Blackpit Times - Late 2018

The Blackpit Times is a small insight into current life at Blackpit Brewery with features, reviews and editorial content. An easy read for any beer and brewery lover.

The Blackpit Times is a small insight into current life at Blackpit Brewery with features, reviews and editorial content. An easy read for any beer and brewery lover.


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Volume 1 - Winter 2018

Built by hand;

made with friends


In June 2017, after years of thought and months of

planning we finally poured our first pint of Blackpit; what

a great moment!

Blackpit is built by hand, our own hands. From knocking

down the original partition walls in our now open-plan

brew house to painting its walls.

We design our artwork in-house and each brew is lovingly

batch-brewed, by hand.

Visit our taproom and you’ll see walls clad with boards

we salvaged from an old barn and up-cycled wood tables,

built using re-purposed railway sleepers found on Blackpit


For us Blackpit is made with friends; a slight play on

words but both sentiments are true... we went to school

together, and have more than eighty years of friendship

between us. We’ve shared a memory or two; a few of which

may have started with a pint!

So, please enjoy our first ever Blackpit Times; a little beeriodical

to let you know what we’re up to.


Ben, Oly & Duncan


As the old addage goes ‘nothing ventured nothing

gained’. We catch up with Duncan to discover what

the new ‘experimental series’ is all about...

Easy drinking session beers is

what we love to brew; these ales

are the staple of our range and will

continue to be so.

However, it’d be boring to rest on

our laurels; we need excitement,

energy and bigger ideas to push

the brewery forward.... this is

where the experimental series

comes in!

Previously we’ve been brewing

small-batch experimental beers on

our little 50 litre ‘Braumeister’ (a

German pilot plant) and these brews

have served us well... we (the closer

team) would all have a try of the

latest batch, discuss its merits and

whether the recipe was good enough

to scale-up to become our next

‘commercial brew’.

Then we thought; why are we just

trying these beers? Surely we should

be giving a voice to you, the folks

who are already drinking our

‘refined beers’... The Experimental

Series was born!

So far we’ve experimented with lots

of different beer styles, ranging from

Double IPAs to Blackberry Pilsner

plus a full range of different Wheat

Beers and even Dark Mild.

The 50 litre batch size means we can

experiment freely, without wasting

too many ingredients, but there’s

still plenty for our Tap Room locals

(aka…our guinea pigs!) to enjoy.

Earlier this year we set about

perfecting brews of dark Porters

& Milk Stouts. These beers

went on to form the basis of

our recent London-style Porter,

Night Vision and some of these

darker experiments featured at the

Banquet with Beer back in August.

Due to the size of each batch,

the beers we make as part of the

experimental series aren’t available

for sale to trade, but that’s more

reason to plan a visit to the

Taproom on a Friday to come and

have a taste!


Wild Ones

We’d heard rumours of

hops growing wild, close

to Blackpit, and we’ve

finally found them!

Wild hops seem to have an ability to wrap themselves round

anything meaning harvesting can take a while!

Camera stops play as Lucy, Chief

hop collector, strikes a pose

Yep, just one mile from the

brewery, we’ve found hops

and not just a couple... a

whole bunch of them taking

over a hedgerow!

When our farming neighbour

first heard we were starting

a brewery, he remarked that

he knew there were hops

somewhere on his estate.

Well, with the great weather

they’ve really come out to play

and we’ve been out collecting

them in force!

Dan (our brewer) has already

put a whole heap of them

into a series of small-batch

‘experimental’ brews which

will be available in the

taproom between now and


We’ve also sent the hops

off for testing, to find out

their heritage. Rumour has

it that the pasture-land next

to the hedgerow (where

we found our hops) was

originally a hop-garden for

Luffield Abbey; you can still

see ground-markings where

monks would have flooded

the field to protect the hops

from frost. Luffield Abbey is

now long gone but remains

are rumoured to be found at

our neighbour’s, Silverstone

Circuit, hence their famous

‘Luffield’ Corner.

This is an experiment but,

if it works well, you’ll see a

lot more local hops in our

brews... we’ve just got to wait

for the next hop-harvest!


Have you got the bottle ?

Bottled beer’s great: drink it at home, take it to

your friends or sup it after a hard day’s work!

Either which way it’s there when you want (or

need) it!


Available as individual bottles, cases of 12 or

in gift-packs of either 3 or 4 bottles. Buy online

at blackpitbrewery.co.uk and collect from the

taproom on a Friday to save on postage. Also

available to trade customers - please contact

martin@blackpitbrewery.co.uk for more info.

Cloud Nine - Zesty Blonde Ale, 3.9% ABV

Great served chilled from the fridge. Light &

slightly fizzy, this bottle is great with fish.

Goshawk - Chestnut Ale, 4.4% ABV

Deliciously dark and malty; great with any

hearty winter meal or for cooking stews.

Loosehead - Golden Ale, 4.2% ABV

A very easy drinking ale; great with almost

anything... especially rugby on the TV!

Sky rocket - Modern English IPA, 5.5% ABV

Dangerously quaffable; perfectly paired with red

meat and great in (or with) a steak & ale pie.

Night Vision - Porter, 4.7% ABV

Night Vision sold out instantly at the Festival

of Beer; a highly drinkable dark ale! Fantastic

when drunk with strong cheese, like Stilton.

Festival Feeling...

August saw our first ever ‘Festival of Beer’ hosted at

Blackpit; from secret woodland bars to a genuine Baravian

drinking lodge, Oly explains more...

Relaxing over a drink with your friends and

family; what could be better!

We wanted to start an event that encompassed

great quality beer, delicious food with a hint of

music festival; this is everything we love and

it turns out so did the fifteen-hundred revellers

who attended our inaugural ‘Festival of Beer’.

We invited a selection of breweries from our

nearest neighbours (Towcester Mill Brewery)

to friends from further afield; Bath Ales came

with a slick aluminium airstream to serve their

new lager, Sulis, and Erdinger (Germany) built

a traditional Bavarian drinking lodge complete

with Lederhosen and Steins!

The idea of this ‘open’ format, inviting other

breweries onto our patch might seem like

commercial suicide, so why bother? Well, we

love beer and this event is about beer... we’d

be lying if we said we weren’t fans of all types

of beer, including beer from other breweries!

Rather than racking endless barrels in one

bar, we invited a selection of quality breweries,

so attendees could meet them (and their

staff) face-to-face at a bar that reflected their

personality... you could ask them about their

beer and hear their story. For us, this is far

more interesting as an event format, one that

we’d want to attend; a real celebration of beer!

Candice, Great British Bake Off Winner & ‘Beer

Drinker of the Year 2018’ headlined a series of

15 minute talks, on our ‘Beer Talks’ stage

Whispering Bob Harris entertained the crowds by

introducing music on his ‘Under The Apple Tree

Stage’, located on the scenic lake field

Schöfferhofer (Germany) brought an ice

cream van to serve their Grapefruit beer

Huge thanks to our partners:

Not just beer! Warner

Edwards served up their

beautiful gin to the


Erdinger built a

Bavarian drinking


We were delighted that (for the non-beer drinkers)

Saxby’s Cider and Warner Edwards Distillery

came with members of their team, serving their full

range of ciders & gins.

A popular part of the day was the ‘Beer Talks

Stage’ headlined by Candice Brown, winner of

The Great British Bake Off and Beer Drinker of

the Year 2018. This stage saw five talks, including

Phil Saxby talking about cider making and Peter

& Robert Gunning (aka the Beer Barons) talking

about their adventures in home-brewing.

There were two music stages, one curated by

Whispering Bob Harris and his ‘Under the Apple

Tree’ brand. Bob came to introduce the acts on

his stage…. no doubt lured by the prospect of the

perfect pint!

It was a cracking day start to finish! By sharing

your stories, we can grow this event together to

become a mainstay in the national beer calendar!



Dates for 2019 are likely to be 17th / 18th August



Day Tripper, our seasonal

pale ale, won GOLD at the

Peterborough Beer Festival, the

second largest beer festival in

the UK, in the standard beer


Sky Rocket & Cloud Nine

both won two-star Great Taste

Awards this year, putting them

in the top nine-percent of the

competition! Goshawk also

won a Great taste award.

Blackpit Brewery Taproom

won the CAMRA Chairman’s

Award 2018 for ‘Contribution

to the Local Beer Scene’.

Banquet Blues

Our first ‘Blackpit Banquet’ saw 30 guests feast

on a delicious five course menu, in late September.

From squid-ink risotto, paired with

carbonated Cloud Nine, to ‘melt-in-yourmouth’

beef fillet, with burnt-onion gravy

and tender stemmed broccoli, the menu was

simply scrumptious!

Chef Jonathan Duff (Bandit Street Food) and

the rest of the crew poured their hearts into

making this such a memorable & enjoyable

evening for everyone.

More banquets are in the pipe-line, so if you

missed out, don’t worry, get your name down

for the next one!

To keep up to date with all our new events,

why not subscribe to our email list? We won’t

spam your account, we just send out a short

weekly email with three bits of Blackpit news.

Lucy & Josh

Core Range

Always available in cask;

perfect permanent pump beers!


3.4% ABV 3.9% ABV 4.4% ABV

Refreshing Best Bitter Zesty Blonde Ale

Chestnut Ale

This beer slips down a treat.

With the lowest ABV in our

range, it’s great whatever the

occasion! Well balanced, midamber

in colour and seriously


Light, bright and blonde;

refreshing and quintessentially

quaffable! There’s lemon zest

and pine kernels mingling

with the barley grains and

brightly flavoured hops, all

you have to do is take yourself


A Chestnut Brown Bitter which

is dark and earthy, broad and

brooding. A real block-buster,

built on a solid platform of

earthy hops and dark chocolatey

roasted grains. Malty, mysterious

and muscular - a big mouthful

and immensely satisfying.

- Z E S T Y B L O N D E A L E -

...making beers we all love to drink”

There’s nothing better than walking into a pub for a

quick pint and leaving having had a few more!

Our Core Range is a nod to just that; seriously great

tasting session beers that are easily quaffable, leaving you

with a real thirst for one more!


bb-pump clips-TRAP DOOR.indd 7 09/10/2018 10:47

bb-pump clips-170603.indd 1 06/06/2017 15:49 bb-pump clips-170603.indd 4 08/06/2017 11:27

New Seasonal Beers

Grab them quick! Our new seasonal beer menu

celebrates all that’s going on in the coming months...


Ruby Red Beer

4.5% ABV


October / November


Golden Ale

4.2% ABV


October / November


Modern English IPA

5.5% ABV



Spookily good! Trap door’s

a progression of our awardwinning

Goshawk recipe...

easy drinking with a subtle


Rugby and beer’s a great

combination! Loosehead’s a

clear winner with Rugby fans

especially whilst England play

at Twickenham.

A real wow! This beer won

two stars at the Great Taste

Awards. Our take on an

English IPA; at 5.5.% it’s

dangerously quaffable!


- R U B Y R E D B E E R -

A L C 4 . 5 % V O L

bb-pump clips-NIGHT VISION.indd 5 21/08/2018 10:24

bb-pump clips-FOOLS GOLD v2.indd 2 28/11/2018 15:57

bb-pump clips-NEW LEAF.indd 1 13/11/2018 17:59



4.7% ABV




Golden Ale

4.5% ABV


December / January


Modern Dark Mild

4.1% ABV


January / February

Cuddle up to a pint of Night

Vision this winter. One of

our highest rated beers on

UnTappd; it sold out on our

first release... grab it quick!

When dark, spiced ales seem

to dominate the market we’ve

developed Fools Gold, a

refreshingly strong seasonal ale

to enjoy at Christmas.

Rethink your perceptions of

a mild during ‘TryAnuary’...

this is a modern and seriously

smooth beer that anyone can

get the taste for!


- P O R T E R S I M C O E -


A L C 4 . 7 % V O L


- G O L D E N S E A S O N A L A L E -

A L C 4 . 5 % V O L


- M O D E R N D A R K M I L D -

A L C 4 . 1 % V O L

Dear Father Blackpit...

Some of the Blackpit Crew give us a run down on what

they’re buying (or wishing for) this Christmas!


Beer serving machine

I’ve got a lot of Blackpit merch, so this

Christmas I’m hoping for another white

Blackpit ‘Vintage’ t-shirt... I spilt ketchup

on my first one!


Beer dispensing guru

I never know what to get my brother-inlaw;

he’s the guy who’s got everything!

So, this year, I’m giving him Blackpit Gift

Vouchers... that way I can take him for a

pint in the taproom and he can choose!


Hop collector extrodiniare

I’m buying my brother a case of

Night Vision bottles... he’s a Craft

Beer geek, so I thought I’d get him

our newest ale to get bottled!


Colouring-in Dept.

Last year I bought my dad a

membership; he loved the Beer &

Cheese members’ night and even

brought my mum along too. He

loved it so much I thought I’d get

him the same membership again! ”

- How to buy -








this should

really be beer

Visit our online shop at:


Our shop’s online 24/7 with

home delivery or the option

to collect from the taproom

Come into our taproom

Open Fridays 4 - 8pm

Come in, try our beers and see

the brewery! Try on some merch

or buy bottles to take away

Pop into a pub or restaurant

serving one of our beers

Check out our social feeds

to see who’s selling what

Blackpit and when!








Have a look at our beer

range in this magazine

Email our sales guru:


Before you know it our van

will deliver to your door!






Email list, sign up at:


Find out who’s serving our beer, what events we’ve got coming up

and generally get more involved! Follow us on social and make sure you signup

to our email list for exclusive offers and first release of event tickets!

Get more

than beer.

Members’ nights, tickets to large events, money off in

the taproom, free beer and the feeling of belonging to

a club; why not become part of it in 2019?

Starting at just £30, memberships are the perfect

present for you, your friend, or a loved one.

Buy today at:


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