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Subscription [o Kite Lines. the singular. comprehensive. inrernacional<br />

quanerly journal of kicing. can be yours ar che following rares:<br />

USA & its Canada & foreign<br />

possessions .Mexico surface ma<strong>il</strong>'<br />

4 issues 59.00 3 10.00 $<strong>11</strong>.50<br />

8 issues 17.00 19.00 22.00<br />

'Special air ma<strong>il</strong> races for foreign ma<strong>il</strong>ings are 54.00 peryear sdditional<br />

for Crntral America; S6.00 per year addirional for Europe, lsrael. Soiirh<br />

America or North Africa: a.00 per year addirional for al1 orher coun-<br />

tries. AI1 foreign drafts must be in U.S. dollars through a U.S. b:ink or t>y<br />

posral money order. (VISA or MasrerCard charges simplify coriversions.)<br />

BONUS: A<strong>11</strong> new subscriprions sran wirh rheKite Lines Annoturc<strong>il</strong> KIC~<br />

Bibliog~aphy followed by journal issues as published, unlcss orcicr .sprci-<br />

fies ro srarr wirh currenr issue. Back issues of Kire Lrnes are 52.50 cacti.<br />

Please enrer my subscription co Kite Lines as follows:<br />

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Send rhis form and remimance to:<br />

Kite Lines, 7106 Campfield Road. Baltimore, iMD 21207, USA<br />

a Iittie puf f :<br />

Pur some kite aficionadosrogerher Here you'll read abouc everyand<br />

lisren to them ralk. Sooner or thing frorn dual-line aunring and<br />

larer they'll menrion Kite Lines, air baller to orienta1 fighter kires<br />

che singular quanerly journal and inventive designs in spacedevored<br />

enrirely to kires. age synthetics-al1 meeting in rhis<br />

The growing worldwide com- respecred, exciring quarrerly. the<br />

muniry of adulr kirers draws nor source of inrernational kire news.<br />

only mosr of irs new information Plans, rechniques, reviews of kites<br />

bur much of its sense of kinship and books, prof<strong>il</strong>es of kiring<br />

from rhis rare gem of a magazine. personalities, in-deprh feamre<br />

Throughout the Unired Stares micles-and unusual adverriseand<br />

around che globe. more people mencs, coo-i<strong>il</strong>l rhe pages of Kite<br />

are becoming kirers al1 che rime. Lines. Nored €or irs fine photoand<br />

Kite Lines is opening up new g~aphy, design and prinring, in a<br />

skies ro al1 of them. Kiting's multi- generously visual 8!4xl l fl format,<br />

pie layers of appeaì as science. arr, Kite Lines is fit for your coffee<br />

craft and sport give ir enduring table-if you can srand ro leave it<br />

fascination. Kire clubs (over 50) there. But ir's likely to become<br />

and kire shops (about 200) are now dog-eared, used, saved dnd cheracrive<br />

worldwide. These varied shed for ir aurhorirative informagroups<br />

have one rhing in comrnon tion, ava<strong>il</strong>able nowhere else.<br />

-Kite Lines, kiting's srandard of You can expand your knowreference<br />

since 1977 (and preceded Iedge of kites and find friends in<br />

by Kite Tales since 1964). rhe field-by reading Kite Lines.<br />

A valuable conrribucion ro aeronautica1 knowledge. I have often recom-<br />

mended your magazine. Paul Edward Garber, Historian Emeritus<br />

National Air & Space Museum, Smithsoninn<br />

1 wonder if chete's anorher single human-made object quite so special as<br />

the kite. Kite Lines brings us che hum, rhe music of rhe line. Ir's our<br />

magazine. Tal Streeter, Amencan sculptor and kite autbonty<br />

, .

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