CV eng - Lider-Lab

CV eng - Lider-Lab

CV eng - Lider-Lab


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Diploma of maturità classica obtained at Liceo Classico “B. Marzolla” of Brindisi Italy (1989).<br />

Degree in Law at the University of Pisa (Italy), obtained 28th April 1995 summa cum laude.<br />

PhD in Comparative Law at the University of Florence, obtained 10th April with the<br />

dissertation “Vecchi e nuovi sistemi di responsabilità statale: dai modelli nazionali al<br />

paradigma comunitario”.<br />


Associate Professor in Private Comparative Law at the Scuola Superiore di Perfezionamento S.<br />

Anna (Pisa) Italy<br />

Attorney at Law, Member of the Italian State Bar at Brindisi (Italy)<br />

Member of <strong>Lider</strong> <strong>Lab</strong> (<strong>Lab</strong>oratorio interdisciplinare Diritti e Regole), Scuola Superiore S.Anna<br />

Pisa, Italy<br />

Editor of the Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales<br />


1992-1993: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with Erasmus scholarship at the University of<br />

Cadiz (Spain).<br />

1996: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a six-month fellowship from 15.11.1996 to<br />

15.05.1997 obtained from the University of Pisa (Italy) to work on Comparative Law issues at<br />

the University of Cadiz (Spagna).<br />

1998: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a six-month fellowship from 14.3.1998 to<br />

14.9.1998, obtained from Consiglio delle Nazionale Ricerca (Italian National Council of<br />

Research) to work on the Spanish govermental liability in tort at the University of Cadiz<br />

<br />

(Spain), under the supervision of prof. Lucía Millán Moro.<br />

2000: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a one year-fellowship from 15.9.2000 to<br />

14.9.2001, obtained from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerca (Italian National Council of<br />

Research) to work on the English governmental liability in tort at the “European Private Law<br />

Center” of the Faculty of Law of Norwich-East Anglia, under the supervision of prof. S.<br />

Banakas.<br />

2000: awarded with an “Emile Noël” scholarship at the “European Union Center” of the<br />

Faculty of Law in Harvard (USA), under the supervision of prof. J. Weiler.<br />

2001: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a post-doctoral grant, obtained from Junta de<br />

Andalucia to teach Community Law at the Faculty of Law of the University “Pablo de Olavide”,<br />

Seville (Spain).<br />

2005: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with tenure track contract at the University “Pablo de<br />

Olavide”, Seville (Spain)<br />

2005: Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a “Marie Cürie” fellowship at the European<br />

University Institute of Florence.<br />

2001-2007: Teacher in charge of Community Law and Politics of the European Union at the<br />

University “Pablo de Olavide”, Seville (Spain)<br />

2005: Teacher in charge of International Public Law at the University “Pablo de Olavide”,<br />

Seville (Spain)<br />



Participant in General and Specialised Courses at the “Academy of European Law”, in<br />

European University Institute (5-16 July 1999);<br />

Assistant in Private Comparative Law at the University of Pisa from 1998 to 2000;<br />

Recipient of a special award by the Italian National Council of Research in 2002<br />

Member of the “Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato”<br />

Member of the “Asociación de Profesores de Derecho Internacional Público”<br />


“Responsabilità medica in occasione del parto. Brevi profili di comparazione”, in Danno e<br />

Responsabilità 1996, 2, 195-203.<br />

“Armi da guerra e guerra delle armi: prima condanna italiana per la hybris di Saddam”, in<br />

Danno e Responsabilità 1997, 2, 223-232.<br />

“Derecho Comunitario y Derecho Comparado”, comunicazione presentata in occasione delle<br />

IIII Jornadas del Gabinete Jurídico de Andalucía, Siviglia, 14 novembre 1997.<br />

“Lotta contro le immunità o contro i mulini a vento? Profili comparatistici della responsabilità<br />

oggettiva”, in Rivista Italiana di Diritto Pubblico Comunitario 1998, 2, 315-376.<br />

“‘Eppur si muove!’: Galileo, i giudici e la responsabilità statale per violazione del diritto<br />

comunitario”, in Danno e Responsabilità 1998, 3, 334-350.<br />

“Las nuevas perspectivas de responsabilidad del Estado en el derecho comparado y en el<br />

derecho comunitario”, in “La responsabilidad del Estado”, Civitas, Madrid-Siviglia, 125-149.<br />

“La responsabilità dello Stato legislatore in Inghilterra: la rivoluzione della cross-fertilisation”,<br />

in Danno e Responsabilità, 2000, 1187-1202.<br />

“Paradeigma e Logos: la responsabilità del legislatore ed i destini dell’Europa”, in Rivista<br />

Diritto Civile, 2002, 109-168.<br />

“La responsabilitá degli Stati nell’edificazione di un diritto uniforme”, in AA.VV., La<br />

responsabilità civile. Tredici variazioni sul tema, a cura di G. Ponzanelli, 263 ss.<br />

“La cross-fertilisation y la formación del paradigma comunitario de responsabilidad del<br />

Estado: «el esquema de la crisis»”, in Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, gennaioaprile,<br />

Madrid, 2005, 177-225.<br />

“La responsabilità statale in Diritto Comunitario e nei singoli diritti nazionali”, in Danno e<br />

Responsabilità 2007, 153, 151<br />

Monografia: A. LAZARI, Modelli e paradigmi di responsabilità dello Stato, Giappichelli,<br />

Torino, 2005.<br />


Recipient of a scholarship awarded with a “Marie Cürie” fellowship at the European University<br />

Institute of Florence<br />

awarded with an “Emile Noël” scholarship at the “European Union Center” of the Faculty of Law<br />

in Harvard (USA), under the supervision of prof. J. Weiler.<br />


Member of the research project “Informatica e diritto, problematica della privacy”; Italian<br />

Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Scientific director: prof. G. Comandè<br />


Member of the research project “Responsabilità civile in Europa”; Italian Ministero<br />

dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca; Scientific director: prof. F.D. Busnelli<br />

Member of the research project “I danni alla persona in Italia, Spagna, U.K., Portogallo,<br />

Svizzera, USA, Nuova Zelanda”, Scientific director: prof. F.D. Busnelli<br />

Member since 1996 of the research group “Cuestiones de Derecho Internacional y de Derecho<br />

Comunitario” (Spain), Scientific director: prof. Lucía Millán Moro<br />


Mother tongue: Italian<br />

Mother tongue: Spanish<br />

Good level of English<br />

Sufficient Level of French<br />


Comparative Private Law, European Union Law, Tort Law, Judicial Cross-fertilization,<br />

International Law<br />


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