Martigny - CA Vouvry

Martigny - CA Vouvry

Martigny - CA Vouvry


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Pour le sprint Les 4 premiers de chaque année d'âge sont qualifiés pour la finale cantonale Pour le Kilomètre Les 5 premiers de chaque année d'âge sont qualifiés pour la finale cantonale La finale cantonale aura lieu le mercredi 22 juin 2011 à Sion. Q = qualifié pour la finale cantonale à Sion Garçons 2001 et plus jeunes – 60m Eliminatoire 1 20.05.11 18:15Rang Nom An Société Pays Performance Beme1. Piguet Louis 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.41 q2. Coquoz Mathias 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.663. Dallemagne Jonathan 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 10.674. Fournier Gaël 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 10.695. Rouiller Adrien 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 10.786. Carraux Guillaume 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 12.18Eliminatoire 2 20.05.11 18:15Rang Nom An Société Pays Performance Beme1. Udressy Aurélien 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 9.85 q2. Pavlovic Nesta 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.91 q3. De Boni Thibaud 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.97 q4. Liechti Xavier 01 SG St-Maurice - 10.065. Gertsch Sébastien 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 11.166. Gabioud Romain 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 11.18Eliminatoire 3 20.05.11 18:15Rang Nom An Société Pays Performance Beme1. Janin Luca 01 SG St-Maurice - 9.992. Lattion Ludovic 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.143. Nicollerat Loic 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.834. De Carli Luca 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> 10.855. Pachoud Florian 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 11.086. Farquet Marius 04 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 11.10Eliminatoire 41. Roduit Luc 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 9.87 q2. Derivaz Lilian 03 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 10.223. Bortone Jonah 03 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 11.584. Paparella Gaëtan 03 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 12.085. Mariaux Quentin 04 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 12.176. Kühn Xavier 04 Collombey 12.31Eliminatoire 51. Farquet Adrien 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.88 q2. Branas Yago 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 10.853. Vannay Simon 02 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 11.804. Müller Patrick 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 11.905. Rinderknecht Maxime 02 Muraz 11.91Finale 1 Piguet Louis 01 SUI <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 9.29 Q 2 Farquet Adrien 02 SUI <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 9.61 Q 3 Roduit Luc 02 SUI <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 9.89 Q

4 De Boni Thibaud 01 SUI <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 9.95 Q 5 Udressy Aurélien 01 -­‐ SFG Collombey-­‐Muraz 10.13 6 Pavlovic Nesta 01 SUI <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 10.15 Garçons 2001 et plus jeunes – 1000m 1. Farquet Adrien 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 3:36.60 Q2. Lattion Ludovic 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 3:37.37 Q3. Piguet Louis 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 3:38.54 Q4. Coquoz Mathias 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 3:38.59 Q5. Roduit Luc 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 3:40.37 Q6. Sauser Martin 02 Croc-Kils Leysin 3:41.047. De Boni Thibaud 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 3:53.318. Pavlovic Nesta 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 3:57.379. Fumeaux Alex 01 Saxon - 3:58.0010. Gabioud Romain 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 3:59.2711. Udressy Aurélien 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz 4:09.2512. Nicollerat Loic 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 4:11.9913. Derivaz Lilian 03 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 4:14.5714. Fournier Gaël 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz 4:15.1815. Dallemagne Jonathan 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> 4:22.9316. Bortone Jonah 03 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 4:25.0517. Liechti Xavier 01 SG St-Maurice 4:26.6418. De Carli Luca 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> 4:27.0619. Rouiller Adrien 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz 4:27.4020. Vannay Simon 02 SFG Collombey-Muraz 4:27.6921. Mariaux Quentin 04 SFG Collombey-Muraz 4:29.7822. Pachoud Florian 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> 4:29.9823. Paparella Gaëtan 03 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> 4:30.3424. Branas Yago 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> 4:32.7025. Kühn Xavier 04 Collombey - 4:34.7026. Janin Luca 01 SG St-Maurice 4:35.9027. Müller Patrick 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> 4:47.2328. Gertsch Sébastien 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> 4:52.7329. Carraux Guillaume 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> 4:53.2530. Rinderknecht Maxime 02 Muraz - 5:21.96Bouillame Jocelyn 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz p.p.Garçons 2000– 60m 1. Bruchez Louis 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.90 Q2. Kokoura Louis 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.00 Q3. Resenterra Alix 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.01 Q4. Ançay Rémi 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.08 Q5. Barman Pierrick 00 SG St-Maurice - 10.45 Garçons 2000– 1000m 1. Resenterra Alix 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:49.85 Q2. Bruchez Louis 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:53.94 Q3. Ançay Rémi 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:54.81 Q4. Kokoura Louis 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:04.19 Q5. Barman Pierrick 00 SG St-Maurice - 4:12.52 Q

Garçons 1999– 60m 1. Ramseier Florent 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 9.30 Q2. Buratti Eliott 99 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 9.56 Q3. Carraux Antoine 99 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 10.16 Q4. VEUTHEY Jérémie 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 10.61 Q5. Lagrange Téo 99 SG St-Maurice - 11.23Albeirio Marco 99 SG St-Maurice - p.pGarçons 1999– 1000m 1. Buratti Eliott 99 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 3:23.75 Q2. Sauser Thomas 99 Croc-Kils Leysin - 3:24.893. Carraux Antoine 99 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 3:44.94 Q4. VEUTHEY Jérémie 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 3:58.68 Q5. Lagrange Téo 99 SG St-Maurice - 4:12.46 QAlbeirio Marco 99 SG St-Maurice - p.p.Masserey Pierre 99 Collombey - p.p.Ramseier Florent 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI p.pGarçons 1998– 60m Eliminatoire 1 20.05.11 18:45Rang Nom An Société Pays Performance1. Bonvin Sam 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 8.82 q2. Chappot Daniel 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 9.19 q3. Gaillard Clément 98 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 9.30 q4. Medico Justin 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 9.475. Da Silva Léandro 98 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 9.59Rouiller Simon 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> p.p.Eliminatoire 2 20.05.11 18:45Rang Nom An Société Pays Performance1. Droz Tanguy 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 8.87 q2. Joly Bastien 98 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 8.92 q3. Marclay Cyril 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 9.42 q4. Gabioud Rémy 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.895. Peters Jonathan 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 10.79Finale A 20.05.11 19:50Rang Nom An Société Pays Performance1. Bonvin Sam 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 8.87 Q2. Droz Tanguy 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 8.94 Q3. Joly Bastien 98 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 9.25 Q4. Marclay Cyril 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 9.44 Q5. Gaillard Clément 98 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 9.516. Chappot Daniel 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 9.53Garçons 1998– 1000m 1. Lattion Esteban 98 TRT Monthey - 3:28.38 Q2. Gabioud Rémy 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:29.74 Q3. Bonvin Sam 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:34.25 Q4. Droz Tanguy 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:34.67 Q5. Medico Justin 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 3:38.01 Q6. Marclay Cyril 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 3:42.717. Gaillard Clément 98 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 4:01.55

8. Da Silva Léandro 98 SFG Collombey-Muraz 4:01.659. Peters Jonathan 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 4:21.60Joly Bastien 98 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI p.p.Rouiller Simon 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI p.p.Garçons 1997– 80m 1. Moraleda Noah 97 SFG Collombey-Muraz ESP 11.84 Q2. Turin Léo 97 SG St-Maurice SUI 11.92 Q3. De Boni Arnaud 97 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 12.32 Q4. Veuthey Thiébaud 97 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 13.04 QGarçons 1997– 1000m 1. Ançay Gaëtan 97 Les Trotteurs Fully 3:14.81 Q2. Sauser Lionel 97 Croc-Kils Leysin - 3:18.603. De Boni Arnaud 97 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:22.55 Q4. Turin Léo 97 SG St-Maurice SUI 3:33.58 Q5. Veuthey Thiébaud 97 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 3:57.38 QGarçons 1996– 80m 1. Bonvin Toma 96 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.21 Q2. Gaillard Julien 96 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 10.62 Q3. Coquoz Samuel 96 SG St-Maurice SUI 10.84 QGarçons 1996– 1000m 1. Coquoz Samuel 96 SG St-Maurice SUI 3:09.03 Q2. Tissières Arnaud 96 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:10.63 QFilles 2001 et plus jeunes – 60m Eliminatoire 11. Toffol Clémence 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.90 q2. Bourgeois Cara 01 St-Maurice - 10.45 q3. Vannay Juline 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 10.59Bouillame Déborah 01 SFG Collombey- - p.p.MurazDéfago Emilie 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI p.p.Rouiller Alice 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI p.p.Eliminatoire 21. Perraudin Charlène 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 10.22 q2. Liaci Oria 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.613. Primatesta Lucie 01 SG St-Maurice - 11.214. Veuthey Solène 01 SG St-Maurice - 11.99Debons Mathilde 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI p.p.Eliminatoire 3

1. Métais Manon 04 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 11.412. Piguet Emma 03 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 11.783. Janin Emilie 04 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 11.804. Gaudin Emilie 03 SG St-Maurice - 12.41Eliminatoire 41. Pierrot Sarah 03 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 11.262. Nickles Mathilde 03 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 11.743. Odonnel Alanna 04 SG St-Maurice - 12.14Eliminatoire 51. Theux Pauline 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 11.112. Darbellay Delphine 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> - 11.403. Berset Olivia 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 11.454. Remondeulaz Anais 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 11.505. Pages Orlane 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 11.56Eliminatoire 61. Giroud Sandrine 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.14 q2. Kunz Aline 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 10.983. Kunz Noémie 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 11.884. Katz Mélodie 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 12.28Ansermet Joannie 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI p.p.Eliminatoire 71. Derivaz Mae 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.23 q2. Odonnel Sorica 02 SG St-Maurice - 10.35 q3. Guex Lisa 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.47Finale 1 Toffol Clémence 01 SUI <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 9.90 Q 2 Giroud Séverine 02 SUI <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 9.92 Q 3 Perraudin Charlène 01 SUI SFG Collombey-­‐Muraz 10.28 Q 4 Derivaz Maé 02 SUI <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> 10.51 Q 5 Bourgeois Cara 01 St-­‐Maurice 10.53 6 Odonnel Sorica 02 St-­‐Maurice 10.55 Filles 2001 et plus jeunes – 1000m 1. Liaci Oria 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:57.10 Q2. Derivaz Mae 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:59.47 Q3. Vannay Juline 01 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 4:00.75 Q4. Perraudin Charlène 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 4:08.56 Q5. Kunz Aline 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 4:12.60 Q6. Theux Pauline 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:13.997. Guex Lisa 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:17.688. Odonnel Sorica 02 SG St-Maurice - 4:33.849. Giroud Sandrine 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:35.1510. Pages Orlane 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:38.5811. Toffol Clémence 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:46.4712. Janin Emilie 04 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 4:51.6013. Berset Olivia 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 4:57.0414. Kunz Noémie 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 5:01.57

15. Odonnel Alanna 04 SG St-Maurice - 5:05.8716. Primatesta Lucie 01 SG St-Maurice - 5:06.4017. Métais Manon 04 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 5:07.8618. Katz Mélodie 02 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 5:39.97Ansermet Joannie 02 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI p.p.Bouillame Déborah 01 SFG Collombey-Muraz - p.p.Debons Mathilde 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI p.p.Masserey Romaine 01 Collombey - p.p.Rouiller Alice 01 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI p.p. Filles 2000– 60m Eliminatoire 11. Monnet Rachel 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.23 q2. Derivaz Loise 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.63 q3. Theux Claire 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.84 q4. Primmaz Emma 00 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> SUI 9.94 q5. Lattion Athina 00 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 10.216. Dorsaz Julie 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.36Eliminatoire 21. Depestel Cassy-Lou 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.34 q2. Gaillard Albane 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.76 q3. Pellaud Lily 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.244. Roserens Coralie 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.525. Amacker Elyne 00 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 10.64Finale1. Depestel Cassy-Lou 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.01 Q2. Monnet Rachel 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.21 Q3. Derivaz Loise 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.54 Q4. Gaillard Albane 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.58 Q5. Primmaz Emma 00 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> SUI 9.926. Theux Claire 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.02Filles 2000– 1000m 1. Primmaz Emma 00 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> SUI 3:43.82 Q2. Theux Claire 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:46.32 Q3. Moulin Romy 00 Liddes - 3:47.89 Q4. Gaillard Albane 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:50.79 Q5. Amacker Elyne 00 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 4:04.73 Q6. Depestel Cassy-Lou 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:06.797. Derivaz Loise 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:08.608. Lattion Athina 00 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 4:15.409. Roserens Coralie 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:16.9110. Dorsaz Julie 00 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:17.32Filles 1999– 60m Eliminatoire 11. Locher Thais 99 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.70 q2. CHESEAUX Fanny 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 9.77 q3. Gaillard Audrey 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 10.08 q4. Baseggio Laura 99 SG St-Maurice SUI 10.12 q5. Tissières Marion 99 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 11.03

Eliminatoire 2 20.05.11 18:40Rang Nom An Société Pays Performance Beme1. Fosserat Emilie 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 9.00 q2. Boson Maëlle 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 9.62 q3. Vannay Alana 99 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> SUI 10.134. Tissières Romane 99 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.705. AMACKER Mathilde 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 10.94Finale 1. Fosserat Emilie 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 8.97 Q2. Locher Thais 99 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.39 Q3. CHESEAUX Fanny 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 9.53 Q4. Boson Maëlle 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 9.56 Q5. Baseggio Laura 99 SG St-Maurice SUI 9.756. Gaillard Audrey 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz -Filles 1999– 1000m 1. Baseggio Laura 99 SG St-Maurice SUI 3:36.80 Q2. Vannay Alana 99 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> SUI 3:48.83 Q3. Locher Thais 99 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 3:57.71 Q4. Fosserat Emilie 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 4:03.11 Q5. Tissières Romane 99 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:03.76 Q6. AMACKER Mathilde 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 4:04.737. Tissières Marion 99 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:06.978. Gaillard Audrey 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz - 4:15.739. Boson Maëlle 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 4:23.2810. CHESEAUX Fanny 99 SFG Collombey-Muraz SUI 4:29.95Filles 1998– 60m 1. Berset Chloé 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 9.38 Q2. Ansermet Estelle 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 9.41 Q3. Giniez Mélanie 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 9.61 Q4. Bressoud Lou-Anna 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 10.35 Q5. Terrettaz Fanny 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 10.476. Primmaz Marion 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> SUI 10.52Filles 1998– 1000m 1. Sansonnens Eve 98 SG St-Maurice SUI 3:49.73 Q2. Giniez Mélanie 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 3:55.53 Q3. Primmaz Marion 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> SUI 3:58.24 Q4. Berset Chloé 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 4:04.17 Q5. Bressoud Lou-Anna 98 <strong>CA</strong> <strong>Vouvry</strong> - 4:09.07 Q6. Ansermet Estelle 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:12.547. Terrettaz Fanny 98 <strong>CA</strong>BV <strong>Martigny</strong> SUI 4:16.11Filles 1997– 80m p.p.

Filles 1997– 1000m 1. Jordan Maureen 97 SG St-Maurice SUI 3:15.64 Q Filles 1996– 80m p.p.Filles 1996– 1000m 1. Halabi Tamara 96 SG St-Maurice - 3:19.13 Q

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