Trecce FLEXPACK - Roffia

Trecce FLEXPACK - Roffia

Trecce FLEXPACK - Roffia

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<strong>Trecce</strong>USITIPICITYPICALUSESTEMP°C(°F)PRESSIONEMASSIMAMAX PRESSUREbar (psi)MASS. VELOCITÀDELL’ALBEROMAX SHAFTSPEED m/sLIMITEDI pHpHLIMITSAPPLICAZIONI TIPICHETYPICAL APPLICATIONSPackings5002-100/280(-150/520)-100/280(-150/520)150(2100)180(2600)1531-131-13treccia ad alte prestazioni adatta ad altavelocità e alte pressioni in presenza difluidi abrasivi, olii grassi acidi ed alcalideboligood packing suitable for high pressureand speed, water, greases, weak alkalisand acids, abrasive fluids, steam, solvents,hydrocarbons and chemicals8020-200/280(-328/540)-200/280(-328/540)250(3400)300(4350)15120-140-14per moti alternativi, alta pressione, alta velocità,solventi, acidi, prodotti alcalini a basefortealternative movements, high pressure andspeed, solvents, weak acids, aggressivegases, alkaline products, aggressive chemicalfluids, except molten alkali metals. Large applicationsexcept oxygen8010-200/280(-328/540)-200/280(-328/540)250(3400)300(4350)12101-131-13adatta per pompe centrifughe e pistoniper olio, gas, acidi e basicentrifugal and piston pumps, hot water,oils, gases, weak acids and alkali solutions.Quite universal applications3070-200/840(-328/1544)-200/450(-328/842)300(4350)80(1160)10240-140-14su valvole tipo H.P. in centrali termoelettrichee ove sussistano richieste contemporaneedi temperature e pressionielevateHP valves in power generation and whenis required a service with high pressureand high temperature together3040-85/430**(-120/806)210(3045)20 0-14*industria per l’energia elettrica,petrolchimica e chimicapower generation, chemical andpetrochemical industriesGUIDA ALLA LETTURAKEY TO ICONS USED***X-BRAIDSQUARE BRAIDTRECCIA PER POMPEPUMP PACKINGSTRECCIA PER VALVOLEVALVE STEM SEALSnon adatta per usi con fortiagenti ossidantinot recommended for use withstrong oxidising agentsin applicazioni generali; adattaper temperature più elevatein ambiente non ossidante;650°C con vaporein general applications; suitablefor higher temperature innon-oxidising media; 650°C insteam6306030503090-50/500(-58/932)-50/500(-58/932)-200/460**(-328/860)-200/460**(-328/860)-200/460(-328/860)200(2900)100(1450)180(2610)300(4350)200(2900)102-12202-1220 0-14*20-14*200-14*baderna adatta per usi universali su pompee valvole. Vista la sua larga fascia di PH è utilizzatain applicazioni statiche e dinamichethe product has a large wide chemical resistanceand it has a universal use and it issuitable in dynamic and static applicationpetrolchimica, chimicae settore energiepetrochemical chemical andpower generation industriesindustria petrolchimica, chimicae energia elettricapetrochemical, chemical and powergeneration industries

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