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<strong>Bahia</strong> <strong>Oro</strong>, <strong>Bahia</strong> <strong>Oro</strong> mini<br />

Lucidi e Pevere, 2010-<strong>2021</strong><br />

<strong>Bahia</strong> <strong>Oro</strong><br />

I tre piatti sovrapposti<br />

offrono sorprendente<br />

profondità visiva e una<br />

suggestione di fascino e<br />

rilassatezza. Le forme<br />

sfalsate richiamano la visione<br />

aerea di un arcipelago che<br />

irradia le sue sfumature<br />

concentriche sulla piatta<br />

distesa marina.<br />

Ceiling<br />

The three overlaid plates<br />

offer surprising visual depth<br />

and an impression of relaxed<br />

charm. The staggered forms<br />

suggest an aerial view of<br />

an archipelago, radiating<br />

concentric shadings across<br />

the infinite expanse of<br />

the sea.<br />

Foscarini — <strong>Bahia</strong> <strong>Oro</strong> Limited Edition<br />


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