-7.<br />

197. Brancaleone V, Dalli J, Bena S, Flower RJ, Cirino G, Perretti M. Evidence for an anti-inflammatory<br />

loop centered on polymorphonuclear leukocyte formyl peptide receptor 2 / lipoxin A4 receptor and<br />

operative in the inflamed microvasculature. J Immunol. 2011; 186: 4905-14.<br />

198. Bucci M, Cirino G. Hydrogen sulphide in heart and systemic circulation. nflamm Allergy Drug<br />

Targets. 2011; 10:103-8.<br />

Pagina 17/18 - Curriculum vitae del<br />

Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

199. d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca R, Sorrentino R, Coletta C, Mitidieri E, Rossi A, Vellecco V, Pinto A,<br />

Cirino G, Sorrentino R. Hydrogen sulfide-induced dual vascular effect involves arachidonic acid<br />

cascade in rat mesenteric arterial bed. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2011 337:59-64.<br />

200. De Cunto G, Cardini S, Cirino G, Geppetti P, Lungarella G, Lucattelli M Pulmonary hypertension in<br />

smoking mice over-expressing protease-activated receptor-2. Eur Respir J. 2011;37:823-34.<br />

201. Bucci M, Cigliano L, Vellecco V, D'Andrea LD, Ziaco B, Rossi A, Sautebin L, Carlucci A, Abrescia<br />

P, Pedone C, Ianaro A, Cirino G. ApoA-I mimetic peptide P2a by restoring cholesterol esterification<br />

unmasks Apo A-I anti-inflammatory endogenous activity in vivo. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2011 Dec 13.<br />

[Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22171091.<br />

Pagina 18/18 - Curriculum vitae del<br />

Prof. Cirino Giuseppe

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