Common Shrubs of New Brunswick

Common Shrubs of New Brunswick

Common Shrubs of New Brunswick


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<strong>Common</strong> <strong>Shrubs</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Brunswick</strong><br />

1. Taxus candensis (Ground Hemlock)<br />

2. Acer spicatum (Mountain maple)<br />

3. Rhus typhina (Staghorn Sumac)<br />

4. Rhus radicans (Poison Ivy)<br />

5. Ilex verticillata (Winterberry)<br />

6. Nemopanthus mucronata (Mountain-holly)<br />

7. Alnus incana (Speckled Alder)<br />

8. Alnus viridis (Green Alder)<br />

9. Corylus cornuta (Beaked Hazel)<br />

10. Diervilla lonicera (Bush Honeysuckle)<br />

11. Lonicera canadensis (Fly Honeysuckle)<br />

12. Sambucus canadensis (<strong>Common</strong> Elder)<br />

13. Sambucus racemosa (Red-berried Elder)<br />

14. Viburnum lantanoides (Hobblebush)<br />

15. Viburnum cassinoides (Wild Raisin)<br />

16. Viburnum opulus (High-bush Cranberry)<br />

17. Cornus alternifolia (Alternate-leaf Dogwood)<br />

18. Cornus sericea (Red Osier Dogwood)<br />

19. Andromeda polifolia (Bog Rosemary)<br />

20. Chamaedaphne calculata (Leatherleaf)<br />

21. Gaylussacia baccata (Black Huckleberry)<br />

22. Kalmia angustifolia (Lambkill)<br />

23. Kalmia polifolia (Bog Laurel)

24) Vaccinium oxycoccus (Small Cranberry)<br />

25) Rhododendron canadense (Rhodora)<br />

26) Rhododendron groenlandicum (Labrador Tea)<br />

27) Vaccinium angustifolium (Low Sweet Blueberry)<br />

28) Vaccinium myrtilloides (Velvetleaf Blueberry)<br />

29) Ribes glandulosum (Skunk Current)<br />

30) Ribes lacustre (Bristly Current)<br />

31) Ribes triste (Bitter Current)<br />

32) Hamamelis virginiana (Witch-hazel)<br />

33) Comptonia peregrina (Sweet Fern)<br />

34) Myrica gale (Sweet Gale)<br />

35) Amelanchier sp. (Serviceberry)<br />

36) Crataegus sp. (Hawthorn)<br />

37) Photinia pyrifolia (Red Chokeberry)<br />

38) Prunus virginiana (Choke Cherry)<br />

39) Rosa sp. (Wild Rose)<br />

40) Rubus alleghaniensis (Alleghany Blackberry)<br />

41) Rubus idaeus (Wild Red Raspberry)<br />

42) Spirea alba (Meadow Sweet)<br />

43) Spirea tomentosa (Hardhack)<br />

44) Salix sp. (Willow)<br />

45) Vitis riparia (Riverbank Grape)

Family: Taxaceae<br />

Ground Hemlock<br />

(Taxus canadensis)

Family: Aceraceae<br />

Mountain Maple<br />

(Acer spicatum)

Family: Anacardiaceae<br />

Staghorn Sumac<br />

(Rhus typhina)

Family: Anacardiaceae<br />

Poison Ivy<br />

(Rhus radicans)

Family: Aquifoliaceae Winterberry<br />

(Ilex verticillata)

Family: Aquifoliaceae<br />

Mountain Holly<br />

(Nemopanthus mucronata)

Family: Betulaceae<br />

Speckled Alder<br />

(Alnus incana)

Family: Betulaceae<br />

Green Alder<br />

(Alnus viridis)

Family: Betulaceae<br />

Beaked Hazel<br />

(Corylus cornuta)

Family: Caprifoliaceae<br />

Bush Honeysuckle<br />

(Diervilla lonicera)

Family: Caprifoliaceae<br />

Fly Honeysuckle<br />

(Lonicera canadensis)

Family: Caprifoliaceae <strong>Common</strong> Elder<br />

(Sambucus canadensis)

Family: Caprifoliaceae<br />

Red-berried Elder<br />

(Sambucus racemosa)

Family: Caprifoliaceae<br />

Hobblebush<br />

(Viburnum lantanoides)

Family: Caprifoliaceae<br />

Wild Raisin<br />

(Viburnum nudum)

Family: Caprifoliaceae<br />

High-bush Cranberry<br />

(Viburnum opulus)

Family: Cornaceae<br />

Alternate-leaf Dogwood<br />

(Cornus alternifolia)

Family: Cornaceae<br />

Red Osier Dogwood<br />

(Cornus sericea)

Family: Ericaceae<br />

Bog Rosemary<br />

(Andromeda polifolia)

Family: Ericaceae<br />

Leatherleaf<br />

(Chamaedaphne calyculata)

Family: Ericaceae<br />

Black Huckleberry<br />

(Gaylussacia baccata)

Family: Ericaceae<br />

Lambkill<br />

(Kalmia angustifolia)

Family: Ericaceae<br />

Bog laurel<br />

(Kalmia polifolia)

Family: Ericaceae Small Cranberry<br />

(Vaccinium oxycoccos)

Family: Ericaceae<br />

Rhodora<br />

(Rhododendron canadense)

Family: Ericaceae<br />

Labrador Tea<br />

(Rhododendron groenlandicum)

Family: Ericaceae<br />

Low Sweet Blueberry<br />

(Vaccinium angustifolium)

Family: Ericaceae<br />

Velvetleaf Blueberry<br />

(Vaccinium myrtilloides)

Family: Grossulariaceae<br />

Skunk Currant<br />

(Ribes glandulosum)

Family: Grossulariaceae<br />

Bristly Currant<br />

(Ribes lacustre)

Family: Grossulariaceae<br />

Bitter Currant<br />

(Ribes triste)

Family: Hamamelidaceae<br />

Witch Hazel<br />

(Hamamelis virginiana)

Family: Myricaceae<br />

Sweet Fern<br />

(Comptonia peregrina)

Family: Myricaceae<br />

Sweet Gale<br />

(Myrica gale)

Family: Rosaceae<br />

Serviceberry<br />

(Amelanchier sp.)

Family: Rosaceae<br />

Hawthorne<br />

(Crataegus sp.)

Family: Rosaceae<br />

Red Chokeberry<br />

(Photinia pyrifolia)

Family: Rosaceae<br />

Choke Cherry<br />

(Prunus virginiana)

Family: Rosaceae<br />

Wild Rose<br />

(Rosa sp.)

Family: Rosaceae Alleghany Blackberry<br />

(Rubus allegheniensis)

Family: Rosaceae<br />

Wild Red Raspberry<br />

(Rubus idaeus)

Family: Rosaceae Meadow Sweet<br />

(Spirea alba)

Family: Rosaceae<br />

Hardhack<br />

(Spirea tomentosa)

Family: Salicaceae<br />

Willow<br />

(Salix sp.)

Family: Vitaceae<br />

Riverbank Grape<br />

(Vitis riparia)

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